Fill in the Blank, 5Qusetonui5 style:

I will begin a game that you must fill in a blank with the correct answer. Be careful, as it gets harder after a few posts. Try two of them (both must be right, or you'll get one point instead of two). The person with the most points at the end goes on to the final round . If there are any ties, I will say a few things and you classify what group they are in. The person who wins the sudden death goes on to the final round. If s/he wins the final round, s/he wins!

Just to let you know, if you get one right and the other wrong, and somebody else gets the point, the game moves on to round 2. After Round 4, be prepared for a lightning round!

Here it goes: ROUND 1, begin!


#1: A city in Germany:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7 letters)

#2: The capital of Romania:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9 letters)

I will give small hints, but that's it!

Hint 1: #1 begins with "Ha".

Hint 2: #2 begins with this: Buck - k