Most of your post sounds like an armchair critic rambling about a black/white and overly simplified/generalized version of a complex topic. I think it'd be easier to just own the fact that you don't want to listen to criticism because you're not interested in making a good game outside making it very hard and entertaining for serious masochists (which might be good to those people). There's a reason the majority dismiss this type a/type b nonsense, because it's such a silly and simple solution to a complex situation and it excludes all the grey. Not to mention the ulterior and personal motives behind them of basically dismissing criticism. And bringing this up in such a thread is only making it look more like a joke at this rate.

If you truly want to make a quest for yourself, you wouldn't be spending years talking about this made up stuff because you wouldn't actually care what others think about your stuff and how they misunderstand it. If you truly made a quest for yourself, you wouldn't of uploaded it to a community you know consists of "type a" players, players that you look down upon when they give the time of day to play your public quest. It's really silly. Here's a simpler solution, since you seem to like simplicity: Just own the fact you don't want to listen to criticism. Ignore it, actually ignore it. And you might end up creating a small safe corner for yourself in the ZC community and you wouldn't be so caught up speculating what sort of motive each negative reviewer has. The fact that you saw this shitpost of a petty feud that extends beyond some terrible "type b" quest and thought this had something to do with this "type a/type b" nonsense is truly a testament to how deep the rabbit hole the idea has taken you.

Now this is truly the cherry on top.