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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #501
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    @CJC let's make the book silent. "It's all in her head as it's psionic manage okay.

    Rose: "Do you have a name? What are you doing in this book?"
    Book "Ah yes, Yuri, and this book is my vessel. I am a psionic mage." (ooc: You sure you want a girls name?)
    Good point, changed from Yui to Yuri.
    R: "In otherwords this is all in my head right now."
    Y: "In a way, but i am a psionic mage. Perhaps we can make a trade."
    R: "What kind of trade?"
    Y: "I need a new body, a living body and you must interested in arcane archery, I can teach you Psionic Magic in exchange."
    R: "You have yourself a deal."
    I pocket the diary grab WALLACE and return to the warship.


    Granberia: "Be sure to tell sylph I owe you girls once we get out of here."
    Wyrmkiller: "So that's what it was, I could of sworn I sensed a dragon on the moon."
    G: "Please you common sense Wyrmkiller, they need air too."
    W: "Says the girl who turned a beach into a glass sculpture and most likely made Undine moody."
    The spirits dance around me, giggling and recycling their oxygen in a bubble as I begin exploring for wooden objects to use as a means of assimilating so I can slam into the earth like a meteor, again.

    (Read 10-20-15)

  2. #502
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Seven Pinnacles
    There are 7 pinnacles (technically six, one of them serves as there boss) residing in this dimension. Acquiring a pinnacle grants access to these abilities, if your a Mage you can control their district much more then a normal shaman could. You might gain improved abilities also. Undine might increase scrying with a water mirror for example.

    Sylph, Fairy Queen of Wind
    Energy Source: Gas
    Elemental Affinity: Electricity
    District: Air Spirits
    Pros: Increases Agility and Evasion. Can hear the voice of the wind.
    Cons: No Combat Experience
    Personality: Carefree and Playful

    Undine, Priestess of the Ocean
    Energy Source: Liquid
    Elemental Affinity: Cryonic
    District: Water Spirits
    Pros: Grants or improves the serene mind ability and underwater breathing.
    Cons: She is one of the hardest
    Personality: Moody and Sarcastic

    Salamander, Woman of Flames
    Energy Source: Fuel (Flammable Stuff)
    Elemental Affinity: Incendiary
    District: Fire Spirits
    Pros: Increases combat effectiveness. (both mundane and magical), and grants access to flame dash.
    Cons: The nature of fire is a double edged sword. If you abuse it, you may burn yourself.
    Personality: She is a good teacher, but is temperamental.

    Bawu, The Ravenous Plant
    Energy Source: Wood
    Elemental Affinity: VOID
    District: Plant Spirits
    Pros: Can eat anything, regardless of toxicity or hardness. Can speak with plants.
    Cons: Being a plant spirit he hates fire, this will carry over to you making you weak to it.
    Personality: Ravenous and Resentful

    Songbird, The Bird of Steel
    Energy Source: Metal
    Elemental Affinity: VOID "some scholars believe it to be air or electricity but there is no proof of this"
    District: Metal Spirits
    Pros: Can manipulate metal and magnetism.
    Cons: Requires concentration, plus the spirit enjoys singing.
    Personality: Obnoxious and Stupid. (He is actually quite intelligent, and simply enjoys playing dumb and taking things literal.)

    Pygmy, The Child of the Sands
    Energy Source: Stone
    Elemental Affinity: VOID
    District: Earth Spirits
    Pros: Increases Strength and Endurance, can speak with stone.
    Cons: She almost never says anything, and will simply shake or nod her head.
    Personality: Shy and Reserved.

    Shade, Spirit King
    Energy Source: VOID
    Elemental Affinity: VOID
    District: Unknown "he serves as a balance keeper, his true district is unknown. Me and CJC know what it is."
    Not much is known about Shade except that he is neutral in both a energy source and element. He rules over all spirits ensuring peace between all the six pinnacles. He is a strange spirit and does not choose to remain hidden but rather searches for 'the one' worthy of contracting him. So far none have been able to meet his expectations. Unlike the others, he has no temple.
    Personality: Protective and Brooding

    (Read 10-21-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-23-2015 at 06:18 PM. Reason: Added Appearances

  3. #503
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I search my pouch and find some of my personal trail rations and let him have whatever he wants. I turn my focus to Milani's pendant. The reaction is strange as this is the first time I have seen it react since I started my journey. The only other time it has acted like this was when in the presence of my wife, whom had powerful control over water and ice magic. However, she is not here. Which means somebody else is present with access to powerful water and ice magic. I scan the room again for any signs of anything odd.

    (Read 10-21-15)
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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  4. #504
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    You notice there is a hole in the ceiling large enough for someone with broad shoulders to fit through, above it there appears to be water unaffected by the laws of physics.
    (Read 10-21-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-22-2015 at 03:22 PM.

  5. #505
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    ((@Tamamo: I don't want to go that route with Sancireph--his sister and mother are both alive and well. His father died from an illness shortly before he was born. As he is my character I do have the final say on this and I am discarding that idea))

    I climb slowly and carefully, making to distribute my weight each time to keep the ruins from collapsing. I hear Erasmut roaring in pain in the middle of counting ((Goldleaf's attack)) but I can't see him to know what is going on. I concentrate on climbing.

    I am still too drained to use darkspace magic, so I pull up the hood of my robe to shield my eyes from the harsh sunlight and start out for the town. If I can get my bearings from there and regain some energy, I can possibly teleport back to the location I originally left.

    (Read 10-22-15)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  6. #506
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    @TheDarkOne , no problem. It's an opportunity. you decide if it happens or not.

    I eventually come to a greenhouse but it doesn't appear to have any doors.
    Granberia: "Why is there a greenhouse on the moon?"
    Wyrmkiller: "That means plant material, light her up."
    G: "This gonna be good. Aim carefully mom, we only got one shot at this."
    I snap my fingers and the Salamander and I reassimilate as the inside of the greenhouse catches fire and rocket towards the earth."
    Gigamander: "Time to impale a dragon's skull."
    Gigamander rockets back to Erasmute, aiming for it's skull with the wyrmkiller pointing forward."

    Destroying that greenhouse should have consequences. I also finished the spirit section and sent you a PM on shade.

    (Read 10-22-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-22-2015 at 06:12 PM.

  7. #507
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    (This is tennis, not an update. There's still time to get in more stuff before the update, which will be tomorrow evening.)

    Yuri's voice twitches in your head.
    Yuri: "Is that chef supposed to be my new host? He looks a little... damaged. And I poked around in your head; he's important to you."
    You think-speak, knowing the book can hear you.
    Yuri: "Two minds in one body doesn't work. One smooshes the other. Like pressing a flower in a book. You can preserve it, but it's... you know, flat."
    This is worrying news. It seems Yuri can't take a body without ousting its former occupant. It's like he's some kind of haunting spectre--a body snatcher.
    You run past Erasmut, who has taken to lifting the decks off of ships in pursuit of his playmates. You are able to bring Wallace to the warship.
    Wallace (Pulling away from you): "What are you doing, girl? Why have we come this far from the ship? Those blasted frogmen will get us out here, not to mention the giant dragon!"
    You point to the captain of the warship, and Wallace just drops his jaw.
    Wallace (To the captain): "Uhh... hello there."

    You do note a gaping hole in the ceiling. Seawater should be flooding into the chamber, but it remains perfectly sustained above your head. It is as if a powerful force is twisting the water around the temple, preventing more from gaining entry.
    ...But then where did all of the water that's currently IN the temple come from?
    You take the grateful crewman with you out into the hall, which is a straight line of similar chambers leading to a stairwell leading DOWN.
    There's nothing particularly interesting about these chambers (the doors are closed, so you can search them if you wish). You notice, however, that the bizarre WEED increases in concentration the further down the hall you look. By the stairs the walls are absolutely coated in it.
    As you head in that direction the pendant dances with more fervor.

    After careful scaling, you reach the top of the ship ruins. Victory is within reach!
    But... where'd the sword go? It's like it just vanished.
    With some quick thinking, you stab one of your swords into the wreck and place your hands on it, shouting "I let all the oxen free!".
    Erasmut turns in your direction and sees you.
    Erasmut: "Aww man! How'd you get up there so quickly?! I... I..."
    He lowers his head sadly.
    Erasmut: "Two out of three? Three out of five?"
    His eyes are almost pleading.
    Erasmut: "...Okay, you win."
    Down on the ground, you see a grand symbol of darkness form on the ground. From it, a score of crewmembers appear. Odd... GOLDLEAF and ZATAKA are not among them.
    Erasmut flies to the far end of the grotto and curls into a spiral, sobbing.
    It seems you've won the ship.

    You start walking east, towards the port city. The sun is in your eyes, so you turn your vision to your feet, relying on your footprints to guide you.
    The desert isn't sandy, but rather an arid plain of cracked rock.
    As the sun beats down on you, you begin to see mirages on the horizon. Thankfully your scry magic is potent enough for you to shrug these off as illusions.
    It's going to be a long walk, you can't even see the city yet.
    Still, something's bothering you. There's a single raven flying in the air above you. You swear that it's following you.

    Gigamander plummets towards the grotto like a meteor. However, when she notices the blade in her hand is WYRMKILLER, she flinches and deflects her trajectory with a gout of flame.
    She crashes into the sea, creating a giant spherical pocket of steam. At this point, Salamander breaks from you, returning you to the form of Granberia.
    Salamander: "Wyrmkiller?! Dammit Beri, do you know what I went through to get that sword away from you?"
    Wyrmkiller: "Come now, Salamander. Don't you want to join my crusade?"
    Salamander: "Ugh, I almost fell for it too. Get out of my head, beast!"
    You finally recognize that the Wyrmkiller has been TALKING to you. That's sort of odd, isn't it? For a sword to have an agenda? Most of them go about cutting things or killing things, but this one's talking about a crusade?
    You ask Salamander what she means about separating you from the sword.
    Salamander: "Black powder, Beri? You think I wanted you stranded on some island? It was worth it to get you apart from that thing, and now you're swinging it around again!"
    You both look around and notice that your pocket of air is being maintained by a thick shell of ice around the edges.
    Salamander: "Oh... oh no."
    Undine: "I thought I told you to get to work."
    The walls of ice erupt jagged spears of frost, narrowly missing you. More are forming to launch.

  8. #508
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Salamander roars at Undine, but then envelops Granberia in flames and whisks her to the safety of her own (Salamander's) temple, an onyx structure within the heart of a volcano. Salamander then departs to get help for Granberia's burns.

    Spoiler: show
    Granberia to wounded to move is impaled in the chest by ice spear causing Salamander to scream in rage, she shatters the spear with a flame and cauterizes my wound and uses her warmth to heal my internal organs.
    S: "Any one who hurts, my daughter, gets there arse kick, get out here Undine."
    U: "You want to challenge me? Really Salamander, I can put your flames out easily."
    Salamander's flames roar powered by her emotions and love for her daughter. She is a lion protecting her cub.
    U: "This power! No way you don't have any energy in here! Enough screwing around I'm serious now do your best sis, your gonna need it."
    S: "Gladly."

    Yes I'm bringing in shade. Have fun!

    I wrote the update before you changed it, so I changed it back.

    I explain to Yuri with my thoughts that I actually plan to have him consume the captain and introduce Wallace to the the crew. I tell the Captain he is a cook and he brought food with him to cook you guys something to eat as I'm sure you're starving. As for me, I decide to forgo supper and simply drink a vial.

    He didn't bring the seaweed, and the captain is still charmed. I have one vial left now btw.

    (Read 10-23-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-23-2015 at 06:16 PM.

  9. #509
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I briefly examine each door along the way, cautious of any possible danger. The increase of the number of weeds concerns me greatly, but I press on towards the end of the hall. I grasp my pendant for a moment before continuing onward.

    (Read 10-23-15)
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  10. #510
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I was thinking. Since you're in Undine's temple. And your magic has a Cryonic Affinity you might be a good match for Undine. May'be you can do something about this seaweed. But that's up to you and cjc.

    (Read 10-23-15)

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