after having fooled around with beta 187 for a lil bit, i have some suggestions for the next beta, 188:
1. Make an NPC creator/editor just like Kratheous's mock ups (& get rid of them as enemies, since it wouldn't be necessary); it'd go under the menu heading quest; Quest->Graphics->NPCs
2. If thats a long shot, then at least for the next beta make NPC solid/unwalkable so link can't go right through them
3. Fix the link sprites editor so that you can actually choose the sprites & see them clearly; for now, you can only see the pound tiles unless you hold down an arrow key & also, when clicking on the sprites, they do not change
4. Focus Largely on polishing up the newest features & fixing bugs--like the link tile mods, the NPCs, etc. i highly recommend somehow getting temporary message strings to trigger when pressing A near an NPC or something (or when coming in contact)
5. Also focus on new items--a second 'whistle' type (see the initial data menu); long & short hookshots; implement the other two spells (farore's wind & nayru's love); amulet 2; and more items to fill in the gaps for the 4 or 5 empty items slots for the revision 2 subscreen
Aside from all this stuff (which is mainly stuff that is planned on), i would like to see arrow counters, NPC dialogues, info tags in strings, such as $rupees (which would be replaced with the # of rupees link currently has when playing the quest), Mask, so that certain NPCs can talk to you; perhaps if we get a NPC editor, we can have a check box to make it so that it won't trigger the screen unless Link is wearing a 'mask' item; electric rod item! :)