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    one secksy boi James24's Avatar
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    Shane - no I don't quite like your analogy. I'll tell you my analogy. There was a scientist in the medieval times, I can't remember his name, who theorized that the earth was round based on the sun's movement. At the time everyone believed that the earth was flat and anyone who proclaimed otherwise was a heretic and he was promptly burned at the stake for spreading his heretical beliefs. It wasn't until Magellan conclusively proved that the Earth was round a few centuries later that he was vindicated. So here I am, just having discovered this type A/type B dichotomy and people are still believing that player taste can't be classified or predicted ahead of time.

    And I think of you as a typical type A player and your quest's taste was predicted well ahead of time. Its everything I describe a type A player's quest to be. Full of puzzles, very little to no challenge at all, lovely graphics and storyline. If this isn't stand-out proof of type A existence then I don't know what is. I never said there was anything wrong with being a type A player - it is simply what someone enjoys and prefers that's all. I don't know why you guys think there's a negative connotation associated with it.

    Dimentio - I had hoped you wouldn't ask but since you do ask I'll tell you what I think you are and why. I think you are a type A player. Evidence for this classification: 1) you wished there was a "lite" version of LoH and LoH:IE. 2) You are very graphics focussed. You touched up Nightmare's quests and offered to touch up mine. A type B player never cares about graphics that much. 3) On your recommendations thread, you don't mention any type B quests. 4) You criticized Zelda 3 over graphical issues and its title. 5) Perhaps the most telling one. You haven't written a type B quest. 6) You rated my LoH and LoH:IE but you said yourself that you never finished them. A true type B player would be so glued and intrigued that they can't put it down.

    I find it remarkable and extraordinary that I predicted the type B characteristics of Zelda 3 even before Anarchy released his quest. Look at the type B criteria and look at his Zelda 3 quest. Highly challenging, no focus on graphics, no storyline, no puzzles. Yet people still like to deny that there is type A and type B.

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    Octorok Shane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
    Shane - no I don't quite like your analogy. I'll tell you my analogy. There was a scientist in the medieval times, I can't remember his name, who theorized that the earth was round based on the sun's movement. At the time everyone believed that the earth was flat and anyone who proclaimed otherwise was a heretic and he was promptly burned at the stake for spreading his heretical beliefs. It wasn't until Magellan conclusively proved that the Earth was round a few centuries later that he was vindicated. So here I am, just having discovered this type A/type B dichotomy and people are still believing that player taste can't be classified or predicted ahead of time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
    1) you wished there was a "lite" version of LoH and LoH:IE.
    Yes, because I wished for "type a" players to see the true beauty of LoH. That, and I was naive and new to ZC at the time.
    Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
    2) You are very graphics focussed. You touched up Nightmare's quests and offered to touch up mine. A type B player never cares about graphics that much.
    What does liking of graphics have to do with liking of difficulty? If I'm so graphics focused, why do I love the classic tileset so much to the point where I'm making a classic quest as a side project. Also, I thought I was doing you a favor, but apparently only Type A's give favors. Also, see above.
    Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
    3) On your recommendations thread, you don't mention any type B quests.
    Because I'm not going to suggest a type B quest to a Type A player, and it was clear from his tastes that he was indeed a type A player.
    Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
    4) You criticized Zelda 3 over graphical issues and its title.
    Because the author has a giant fucking ego and would harass everyone over them calling Link to the Past "Zelda 3". I wasn't calling the quest ugly, I was saying it does not hold up to the standards that Zelda 2 brought in an attempt to show how hypocritical and delusional Anarchy was, cause Anarchy is a shitty human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
    5) Perhaps the most telling one. You haven't written a type B quest.
    Hey, hey, look at my profile. Notice any quests there? Nope. I have yet to make a quest *at all*. If I haven't made a quest yet, then how can I have made a Type B quest? Also, you have yet to play Hyrule Fantasy's beta I released at the expo, Hyrule Fantasy being my main quest project and quite possibly one of the most brutal of the things I've co-made with someone, especially once you get to the level 6 I made.
    Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
    6) You rated my LoH and LoH:IE but you said yourself that you never finished them. A true type B player would be so glued and intrigued that they can't put it down.
    I have indeed finished both. I made those ratings before I finished them. Also, I beat both Armageddon Quests, and Dungeon Impossible legit. I don't think I'm a pussy gamer by any reach, sorry.

    Anarchy's quest would have been better if there was no forced grinding. And yes, there is. You NEED to buy the raft. You NEED to buy the hookshot. I went through Level 1 using the bre minimum, and I would have been fine with that, if not for Anarchy saying that he *expected* you to come in with a magic shield. He expects you to grind. I'm sorry, but I have no interest in seeing how much Type A bullshit he put later in the game. He didn't make a Type B quest, he made a Type A quest and cheap buffed it to the extreme. That's why I dropped it. I have better things to do, my own quests to make (and maybe actually finish a challenge quest that I'm currently working on), than play his garbage.

    EDIT: Also James, didn't I make one demo of a challenge dungeon, that *you* tested, and said was amazing type B shit? :thinkingemoji:
    Last edited by Dimentio; 03-12-2018 at 12:48 AM.

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