Seems like I saw someone get yelled at for discussing the weather a whyle back, but here goes;
Found the following in my inbox the other day and it made me smile.:)
I would like to share that smile with you.

The Thunderstorm

One summer evening, during a violent thunderstorm, a mother was
tucking her small boy into bed. She was about to turn off the
light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you
sleep with me tonight?"

The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. "I can't dear,"
she said. "I have to sleep in daddy's room."

A long silence was broken at last by his shaking little voice,
"The big sissy."

So would any of you want to confess to hiding under the bed during a storm?
Or maybe relate a story about an "Act of God" type of storm(ie: tornado, earthquake, close lightning strikes).

I have a few but I'll just tell this one.
Last spring I was working a town west of where I live, when the tornado warning went off. Looking up I only saw clear blue sky.
But as I turned around the Southern sky was black as night.
I quickly finished up and went into the store to be paid, and asked if the siren was a test.
Just as she ansured, she also turned on the raido. The guy came on almost screaming...
"I just ran in from outside and can confirm a tornado sighting. I saw it myself just South of here. This is a vary darangrous storm and you should take cover immediately!"

I couldn't get out of that store fast enough...not that I was scard...I wanted to see the storm! So as I go outside I join about a dozen others and walk to the nearest corner to see the storm, couldn't see much so some of us got in our cars and drove to the South side of town for a better look.
There was a good sized funnel cloud blowing dirt and trees around about 2 miles away. The cops blocked off the road so no one could get closer. A lot of power in one of those twisters.
But looking back the funny part was this guy on the radio saying "Take cover...take cover..." and all of us rubber necked on out to see.:)