Ok, here's my first one for ya, its a math questions so all you programmers out there should get it.

You are driving in a car to a party, and our only assumption is that you are free to drive at any speed you choose - no traffic jams or hitting little woodland creatures or anything like that. For the first half of the journey (i.e.half the distance) you drive at 20 miles per hour. You then realise that this is all taking way too long, and that you are going to be late for the party. You decide that you will increase your speed so that your overall average speed for the whole trip will be 40 miles per hour. How fast do you have to drive for the remaining part of your trip in order for your average speed for the whole trip to be 40 miles per hour?

Talk out loud if you wish..

J.J. Maxx


"If you can't convince them, confuse them."
- Harry S. Truman