Fun fact: Mutexes is not multi-threading. Mutex locks are the opposite of multi-threading! Bicker!!!

Quote Originally Posted by DarkDragon View Post
Okay, challenge accepted. Please post C or C++03 code that performs an atomic increment correctly on every single standard-compliant C++03 compiler on every computer architecture in the world. I will do the same for C++11
Bicker bicker bicker!!! Are you saying that c++11 is more widely supported than c? Bicker? Stuff, bicker. Nonsense! Bicker!!

P.S. Anyway, I guess newer gcc can use "__atomic*" prefix...? But clang uses "__sync*" ? ..Whatever. AFAICT they cover windows and unix toolchains so there's probably no issues there.

[edit] Keep in mind that the folks like to argue about anything and everything. At least that's what happened every time I used to stop by there.