OK, I suppose it's my turn to do the "note-to-everyone" thing.

JJ - Duh. I love you. You're sexier than any man I've ever met. And you're a freakin' hobo, too. *wink* Livin' La Vida Loca rocked the house!!!!!

Moo - Grrl...no words can do justice. I just had a blast with you this weekend, and I love ya to death, and am so blessed to have such an awesome friend like you. You're my best friend, and I'm so glad we got to hang out!! Miss you already hon!! *hugz*

Zaph & CK - I know things have been crazy with you the past month or so, and it was stressful trying to get everything together for the convention. But seriously, you guys did an awesome job and you rock so much!! We really appreciate all you did for things to work out, and it wouldn't have been the same without you!!! I love you guys so much!

Zorch - Dood, you're awesome. Whenever I think of you I just picture you with that silly grin on your face (even when you were probably getting pretty annoyed with all the people telling you to "do something" *lol*) You're nothing at all like what I thought you would be, and I'm pleasantly surprised that you're much cooler than I even imagined. So glad you came to the convention!!

Kryten - You're awesome, too. I loved when you sang for the karaoke, and you seem like such a sweet guy. Thanks again for the movies and for bein' so nice to me! Glad you came this year, too.

SB - What can I say? It was great seeing you again. I really wish we had had more time to chat, but even so I know you're a great guy and all that you do for the forums is amazing. I hope you had a nice nap on the picnic table!!

Ganonator - Hon...you are SO sweet. And funny. And wicked hot (aren't all the gay guys?! ) I'm so wicked happy I got to meet you, and you'd BETTER follow through with that idea on coming to visit me and JJ. We'd love to see ya again, and I know it would be a blast. You're awesome! I look forward to seeing how you are when you're "normal"...ie. not drinking or smoking.

Mattwdr - YOU ARE SO HOT! I can say that now, because I don't have to see the look on your face when you read that and therefore I won't be embarrassed to death. *lol* It was so neat to see a guy like you that doesn't fit the normal "gamer/computer geek" profile fit in so well with a group like us. It was an honor to meet you, and I hope I'll get to see you again soon!!

Alex - Dood, I'm glad you had such a good time at the convention. Thanks for bringing your mom along - she's so sweet! - and for coming, as well. It was great to meet you, and I'm glad you and JJ got to have fun doing that DDR that you love so much!

Dragon Fang - I really hope you enjoyed the convention! You were really quiet, but I hope you got to know people well and weren't scared off or anything. Good to meet you!!

Ibis - You're freaky and sweet and it was wonderful to meet ya face to face. *lol* Next time, bring more of those lick-stick candy things, mmkay? And thanks so much for the sweet comment earlier in this thread!!

Cyd - It was a pleasure to meet you! I can see why CK likes ya so much. You're wicked sweet, and you make the best pumpkin bread ever...I'm drooling just thinking about it! Thanks for coming and letting us meetcha, and thanks so much for all your help in the kitchen and contagious cheer throughout the weekend!

Jemsee - You're amazing. The game ideas and karaoke were a blast, and I'm so glad someone was there like you to organize that sort of thing. Your gifts and prizes never cease to amaze me - I don't think I've ever met someone as giving and thoughtful as you. As always, it was a pleasure being around you.

Geru - With a "g" sound, and not a "j" sound....*lol* It was great to meet you!! Thanks for bringing Goat there and back safely, and for bein' so nice. Oh yeah, and the pics you took came out great!!

Amber - I'm sorry we didn't get to talk more. But from what I hear you're a really sweet girl, and I really hope you had a memorably great time at the convention! Next year we'll make it a plan to talk and hang out more, ok? :)

Balzac - You sure are quiet! But it was really fun playing Croquet with ya and I hope you had a great time!!

Goat - The talk in the gazebo with me and moo after golf really impressed me. You're a sweetheart, and so much fun to be around!! We'll definitely have to talk more and hang out again soon, ok? Take care of mooie for me, and keep being the great guy that you are!


I had an awesome time again this year, and I miss everyone already. It sucks to only have one weekend to hang out because there's just so much to do and so little time. I can't wait until next year, and I hope that you all had as much fun as I did!!!

/me hugs everyone tightly