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Thread: Can't launch quest by double clicking .qst file

  1. #1
    Octorok Asuna Yuuki Nagato's Avatar
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    Can't launch quest by double clicking .qst file

    Does anyone have this setup correctly?

    So I have an explorer shell opened at resources\quests\Z1 Recreations\ and I double clicked on classic_1st.qst, which spawned a msgbox titled "ZQuest Classic: I AM ERROR" which says:

    ZC Player I/O Error: No module definitions found. Please check your settings in zc.cfg
    Upon clicking OK, I get a debug error that abort() was called.

  2. #2
    Octorok Asuna Yuuki Nagato's Avatar
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    Here is my zc.cfg:

    checked_epilepsy = 1
    epilepsy_flash_reduction = 0
    load_last = 1
    use_sfx_dat = 0
    current_module = modules/classic.zmod
    And here is my base_config/zc.cfg:

    # Note: You shouldn't modify this file. Instead, modify `zc.cfg` in the folder above,
    # which will override any settings given here.
    # current_module = modules/classic.zmod
    theme_filename = themes/mooshmood.ztheme
    save_filename = zc.sav
    joystick_index = 0
    js_stick_1_x_stick = 0
    js_stick_1_x_axis = 0
    js_stick_1_x_offset = 0
    js_stick_1_y_stick = 0
    js_stick_1_y_axis = 1
    js_stick_1_y_offset = 0
    js_stick_2_x_stick = 1
    js_stick_2_x_axis = 0
    js_stick_2_x_offset = 0
    js_stick_2_y_stick = 1
    js_stick_2_y_axis = 1
    js_stick_2_y_offset = 0
    key_cheatmod_a1 = 117
    key_cheatmod_a2 = 118
    key_cheatmod_b1 = 0
    key_cheatmod_b2 = 0
    analog_movement = 1
    key_a = 26
    key_b = 24
    key_s = 67
    key_l = 17
    key_r = 23
    key_p = 75
    key_ex1 = 1
    key_ex2 = 19
    key_ex3 = 4
    key_ex4 = 3
    key_up = 84
    key_down = 85
    key_left = 82
    key_right = 83
    btn_a = 2
    btn_b = 1
    btn_s = 10
    btn_m = 9
    btn_l = 5
    btn_r = 6
    btn_p = 12
    btn_ex1 = 7
    btn_ex2 = 8
    btn_ex3 = 4
    btn_ex4 = 3
    btn_up = 13
    btn_down = 14
    btn_left = 15
    btn_right = 16
    # 0-255
    digi = 64
    # 0-255
    midi = 64
    # 0-255
    sfx = 64
    # 0-255
    emusic = 64
    # 0-3
    pan = 1
    # 1-128
    zcmusic_bufsz = 64
    # 0,1
    volkeys = 0
    # Replays
    # Record replays of new save files
    replay_new_saves = 0
    # Record new replays as debug replays
    replay_debug = 1
    # directory of replay files
    replay_file_dir = replays/
    # a replay snapshot string
    replay_snapshot = 
    # Disable all sound?
    nosound = 0
    # scaling mode for the (in zc) framebuf or (in zq/zcl) the entire screen
    # options:
    #   0: nearest-neighbor
    #   1: linear
    scaling_mode = 0
    # force scaling to always be an integer value (options: 0,1)
    scaling_force_integer = 0
    # load directly into a save slot on launch if > 0
    quickload_slot = 0
    # load directly into the last played slot (0,1)
    quickload_last = 0
    # the last played slot for the above option
    load_last = 0
    # 0,1
    epilepsy_flash_reduction = 0
    # 0,1
    vsync = 0
    # 0,1
    throttlefps = 1
    # 0,1
    translayers = 1
    # The format for screenshots
    # options:
    #   0: .bmp
    #   1: .gif
    #   2: .jpg
    #   3: .png
    #   4: .pcx
    #   5: .tga
    snapshot_format = 3
    # Whether to use keyboard, lettergrid, or extended lettergrid (0-2) for naming saves
    name_entry_mode = 0
    # 0,1
    showfps = 0
    # 0,1
    fastquit = 0
    # 0,1
    clicktofreeze = 1
    # 0,1
    lister_pattern_matching = 1
    # 0,1
    pause_in_background = 0
    # Resolution stuff
    window_x = 0
    window_y = 0
    window_width = 640
    window_height = 480
    save_drag_resize = 0
    drag_aspect = 1
    save_window_position = 0
    fullscreen = 0
    # color_depth = 8
    force_exit = 0
    zc_win_proc_fix = 0
    use_dwm_flush = 0
    # Screensaver stuff
    # How long until screensaver
    # 0: 5sec, 1: 15sec, 2: 30sec, 3: 45sec, 4: 1min,
    # 5: 2min, 6: 3min, 7: 4min, 8: 5min, 9: 6min,
    # 10: 7min, 11: 8min, 12: 9min, 13: 10min, 14: Never
    ss_after = 14
    # 0-6
    ss_speed = 2
    # 0-6
    ss_density = 3
    heart_beep = 1
    use_sfx_dat = 1
    save_indicator = 0
    zc_192b163_warp_compatibility = 0
    multiple_instances = 0
    # Scales for the cursor in large/small mode
    cursor_scale_large = 1.5
    cursor_scale_small = 1
    save_folder = saves
    # debug = 
    # Every this many ZASM opcodes, check for exiting keys such as 'F9'
    # Used to break out of infinite loops.
    # Lower values produce more lag, while higher values take longer to break out of infinite loops.
    ZASM_Hangcount = 1000
    # Enable for JIT-compilation of ZASM scripts. Experimental.
    jit = 0
    # Enable to JIT-compile all scripts on game init, rather than pausing the game when script is first
    # encountered.
    jit_precompile = 0
    # Number of background threads for compiling scripts.
    # -1 to set to number of available CPU threads
    # -x to set to (number of available CPU threads) / x
    # 0 to only compile on the main thread
    jit_threads = -2
    print_ZASM = 0
    ZScript_Debugger = 0
    console_on_top = 0
    monochrome_debuggers = 0
    clear_console_on_load = 1
    clear_console_on_reload = 0
    ignore_monitor_scale = 1
    driver = Default
    render_debug = 0

  3. #3
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
    Gleeok's Avatar
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    Short answer: I'm not sure.

    For the NES quests the error used to be "Not a Custom Quest" since those quests have a slightly different header value because they are not "custom" quests.
    To see if this is the case you can try opening another, but 'custom', quest using that method.

    At least this is the first thing I can think of.
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