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Thread: "old-skool" game ideas

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    Sick Bug "old-skool" game ideas

    Anyone bothering to read this AND finds it interesting, play along. It can help everyone get to know each other a little AND possibly cause a new stir, ok, maybe a ripple or two, in the AGN playland. Think of two {2} classic games that you JUST COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT when you first started gaming, and that you think would make good mods to the ZCQ. Give a quick description of your ideas for the games, and anyone who reads anothers, if you know of a way to make it happen, let 'em know! Hey, WE have the power to create entire worlds, my friends, let us not squander this gift. Sharing ideas can re-inforce one of the main reasons this forum was even set up: communication. I'll start:

    Game #1: Shadowrun {SNES} I would just LOVE to adapt FASA's creation to the Zelda-style adventure/RPG. Imagine, "Gannon" as a giant troll shaman with retractable claws and quick-healing......

    Game #2: Earthbound, HELL YEAH!!! This one speaks for itself. If any of my new friends out there know of a site to grab the needed goods, or a program to rip them from ROM's, let me know how, PLEASE, as I am still new myself. I hope you find this game fun AND helpful. Later...~the rogue~

  2. #2
    Gibdo Strider1982's Avatar
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    Re: "old-skool" game ideas

    I'm kind of confused. Are you looking for tiles from those SNES games to use in ZQuest? You'd have to use some tile ripper program.

    Sorry, I just didn't understand your proposal.
    Guess I'll have to accept...A songwriter I'm not.
    'Cause this insipid tune can't express how I've sought
    To be a fine musician, and lyricist as well
    Will my songs always be so lame? I guess only time will tell.

    - One of my many dumb poems

    (Sigh)...this could have been an awseome quest...

  3. #3
    Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Marsden's Avatar
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    Re: "old-skool" game ideas

    The proposal is to name two games from our youth you couldn't live without and would like to see remade using Zelda Quest. I think. Anyway, here's mine:

    Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis) : This game got me into gaming. Come on, it was cool when you first played it. It's not now of course, what with all the extra characters and whatnot, but back then Sonic ruled! I still have a cuddly plush toy (Umm... not sure if I should have admitted that!). It would be impossible to remake in Zelda Quest, but there are some other programs doing a very good job of emulating the gameplay, with my personal recommendation being Sonic : Project Mettrix.

    Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Master System) : Wierdly. I never finished the game, and I can remember very little about it, but I do remember obsessing about it! I also remember getting mad that I hardly ever won the Rock-Paper-Sissors contest a few levels in. Grr! I can't remember what the gameplay was like, so I'm not sure if a ZQ remake is possible, but it would be nice if something at least looked like it. Ah, the memories.

    whationcewas, the best way to get graphics from games like Earthbound is to rip them yourself - make screenshots and edit the graphics from there. I'll have a skim to see if I can find any sites out there that's already done them for you, but don't be suprised if I can't find any.

    Cool idea for a thread, btw. Not sure if it'll come to anything, but it's a nice idea all the same.

    EDIT: Misread the idea. My bad. It's actually a cooler idea then I thought.
    EDIT: Here you go - a whole bunch of Earthbound graphics. If you need help with the engine or anything, then I'll have to direct you to the other forum sections, but if you're gonna go through with it, I'd be happy to lend a hand where I can.
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  4. #4
    Wizrobe DarkDragoonX's Avatar
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    Re: "old-skool" game ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by whationcewas

    Game #1: Shadowrun {SNES} I would just LOVE to adapt FASA's creation to the Zelda-style adventure/RPG. Imagine, "Gannon" as a giant troll shaman with retractable claws and quick-healing......

    THe Genesis version was way, way, waaaaaaaay better. Much more akin to the real Shadowrun than the SNES version was. The Genesis version's top-down view would make it easier to adapt to a program like ZC, as well.
    Proud sponsor of the Oh, God of hangovers.

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.