...and it can ruin your whole day.
Got up early this morning as I have been doing for the past few days to work on some of the convention things.
But first I went out to the garden to check on a few things and saw the tomatoes were busting out of the tops of the milk jugs I cover then with when I first plant them.
When they get to this point I use a utility knife to cut off the tops.
It was a brand new knife, just got it yesterday, it slipped and cut my hand just behind the thumb.
Deep and long and I knew it needed stitches.
Wrapped my hand in a rag and drove myself to the emergency room 10 miles away.
Got 12 stitches and a tetanus shot. (What fun).
While the doc (who was vary nice) did his work it occurred to me that I would not be able to go swimming this weekend at the convention. Funny what you think of at times like these.

For those who would like to take a peek at my injury click here.

It is not that bad looking just a bunch of stitches.
Surprisingly it does not hurt much. Although I have had other wounds that don't hurt right away, but start to throb later, so we'll see I guess.