Oh, how I wish I was at the age where I could sit on Santa's lap and tell him EVERYTHING I want... I miss those days of innocence. But now, Christmas is a time of ALREADY knowing what I'm gonna get, and knowing it's not Santa and his elves who make it... it's some poor kid in a sweatshop in Hong Kong... But now, I'm just as joygasmic as ever...

Behold my X-MAS LIST... a B.C. Rich Warlock NJ Series. That's right folks... One of THESE... The only guitar I have now is a 30-year old Gretsch (which is still a sweetass guitar... if you like playing with wicked feedback) but now I can make my garage-rock buddies jealous.

So... What is everyone gonna ask the little kid in Hong Kong --I mean... Satan... err, Santa. Yeah, what are you gonna ask the fat red guy for this year?