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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #521
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkOne View Post
    Where could they have gone?
    While Katrien is saddened that her old ship cannot be salvaged, the promise of the treasure within this new vessel catches her eye. She goes back into the cabin to fetch some keepsakes, but when she returns she is distraught.
    Katrien: "Has anyone seen Wallace? I thought he was in the cabin, but there's no trace of him. His copper fry-pan is still here, he'd never go anywhere without it."
    You mention you haven't seen Zataka or Goldleaf either.
    A crewman pipes up.
    Crewman: "Yeah, KLARK is missing too. We could hear him when he was in the temple, but he didn't pop back out with us."
    Katrien orders her crew to begin immediate repairs on the vessel. She looks distressed, though.
    Katrien: "We cannot leave until we find our allies. And even so, I'm not sure we can get this boat into the water without that wizard friend of yours."
    You suggest they might be able to dig a channel to the shore, it's only about twenty feet away.
    Katrien: "Well, it's a start. Let's fix the ship first."
    If anybody knows where your friends are, it'd be that dragon. He's still sobbing on the far side of the island.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkOne View Post
    What does he have to sell?
    Most of the wares are utterly ridiculous. Snake oil promising to turn the imbiber purple and cure their scurvy, various gaudy patterns of woven cloth 'for robes', and a few enchanted objects of marginal utility.
    You see a sword similar to the one you gave to that captain for passage: it has an enchantment that illuminates the blade under certain circumstances.
    You also see a mace purported to be able to 'split the earth itself'. Reading the runes you notice that there's not an actual enchantment on the weapon; the word is literally "gibberish" and so the weapon likely flings wild magic unpredictably. The paper mage who enchanted it looks to have duped this merchant.
    One item DOES catch your attention. It's a carpet with runes embroidered in spiraling patterns. It is the same word over and over again: fly.
    "Ah, something's caught your eye I see. A fine piece of merchandise that; it's a steal at 600 platinum."
    Is this guy nuts?


    Quote Originally Posted by mrz84 View Post
    I hold the pendant towards the statue for a few minutes (concentrating as I do so) and then towards the tear (again concentrating).
    The amulet dances wildly as you concentrate on the tear. Suddenly you feel a great vortex pulling you in; you fall THROUGH the tear.
    You find yourself in a claw-foot tub, drenched in rainwater, in a ruined castle. There's a hole in the roof above you and it's raining on your head.
    Around the room you see white roses, placed lovingly in pots around this tub. Their thorny roots have overgrown the entire room and are even curling into the tub. This place has been abandoned for quite some time.
    Climbing out of the tub you knock some of the water off your armor and look about. Milani's pendant has gone quiet.

    Quote Originally Posted by mrz84 View Post
    She refuses to leave without Wallace at the very least and since Zataka saved her life (despite her protests she could handle herself), she feels an obligation to wait for him as well to repay him for it.
    Katrien goes into the cabin to collect a few keepsakes but finds that Wallace has left... without his own treasured object (a copper fry-pan). When she talks to Sancireph, she learns Zataka is also missing. Out of a sense of obligation to the latter she arranges for a search party, though there are few crewmen to spare with the repairs needed for Sancireph's merchant boat. Katrien decides that she's not needed for this work, though, and leads a party of four to the warship at the other end of the island.
    Much to her surprise, she discovers an entire new crew of men walking about, conducting repairs on this second vessel.
    Does she press on, or go back and share her discovery?


    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    This angers me greatly as I feel I can replace Katrien in his life so I use my Dominate Power on him.
    Wallace shakes his head. He then pinches his brow.
    Wallace: "No, no, no, this isn't right."
    He grabs you by the throat.
    Wallace: "My mind is not your plaything, girl!"
    Shoving you away, he flees.
    You tried to erase a relationship with a loved one. Since you're not a psionic mage, your domination was overcome by the cook's force of will as a result of this. He was unwilling to part with his attachment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    G: "I'm as surprised as you are. I plunged one of his pearls into my chest on instinct and this is the result."
    GM Text: Salamanders Response
    Salamander stares at you, dumbfounded.
    Salamander: "I had always hoped this light within you would surface. I had worried that he snuffed it out."
    Granberia: "D'Arsonius?"
    Salamander: "No, the Wyrmkiller."
    At this moment, you notice that the blade has gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    I remove the pearl and slash open a temporary tear and return to UNDINE'S ISLAND and call out to Undine and Erasmut.
    As you remove the pearl, you shrink back to what you would presume is your normal size. However, you note that you are no longer a dragonkin. Rather, you are purely elven (Selected based on player preferences and actions, change as necessary). You wonder if anyone will recognize you.
    Your tear--ripped open with white flames sent down the blade of the white stone knife--sends you through a storm of primordial chaos before depositing you inside the cabin of the Katrien's Glory. But the cabin is empty; there's no crew around.

  2. #522
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    It makes sense since the phoenix power needs a counterweight. But why you take wyrmkiller away again, it cannot disappear on it's own despite being intelligent it's persona was never a mage. It's disappearing and reappearing is my own doing using the bond between us which is not easily broken. Also the spirits know nothing about it as this isn't their original world as well ascertain events. They originate from the elemental chaos, which they are responsible for it's current state as mentioned in shade's description.

    The pinnacle spirits DO know about it, though, because Salamander has been persistently trying to separate you from the weapon. Since you were siding with Salamander, the reasonable countermeasure was to remove Wyrmkiller as the two are opposed.
    I caught a glimpse of a different post the other day, but didn't have time to read the whole of it. I know you're having a crisis of character definition, though, so here are the options available to you.

    +Dragonkin, -Phoenix
    If you're upset about Granberia losing her dragonkin characteristics, the best course of action would be to seek out Cecette. She has the prowess (with Lycaon magic) to revert you to your former state.
    However, she's not going to do this for free. This reopens the mind control plot, and also adds a dangerous complication: Cecette is going to want the phoenix pearl.
    Since you (Granberia) were able to take a pearl and reconfigure it to your own personality, Cecette will see it as an avenue to regain her draconic power (It's even worse, though, because it's charged with phoenix energy).
    So this option would remove your phoenix traits and restore your dragonkin status, but with the complication of giving Cecette leverage over you (and possibly the entire group).

    +Wyrmkiller, -Salamander
    Salamander does not trust the Wyrmkiller, and with good reason. She doesn't know the entirety of its dark power (SHADE does) but she knows it is evil and she knows that it is manipulating you (Granberia).
    Therefore, if you continue to take up the sword, Salamander will break her pact with you, as shunning is the only way she can hope to help you. She doesn't want to watch you destroy yourself.
    Wyrmkiller vanished because of Math magic (again). Who is moving the sword, though, and THEIR motivation, is something I am aware of which will not be revealed to you at this time.
    I can bend my plans and return the Wyrmkiller to you, but expect your contract with Salamander to break if you reclaim it.

    I know it seems like D'Arsonius is gone and you've lost your primary motivation. But there's still a free pearl floating around in probability; he's still OUT there. Becoming a phoenix has not broken this plot.
    When and if you confront him in his final incarnation is up to you.

    You are free to take any of this options, any combination of the three, or none at all.
    Follow the development which you feel is most appropriate for your character; I am prepared to handle any of these situations. I only made you a phoenix because I thought it was an interesting twist in a positive sense (like when Cecil became a Paladin in FF-IV) and I thought you would enjoy it. Again, do what you feel is best for your character.

    (Read 10-26-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-26-2015 at 04:07 PM.

  3. #523
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Wallace tries to grab my throat, but my vampirism increase my alertness, agility, and strength (and the cloak sustains this even in the day light) so I grab his arm and flip him over my head and pin him down to the ground with my body holding him still.
    R "Hmm? What was that, I didn't catch it. Feel free to repeat it."
    "Bad move, I guess this is the end for you."
    R Wallace screams for help as I plunge my fangs into his neck and drain him to a husk and then rip out his entrails and eat those too. (She's basically a cross between my two favorite mortal combat characters)

    You feel remorse at killing Wallace; you've let your emotions get the best of you and in your rage you executed an innocent man (who wasn't even a vampire) and desecrated his body.
    Concerned your actions will be found, you locate an empty barrel, stuff his body inside, and launch it out the window into the low tide surf. You then wipe your hands and face with a washcloth and toss it as well.
    It'd take some doing to link you to the murder.
    Hmm... where'd the possessed diary go? You set it down to talk to Wallace, and now you can't remember where you put it.
    ...Can't remember...
    Oh shit.

    (Read 10-26-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-26-2015 at 02:19 PM.

  4. #524
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I doesn't look like I could get any answers from the dragon. He seems unusually upset at losing the game--I wonder if there is some deeper meaning behind his choice of the game, but how to ask him is the problem. And the disappearance of the original sword (Wyrmkiller) worries me. Where did it go, and who now possesses it?

    Despite your reservations, you decide to ask the dragon why the game made him so upset. He looks at you, tearful.
    Erasmut: "It's not the game. It's you. You're going to leave now, and I'll be alone again."
    Well, he's got you there.
    Erasmut: "I hate this place. Everybody yells at me or stabs me or screams and runs away. I want to go home. But I'm too big to fit back through the hole in the toybox."
    You ask where this toybox is located.
    Erasmut: "In the water, under the grotto."
    That must be where he sent all of those sailors before. Could Zataka be there?

    The sword and the mace are of no interest to me--I am only versed in the use of one weapon and that is my glaive ((OOC: retcon that he closed the blade back into the staff when he first arrived in the desert). As for the carpet, I laugh at his price, stating that I could weave and enchant my own flying carpet for less than a tenth of that price. He will get no coin from me for any of these wares.

    The merchant seems quite upset at your mockery of his wares.
    "Well then, sir, if you're going to be like that you can WALK the rest of the way to town!"
    He pushes you out of the cart. Much to his dismay, though, you have already arrived.
    There's a massive market, sprawled out over three levels of adobe housing. If you're looking for anything in particular, you can be sure you'll find it here.
    It's a little crowded, though. Best to keep a hand on your wallet.

    (Read 10-26-15)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  5. #525
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I get my bearings and take in my surroundings. I keep my blade sheathed, but with one hand on the hilt in case of an attack.

    Holding your sword at hand, you wander out of the ruined bathroom into a hall. Windows line both walls, with the wind blowing from left to right. Strangely, no light is coming in from the windows. Because of the storm, probably.
    There are torches perched on both walls, but they burn with green flames and generate no heat. What manner of magic is this? Alas, you aren't a mage so you're not sure what to make of these.
    There's no one here. You continue down the hall and come to a grand stairwell, leading down to an entryway. From the top of the stairs you can see the doors are boarded up from the inside; could this have been the location of an ancient siege?
    Well, if it was, they certainly didn't breach the front door.
    There's an identical hall of windows in front of you, as well as a half dozen doors on the story below.
    ...It's awfully cold around here. Odd... the only thing that feels warm is Milani's Pendant.

    Surprised by the occupants of the other ship, she asks the workers who is in charge and if they have seen Wallace (she gives a brief description of him). She examines the surroundings from the entrance she came in from.

    (Read 10-26-15)
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  6. #526
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Crewman: "Yup we've seen him he's in the kitchen."
    The captain of the vessel approaches you.
    Captain: "I'm in charge here. Hello beautiful, my name is YURI."
    He winks at Katrien.
    What does she do?

    Uh oh, looks like Yuri helped himself to a body.

    Requested Dream Arc to keep things moving smoothing PMed you the details.
    Eventually: Dragonkin and Salamander/Wyrmkiller (I'll choose then)

    Amazed at my new form I take off my armor that is too big and put on a fancy dress I fine, almost looks like royalty would were it and head towards a draconic presence.

    You emerge from the vacant Katrien's Glory, expecting to see the crew working out in the grotto to prepare for another night's guard duty. Nothing.
    The whole grotto is deserted.
    It's also unusually dark. Has night fallen already? You can't see the moon or any stars; it's almost unsettling how empty the sky looks.
    The only object of note is sitting before you, stabbed into the wood of a ruined ship...

    (Read 10-26-15)

    LMAO! You gave yuri the body I was going to give him anyways, this has certainly gotten interesting.
    True, but there's something seedy about a guy who lived in a book for years and years. Rose may have bargained for more than she wanted. : P
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-26-2015 at 07:55 PM.

  7. #527
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    Katrien is taken aback at first by Yuri. However she quickly gathers her composure and demands to see Wallace.

    Katrien finds the captain unnaturally charming. She is compelled to accept his glad-handing without question.
    Yuri: "Well then, what brings you to my vessel, dilapidated as it is?"
    Odd, though, that he's constantly staring at his own reflection in a nearby mirror. What a narcissist! ...But Wallace is nowhere to be seen.
    The ship is infested with that Graveblossom weed. It also seems to be in quite the dilapidated state, as if it has been here for years.
    Katrien puts the pieces together... this must be where the frogmen were living. But they're men now, not frogmen. How? Why? ...Cecette.
    Katrien leaves the ship in a hurry, but before she departs she tells YURI to send Wallace back to her ship when he's done here.
    mrz84, I didn't see your post before I started this. It still works, though, because Yuri is a Psion and he could distract Katrien with his magic. If you disagree, we'll come up with a fix next tennis, okay?

    (Read AFTER Reply, 10-26-15)
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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  8. #528
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Despite your reservations, you decide to ask the dragon why the game made him so upset. He looks at you, tearful.
    Erasmut: "It's not the game. It's you. You're going to leave now, and I'll be alone again."
    Well, he's got you there.
    Erasmut: "I hate this place. Everybody yells at me or stabs me or screams and runs away. I want to go home. But I'm too big to fit back through the hole in the toybox."
    You ask where this toybox is located.
    Erasmut: "In the water, under the grotto."
    That must be where he sent all of those sailors before. Could Zataka be there?

    The merchant seems quite upset at your mockery of his wares.
    "Well then, sir, if you're going to be like that you can WALK the rest of the way to town!"
    He pushes you out of the cart. Much to his dismay, though, you have already arrived.
    There's a massive market, sprawled out over three levels of adobe housing. If you're looking for anything in particular, you can be sure you'll find it here.
    It's a little crowded, though. Best to keep a hand on your wallet.

    Holding your sword at hand, you wander out of the ruined bathroom into a hall. Windows line both walls, with the wind blowing from left to right. Strangely, no light is coming in from the windows. Because of the storm, probably.
    There are torches perched on both walls, but they burn with green flames and generate no heat. What manner of magic is this? Alas, you aren't a mage so you're not sure what to make of these.
    There's no one here. You continue down the hall and come to a grand stairwell, leading down to an entryway. From the top of the stairs you can see the doors are boarded up from the inside; could this have been the location of an ancient siege?
    Well, if it was, they certainly didn't breach the front door.
    There's an identical hall of windows in front of you, as well as a half dozen doors on the story below.
    ...It's awfully cold around here. Odd... the only thing that feels warm is Milani's Pendant.

    Katrien finds the captain unnaturally charming. She is compelled to accept his glad-handing without question.
    Yuri: "Well then, what brings you to my vessel, dilapidated as it is?"
    Odd, though, that he's constantly staring at his own reflection in a nearby mirror. What a narcissist! ...But Wallace is nowhere to be seen.
    The ship is infested with that Graveblossom weed. It also seems to be in quite the dilapidated state, as if it has been here for years.
    Katrien puts the pieces together... this must be where the frogmen were living. But they're men now, not frogmen. How? Why? ...Cecette.
    Katrien leaves the ship in a hurry, but before she departs she tells YURI to send Wallace back to her ship when he's done here.
    mrz84, I didn't see your post before I started this. It still works, though, because Yuri is a Psion and he could distract Katrien with his magic. If you disagree, we'll come up with a fix next tennis, okay?

    You feel remorse at killing Wallace; you've let your emotions get the best of you and in your rage you executed an innocent man (who wasn't even a vampire) and desecrated his body.
    Concerned your actions will be found, you locate an empty barrel, stuff his body inside, and launch it out the window into the low tide surf. You then wipe your hands and face with a washcloth and toss it as well.
    It'd take some doing to link you to the murder.
    Hmm... where'd the possessed diary go? You set it down to talk to Wallace, and now you can't remember where you put it.
    ...Can't remember...
    Oh shit.

    You emerge from the vacant Katrien's Glory, expecting to see the crew working out in the grotto to prepare for another night's guard duty. Nothing.
    The whole grotto is deserted.
    It's also unusually dark. Has night fallen already? You can't see the moon or any stars; it's almost unsettling how empty the sky looks.
    The only object of note is sitting before you, stabbed into the wood of a ruined ship...

  9. #529
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I attempt to comfort Erasmut. I tell him that we can't stay, we have an important task to complete, and if we don't complete, the whole world will be in danger. Then there would be nobody left to play with him. As far as him getting home, maybe he can make the hole big enough for him to get back through. He is a dragon, after all, and dragons are known to be exceptionally strong.

    The first thing I need to do is find out exactly where I am, I carry my money in a secret pocket on the inside of my robes, so there is little chance of someone stealing that (I would certainly notice a hand inside my robes). Once I find my bearings, then I can consider whether or not teleporting back to the grotto is feasible.

    (Read 10-27-15)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  10. #530
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Retro-active-continuity (rose does not feel much of anything anymore, she's been through too much)
    I figured she might have sadness because she was reaching out to Wallace as a father figure. But fine, her disposing the body was still justified, just scratch the emotional reaction.

    I approach the captain who is staring at his reflection.
    R:" "You sure are enjoying that new body my scourge of the seas, soon your have a warship at your disposal, and with my help perhaps even an entire fleet."
    I wink at him.
    Y: "Funny, you sure are easily trusting. I projected my presence into your head and you trusted me without a second thought."
    Spoiler: show
    "If you weren't an undead I could of dominating your mind already."

    Veto, this is incorrect. You have a mind, as so you are susceptible to mind magic despite your ability to hypnotize others. He has also manipulated you at least once, making you forget the location of the book.
    Being undead does not make you immune to magic.
    (I believe you have assumed immunity because he was not able to manipulate you while he was in a book. However, he was in a book; the vessel dictates casting prowess as demonstrated by Telivar and with a human body he is a much more serious threat.)
    Also, he was not sealed into the book. He put himself there as a life-saving precaution.

    R: "Because we both are after the same thing. Revenge... you're after those who sealed you in that book, and I'm after those responsible for who I am which there are three. You and I are very much alike Yuri, and I think we should help each other out."
    I wrap my one of my arms around the back of his neck and he raises his voice at me.
    Y: "Are you toying with me vampire? There are things!..."
    I remove my arm as I put my other's arm finger to his lips shushing him.
    R: " should not do for there own safety. I have respect for you and I do not have any feelings for you, doesn't me we can't pretend. And we're going to have to. That's the only way your men are letting a vampire aboard this boat. Anyways think about my proposal and come to my room when your ready to give me your answer. Ciao."
    I shake my hips as I leave the room provocatively and turn my head to say one less think with a wink.
    R: "See you around... Captain..."
    Yuri gives rose evil an smile.
    Y: "I'll think about it."

    Granberia (Dreaming)
    I reach for the sword and a voice calls out to me I turn around and see Salamander standing there her eyes tearful.
    S: "You pull that stupid sword out, and you will never see me again Granberia..."
    G: "Shut up, I'm not a kid and you can't boss me around anymore mom."
    I pull the sword out of the wall.
    S: "Very well, you are no longer my daughter. And our pact is no more."
    @CJC Good thinking, this would give me a chance to see what it's like to play without Salamander.

    Katrien, on your way back from the vessel your stopped by a wolf, a big wolf. It exhales a plume of icy cold breath.
    Snow: "Evening, I need a favor it looks eastwards towards Erasmut."
    Katrien gulps and takes a step back.
    Katrien: "Umm so that dragon a friend of yours?"
    Spoiler: show
    Snow: "No, he's older then me by far around 1000 years old or so"

    Neither Snow nor AoTH would know this.

    Snow: No, but he is clearly a lost child. Being a parent with many cubs myself this bothers me. I want you to investigate the matter I will reward you greatly."
    Katrien: "What kind of reward?"
    Snow: "Gold, and a lot of it.
    Spoiler: show
    "I am a Lycaon Magician after all. I can turn stones into gold nuggets if you want."

    Let's leave the source of Snow's riches obscure for now.

    (Read 10-27-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-27-2015 at 02:14 PM.

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