Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
Finally, type A/type B goes to the very heart of your beef with Anarchy so I don't see why you find it irrelevant. If both you and Anarchy had understood and accepted the dichotomy before you had played, none of this conflict would be occurring.
I mean, most of my issues came from Anarchy calling Saffith a fucking retard and saying Saffith was a dev who ruined everything, and him calling Eddy a retard, and him telling me to fuck off when I tried to point out (polite-fully) stuff from his playthrough that I didn't like. Are any, much less all 3, based at the core of Type A/B philosophy?

This has nothing to do with me disliking his quest, it has everything to do with him being an asshole and him (a 30-something adult at least) somehow acting more childish than me (a 17 (almost 18) year old).

Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
From what I've played of Zelda 3 (up to the third dungeon), the game is possible to play without any forced rupee grinding but it takes a lot of skill. Are you 100% sure you've got the forced grinding part right Dimentio??
The forced grinding comes after level 3, IIRC. You need to grind up for a 100% required raft that costs 500 rupees to even access the overworld area with level 4 (and presumably 5 and 6), AND you need to buy the hookshot (around 100ish rupees) in order to even proceed past the first/second room in level 4. That's around the part where I quit, because the game lacked the addictiveness every other Type B quest I've played had for me. Maybe it's because it lacks the thought the other Type B quests I've played had?