Just a heap of things in no particular order. If you've seen it on PureZC, it's the same stuff.
First we have a big zora.

I altered the eyes of the open mouthed one, since it looked kinda funky. Just like the small zora, this uses CSet 9 of any palette.

Also, if you couldn't figure it out, the blue one represents stunned.

http://teilyr.netfirms.com/tei'szoraboss.zip - .til in a zip - 6K Tiles are on page 0. Rip 'em.
Next, we have passageway tiles.

All I really did was take the ones from R2 and recolor them.


You'll need to do some light recoloring, since paint is retarded. Nothing major though.
Next are some walls, stairs and such I ripped from Orion's set..
Here's a zoomed out pic.


Starts on page 1. There's some slanted corner walls on page 2.
Finally, a new blue RS palette for your dungeons. Here's a screen.

http://teilyr.netfirms.com/rsblue.zip (.zpl in a zip)
