God this is the last straw. This thing pisses me off to no end. So I get the thing for my birthday, and I'm thinking "wow, it's 16mb rather than 8mb".. of course the freaking box doesn't tell you that the PS2 does not recognize it unless you boot the gay thing with a cd. So everytime I wanna play a PS2 game I have to use this stupid boot cd first. But that's not the worst part. Sometimes it doesn't recognize it. Like once when I was playing Dark Cloud, all of the sudden I tried to save it and it said there was no memory card inserted! I guess it has problems reading the card when it's in slot 2 or something, which is even more gay.

But here are the worst parts. I got a PS2 DVD remote for christmas. Had to take it back b/c it required saving data to a memory card and it didn't work with this.. bah. THEN, I just got Final Fantasy X, and guess what? Game doesn't see it at all.. I tried everything.. this just pisses me off to no end! I have hated this thing since I got it but this is the last straw... I think I am just going to shell out $30 or whatever and buy a freaking Sony brand 8mb card.. at least I know that will work and it won't require booting (I don't even need the 16mb considering I have only TWO PS2 games as it is!)

God I hate this thing.. a warning to everyone, do not buy it. It is a worthless POS..