I've been enjoying the demo quest that came with ZC 1.90 that was created by Phantom Menace, but I've gotten stuck. I've completed the first 2 pseudo dungeons (pseudo in that they're not listed as "LEVEL" 1, 2, etc.). My list of items includes: wand, magic sword, blue ring, raft, ladder, whistle, braclet, arrows (no bow), max. of 12 bombs, large shield, and 1 key. I can get to LEVEL 2 but I still haven't found LEVEL 1. In LEVEL 2 I can get to a room where on the west wall there some odd looking circle thing and the floor has holes in it preventing my progress. I can get no further. I can't find any other dungeons or items. In the graveyard where you would get the magic sword in the first quest is toad. He tells you that you should blow the whistle in a grove of trees, but I've blown the whistle on every screen with trees that I've been to and nothing has happened. Any help would be appreciated. If the above was not enough to help you solve my problem I will elaborate upon request. Thanks.