I don't know if many of you remember or even know about it, but I made "The Lost Golden Power" about 2 years ago. And I have updated it so it runs smoothly on the latest public beta that Cyclone posted. I've fixed various bugs and such. There really shouldn't be any bugs remaining. If you've never played it you should. Whenever Cyclone gets it together in the DB (he has to delete the one in the beta section as it's complete now) I'll post a link.

Also, for anyone that has played it feel free to post any comments. It was my last quest I ever released. :p I always figured it would always be the last one I ever released, but I might make more sometime. My first quest I ever made (also the first custom quest released that wasn't done by a beta tester) was Aftermath of Ganon's attack, which isn't even in the DB. I think it was a pretty nice quest. I was one working on converting/upgrading it to LA or BS style graphics. But I lost interest in ZC around then.