Yes, I know that I've posted this before, but I didn't get much response. I'm just curious, because Suikoden is my absolute favorite game.

For those of you who don't know Suikoden (otherwise known as Genso Suikoden) is a Konami PSX RPG. It wasn't a big commercial game like any of the Final Fantasies, but I will tell you right here right now that as much as I like the FFs, Suikoden is a lot better.

There's also Suikoden 2 on PSX, which I also love, and Suikoden 3 on PS2 that just came out, and I own but haven't played yet (I'm anxiously waiting for Thanksgiving break).

And for those of you who are curious, Suikogaiden is a different game by Konami, but it is a side story to Suikoden (hence the "gaiden"). Unfortunatelly, Konami hasn't released them in the US, and in all likeliness, never will.