
Here's an update of the script, that fully-emulates the Z1 message speed and text sound:

import "std.zh"

/// Fake Room Guy FFC   ///
/// v0.3                ///
/// 11th December, 2018 ///
/// By: ZoriaRPG        ///

// Instructions
//Put a solid combo down where you want the fake guy, 
//then add an ffc to the screen. 
//Set the FFC combo to the combo of a guy.
//Set its script to fakeroomguy, then as the script args:

// D0: The Screen Message to show. This is mandatory.
// D1: Override the X position of the string. This is optional.
// D2: Override the Y position of the string. This is optional.
// D3: Override the default (white in Classic) string colour. 
// D4: Override the default Z1 font.
// D5: Delay between characters output to the screen. Emulates Z1 messages. 

ffc script fakeroomguy
	void run(int zqstring, int mx, int my, int mcolour, int mfont, int delay)
		if ( !mx ) mx = 24;
		if ( !my ) my = 32;
		if ( !mcolour ) mcolour = 0x01;
		if ( !mfont ) mfont = FONT_Z1;
		if ( !delay ) delay = 8;
		int buffer[100];
		GetMessage(zqstring, buffer);
		for ( int q = 99; q > 0; --q )
			if ( buffer[q] != 0 && buffer[q] != ' ' ) break;
			else buffer[q] = 0;
		int msg[100]; int pos; int f; bool trail; bool done = false;
			++f; ++g;
			if ( !(f%delay) && !done ) 
				if ( !buffer[pos] ) 
					done = true;
					msg[pos] = buffer[pos];
					if ( buffer[pos] != 0 ) Game->PlaySound(18);
			Screen->DrawString(1, mx, my, mfont, mcolour, -1, 0, msg, 128);
...and the ZASM Script