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Thread: Question about enemy spawning

  1. #1

    Question about enemy spawning

    I'm wondering if they have a flag or combo of some type that will spawn another monster besides an Armos. For example. In the quest I'm working on, I have redrawn moblins into Archer Drknuts, and in a town I have, I've made an animated image of an archer darknuts just standing there, watching the surrounding. I'd like it if someone attacks a townsperson in the room, the guards (i.e. the animated guard images) become real moblins (or the imageI've used) and attack the hero. Guess in a way, I could try to make the villagers spawn to... so they could fight back. Just thinking about. If this doesn't exist... maybe I should repost this in suggestions.

  2. #2
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    Re: Question about enemy spawning

    Well, you could make it so that the dmap that the town is on is a dungeon (so secrets are temporary) and then make it so that the villagers you can attack are combos and have a "strike" flag placed over them. Then, when you strick them, pit combos, identical to the ground, are triggered (using flag #16). This warps you to an identical screen where the molbins (the guards) spawn where you want them (by using the enemy placement flags). This is the only way i see fit for right now.
    My Zquest Tutorial
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    Working on a quest, I swear i'll finally finish one, one of these days!

    --Overworld: 60% done
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  3. #3

    Re: Question about enemy spawning

    Hrm, more complicated than I wanted, but that will still work. Besides, I already have the town in it's own dmap, it would be no porlbme just to place it in an identical one on an actual map down below.

    Now I just have to figure a way for the guards to be the same color instead of becoming the standard color of moblins...

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