Most of us here are older in life and that means more chances to accrue wealth. Lots of wealth. How rich are you? Take this test:

1) You can stop working entirely and never have to worry about money problems for the rest of your life if you're careful with it.

Pretty good.

2) You can hire someone else to make you a ZC quest contoured to your directives. Ever envied someone else being able to make very nice quests? You asked them to make another quest but they said they wouldn't have the time for it. Not a problem, you can pay them for their time spent making the quest. Lets say the quest takes 500 hours to make and you pay them $30 an hour. So that's $15,000 for a ZC quest. $15,000 is nothing to you and you don't even think twice about spending.

You must be a multi-millionaire. Well done - only the rich appreciate art and can afford to pay for it. The poor would never even consider doing this - $15,000 for a game is a joke.

3) You can afford to pay to fix all of ZC's ails. That includes re-writing the whole engine. Making modular scripting. Advertise for more people to join the community. You know? The works. This might cost a few hundred thousand dollars.

Congratulations - you must a multi-billionaire. If you built most of the wealth yourself you have my respect and I salute you.