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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #331
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Rule Clarification:

    General: Leaving and Rejoining the Game
    If you wish to leave the game, you needn't fret. You do not even need to announce your departure. Every time you miss an update, I will reduce the length of your next prompt (Prompt lengths are usually proportionate to the amount of text you supply). After a few missed updates, I'll assume you want out and I will stop supplying prompts for your character(s).

    Rejoining the game is a little more complicated, though. When you first create a character I make an effort to insert that character into the universe, but when your character leaves it becomes your responsibility to explain why they came back. This can be as simple as reading the last few posts and saying that you passed out and woke up in the new setting, or as complex as a short story arc about time travel and magic McGuffins taking your character to Mars, whereupon he/she saved the world before popping back into the middle of a pirate ship during an epic sea battle.
    Again, the size of the prompt I will supply is roughly proportionate to the amount of material you give me.

    In other words, if I stop supplying prompts for your character I have assumed you no longer hold any interest in the game. If you do wish to resume play that is fine, but you will need to figure out how to bring your character back into the story.
    @SUCCESSOR @bigjoe @Xyvol


    Your past and present swirl in a murky vortex as you try to make sense of what is happening. The werewolf that chased away the vampire... the spirits you saw as you fled.
    Were they multiple spirits? They seemed to be everywhere you looked, but they were all identical in appearance. As you focus on this matter you discern that it was indeed a single entity: a spirit of the wolf that was chasing you and clinging to the corners of your perception.
    Your head hurts. What had the dwarf said to you when he pulled you away. He saw you sprinting blindly through the dark, then grabbed you and brought you to this... hovel.
    He said he was under attack. No, that the village was under attack. From what? You feel a flash of a memory. You were glancing up at the sky and you saw the silhouette of something big against the moon. REALLY big. You think it might have been a dragon.
    Going back to the thoughts about the wolf spirit, you note that each time it spoke it was trying to climb into one of the trees in the dead forest. It was looking for life to give it form. That must be it! The thing couldn't touch you. ...Why couldn't it touch you?
    You have a flash of insight... a memory of yourself, but not one that is familiar. It is a Rossaria bound with the beast, drinking some concoction from a clay mug. A potion. Someone brewed a potion to pull the beast away. It must be warding against the spirit's return to your body.
    But when were you such a beast? How did you even get here? The memories continue to spin and perplex you.
    Suddenly you are acutely aware of a sharp pain in your neck. You recall that a woman--another elf--introduced herself and sank her teeth into you. Is this confusion her doing? She seems familiar but she is also a stranger.
    Your left eye fills with red, as if there is blood dripping down your brow. You are in the dwarven hovel... it is a run-down place. You have faint recollections of Audamar. If this dwarf is living outside of the mountain he can't be in good standing with the town. Is he some manner of hermit?
    The elf woman--CAMILLA--is shouting at the dwarf.
    "No, NO! What have you done?! You have interrupted the process. She will become DHAMPIR, trapped between life and death!"
    The dwarf's voice echoes, as if in the distance.
    "Be silent, monster! You will not survive the night!"
    You hear the sound of trees snapping. No, not trees. Camilla has broken the dwarf's neck.
    "ROSSARIA, we are not finished. Focus on me. Come to me."
    You push her away and sprint out of the hovel. Exhilaration fills your lungs as you breath in the night air. It is as if you are feeling the world for the first time. You look into a puddle and see that your LEFT EYE has turned RED, while the right remains as it has always been--BROWN.
    The wolf spirit stands before you, body poised to strike. It looks at your eye with grief, then turns its attention to the moon above. The silhouette of the dragon lingers in the sky. With a powerful leap the spirit joins with the dragon, which begins to descend upon you.
    What do you do?


    Sancireph, the guard agrees to take you to someone in charge, but does so by leading you at the tip of his sword. You've never had to work so hard to help someone before. Don't these people care that they're about to be invaded?
    You are eventually brought to a dwarf woman behind a stack of papers. She does not take the time to look at you; she takes a page from one stack, signs it, moves it to the other stack, and then repeats.
    "Ma'am, this elf claims that some band of ogres is trying to drill their way into the city. Ridiculous, right? Should I throw him in the drunk tank?"
    She glances slightly upward, adjusting her glasses in the process.
    "Ogres? Didn't we have a problem with ogres a few weeks back?"
    She rifles through some papers.
    "Yeah, here, I have an arrest record that has ogres in the report. Some woman was leading a charge at the front gates with an army of ogres."
    She stands, and holds out her right hand to shake yours.
    "I'm EVAINE, prime minister of Audamar. I apologize for my underlings, there are always people coming and going for trade agreements and we can never be too careful."
    You explain that the ogres have been kidnapping gnomes and that they have constructed a drill to burrow into the city.
    "The ogres are still acting in an organized fashion? But we've arrested their leader? How are they still taking orders?"
    She invites you to accompany her to the city's prison, with the intention of interrogating the captured prisoner.
    You feel a faint rumble in the distance. It sounds like it came from the market.
    What will you do?

    Zataka, the guards are about to apprehend you and take you to jail for trespassing when the ceiling of the market begins to shake. You see the stone at the top of the cavern begin to give way and you are able to tackle GRINGHAM out of the way before the drill comes crashing down, shaking the ground violently as it lands. Its tip lands in the ground and continues to drill, spewing sand in all directions as it spins. Following the plummet of this machine you see ogres dropping down from the ceiling one by one. About three reach the ground before you can draw your sword, but you can see more in the opening above.
    This will be a hard fight, but there are many allies you can employ: the gnomes in their mechs, the dwarven guards, and even the greenhorn knight.
    A green ogre raises its big axe into the air. It looks like he's preparing to electrify the ground, much like before.
    How will you do battle? What commands will you give your militia?

  2. #332
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I instruct the local militia that the the defense of civilians takes top priority. Any remaining combatants are to assist in the containment of the ogres. I also shout for someone to do something about the drill if possible, though it isn't a high priority at the moment. I enchant my greatsword with wood, hoping it will help counter the electricity as this area is too densely populated to risk the earth enchantment. I leap at the green ogre in an attempt to cleave it in two.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  3. #333
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    The crash from the market area confirms my worst fear. The minister and guard also realize what is happening. Evaine instructs the guard to gather as many of his men as he can find and get to the market. She looks at me and I answer her unspoken question: "I am here to help. I will battle the ogres with you." As I rush towards the market I hear the familiar zing of a sword enchantment and realize Zataka is there already. My blades are drawn and I enter the site of the battle in time to see Zataka leap at the green ogre. The dwarven guards rush forward to battle the other ogres, and I turn my attention to the nearest one. I attempt to cripple him with a cross-slash at his legs.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  4. #334
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    My character decided to go over and approach red instead what now?
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-21-2015 at 02:28 PM.

  5. #335
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post

    My character decided to go over and approach red instead what now?
    (Red bit Rossaria and started to turn her. As a result Rossaria was thrown into a fugue state of various memories, some fractured, some clear. Red was unable to finish the turning, though, as she was tackled by the dwarf whose hovel was being occupied [she subsequently killed said dwarf]. Rossaria thus broke away from Red and, muddled, wandered out into the night, whereupon she was confronted by the wolf spirit that had been separated from her. Being half undead and still under the effects of the concoction, the spirit tried to attack, eventually settling on claiming the body of a dragon which was flying overhead.

    In other words, the transformation into a vampire is only half complete, you are in a daze, and a dragon is attacking you. I wrote the paragraph to emphasize the confusion of conflicting memories but I guess I could have been more clear)
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  6. #336
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Reaction: Identify the dragons species and try to identify a weakness.
    Action: RUN
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-22-2015 at 01:04 PM.

  7. #337
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    @mrz84 @TheDarkOne
    Zataka and Sancireph...
    The waves of ogres seem endless.
    Sancireph, you focus on crippling the enemy so that the militia can finish them while they are downed.
    Zataka, you obliterate foes with your enchanted blade. Each time they try to avoid a strike, the wood enchantment twists branches to impale them.
    The battle seems to be going in your favor despite your inferior numbers, but the day drags on with wave after wave of ogre storming the city. Some of them manage to slip deeper into the city.
    When night comes the waves stop. It seems there are no more ogres left to fight. You turn to your troops to assess the casualties.
    Several of the guards have perished. GRINGHAM also did not survive the battle. He's got a gaping hole in his chest, cauterized as if caused by a massive burst of flame. He's tightly gripping a sealed box in his hands.

    Sancireph, you remove it and open it. It contains a perfectly spherical VERIDIAN STONE and a note, which you read aloud to Zataka.
    "EVAINE, I do not know why you feel the stones need to be reunited now. Our ancestors had them separated for a reason. Even from this stone alone I feel a terrible surge of power. What doom will come if they are reunited?
    Still, you're the prime minister of Audamar and I'm just a carpenter. I suppose you know best.
    I can't make the journey myself because of my bum leg, so I'm sending your cousin GRINGHAM to deliver the stone. Be nice to him. He's got delusions of grandeur; he doesn't see the value in a crafting trade. I'm hoping this trip will break him of his fixation.
    Lots of love,
    Uncle Grant"

    Zataka, you look in the direction of the drill, which was left unattended during the battle. There is a gaping hole in the market floor, leading down to a series of prison cells. They appear to be empty, but one looks like it was recently occupied. The drill is sputtering sand in a big hole at the bottom: it looks like it broke from the second fall.

    What do you do?

    (You are now only an hour behind Tamamo)


    Rossaria, on close glance you see the dragon is of medium size and VERIDIAN in color. It is a sand dragon. This particular breed draws in boulders with a vortex inhalation, disintegrates them into sand, and then fires the sand out at high velocity. This is to your advantage as it will not be able to fire blasts while airborne. Still... it seems to be mutating as it descends. Is it... is it growing another head? It is, it's sprouting a wolf's head! The spirit! It snarls at you.
    You begin to run, but your ankle snags on an exposed root. You fall face down in the dirt, but a familiar hand helps you up. It is Red.
    Suddenly an insatiable thirst overwhelms you and you sink your teeth into her wrist. She flinches but she does not push you away.
    You hear the chimera dragon behind you speak. The voice is that of the hunter spirit.
    "We were a beautiful unity of form. We were the hunt! And you've abandoned me for this... this abomination!"
    Red's eyes flash, and from her free hand a wave of green fire erupts, engulfing the dragon.
    Her magic?! That had died out years ago. How is it she was able to conjure flames? She speaks.
    "Yours was a parasitic union, spirit. Ours is one of symbiosis."
    You feel the power of blood surge through you. You are now one of the undead. Releasing Red's wrist you turn and face the beast.
    It is still blinded by the flames. You are filled with power you do not fully understand; you have not had the opportunity to explore the extent of your immortality. Fighting this dragon in your current state could be very dangerous.
    Still, the decision is up to you. Do you and Red fight the monster? Or do you flee?

  8. #338
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I mourn over the death of Gringham. I lament his loss and try to recall if he ever mentioned his uncle or this Evaine. I ask to carry the stone in its box as I will carry it to its destination in his stead once this mess with the ogres is finally resolved. I ask for the highest chain of command present and ask if there are any prisoners the ogres would have wanted to rescue and if so, where we could possibly find them for the purpose of pursuit. Once that is resolved, I thank any of the gnomish mech pilots who remain alive for their services in this time of need and that I will accept any and all consequences for what has happened in their stead. I leave Gringham's body to the dwarvish guards, asking that he be respectfully tended to and that if they can locate his uncle Grant that he be informed of what happened and that I intend to finish what he started. Once this is done, I prepare to depart to pursue the remaining ogres after a short rest.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  9. #339
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Listen Rose that dragon can't control his actions but is aware of its surroundings. Its a slave now. We need kill this thing. I nod in agreement.

    All of sudden sylvan runes start circling Red. The wolf chimeras eyes widen and it screms. NO STOP YOU STUPID ABOMINATION.

    @CJC She is doing what she did to Ebb.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-22-2015 at 09:53 PM.

  10. #340
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I consider Zataka's request to deliver the stone to Evaine, but I am concerned. I show him the letter and what it says about the possible danger of "reuniting the stones". I suspect this stone is one of a pair, and that Evaine possesses the other. Should we give her this stone? If Gringham had survived, he would have delivered it to her. However, if there is a danger, we might be averting a major catastrophe if we do not give her the stone. I ask which course of action he thinks is best.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

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