When statue combos are removed from a screen, fireballs continue to come out of the position the statute combo occupied.

In particular, I set up a cell that rapidly switches between a slashable and a C statute combo. After slashing, it turns into a walkable combo, but the walkable combo continues to act as though it were a statue.

Also, I've realized why we do need bush animation when we have animated combos. Animated combos dont work perfectly for the bush slash idea because animated combos constantly animate with the game clock; slashing a bush at the wrong time can put you in the middle of the animation instead of at the front. This causes problems with virtually ALL combo animation meant to occur when link slashes, bombs, or steps on something; they pick up in the middle of the animation, instead of at the start.

Is there any way to make it so that when animated combos first appear on a screen, they begin animating from their first frame regardless of what time it is?
