I recently recieved a Japanese postcard from (who I'm pretty damn sure is) my Jap teacher (they went away to japan for X-mas and they are the only Japanese person I know :) ) I'm having a bit of trouble translating it.

This is the whole message -
Ikabaru-sanhe asamashite amedetou (now here is where I am stuck)

I'm pretty sure it breaks into Kanji (which I'm not too great at reading) at this point. here is what it looks like -

yori (as part of one word?).

Can anyone help me translate this?
Also, If I can find it ont he net, I'll post a picture of my Postcard.

EDIT - I found a picture, but it's not very big -

EDIT2 - through more searching I found that the kanji Stood for Kitamura. Thus the full message is -

Ikabaru-sanhe asamashite amedetou Kitamura yori

or should there be a space in between the 'san' and 'he' ?