Alphalink Wireless
We expect to start rolling out our Wireless network in July this year. The first suburbs to have access will be North Fitzroy and Clifton Hill. Adjoining suburbs will follow. Should there be sufficient demand in other areas, we will endeavour to commence a simultaneous rollout in those areas shortly after.

Product Summary:
(Please Note that these prices are indicative only and are still yet to be finalized. Prices are GST inclusive.)

Option 1.
11 Mb/s (Theoretical Limit only)
Around 200 times faster than a dial-up modem
Once off Installation Fee: We are expecting somewhere in the vicinity of $330.
Option 2.
54 Mb/s (Theoretical Limit only)
Around 1000 times faster than a dial-up modem
Once off Installation Fee: We are expecting somewhere in the vicinity of $1650.
Ongoing Subscription Fees for both Option 1 & Option 2.

$27.50 per month


$297 per year.

Data will be classified in 4 Tariffs.

Tariff 1 - Data used between 1.00 am and 8.00 am
Tariff 2 - Data used between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm
Tariff 3 - Data used between 5.00 pm and 1.00 am
Tariff 4 - Free Data available at all times.
Included Data
Each month Alphalink (Australia) Pty Ltd provides 3 Gigabytes of Included Data.

The Included Data is comprised of:

2000 Megabytes per month of Tariff 1 Data
800 Megabytes per month of Tariff 2 Data
200 Megabytes per month of Tariff 3 Data
This Included Data can only be used up to a period of one month after it was issued. Unused Data does not carry forward to the following month. Unused Data cannot be redeemed for cash or any other form of credit.

(Alphalink Members on Dial-Up Accounts currently use an average of 164 Megabytes per month)

Additional Data
Once all or part of the Included Data has been expended, Additional Data may be pre-purchased and used. Pre-purchasing the data prevents you from spending more than you plan to, or from accidentally running up a large bill.

Additional Data is pre-purchased by placing funds in credit in your account. The funds are then deducted at the appropriate Tariff depending on the time of day the Additional Data is being used. Funds will not be deducted at a particular Tariff if Included Data remains in credit in that same Tariff.

Funds placed in credit in your account can be refunded at any time. The Funds placed in credit in your account remain there until they are either expended on Additional Data or refunded.

Additional Data Pricing
Tariff 1 - 10 cents per Megabyte
Tariff 2 - 14 cents per Megabyte
Tariff 3 - 18 cents per Megabyte
Tariff 4 - Free
Product Advantages
Tariff 4 Data will vary from time to time, but generally it will mean most local traffic. What this means to you is that you can move data between yourself and other Alphalink Members connected locally (ie. Melbourne) at no cost other than your $27.50 per month rental. The Gamers will be particularly interested in this concept.

You don't need a telephone line. Those of you using dial-up Internet access usually have an additional phone line. The cost to you is the installation of the line, the monthly rental, plus phone calls you make dialling in. It is not hard to run up phone bills of $400 to $500 per year. Well you will no longer have this cost and it is not a bad way to offset the installation cost.

You are always on. Whenever you turn on your computer it will be connected to the Internet at very fast speeds. This is how it should be.

These are very exciting times for us as I hope they will be for you. A large network of permanently connected broadband customers opens a lot of doors for a whole range of new features that are currently either impossible or impractical at modem speeds.

We have hope!!!