I've started the long work on adding the following pointers, and their associated functions.

NPCData-> Read/Write or otherwise edit/use the enemy editor data by script.

ComboData-> Read/Write or otherwise edit/use the combo tables by script.

SpriteData-> Read/Write or otherwise edit/use the weapon/misc sprites data by script.

The general format for the functions is GetMember(int id) , returning the member of the class at index 'id', SetMember(int id, int v), setting the member 'id' of a given class to the value 'v'. Similarly, for arrays and flags, GetMember(int id, int index), GetMember(int id, int flag), Setmember(int id, int index, int v), SetMember(int id, int flag, int id).

All of these are set up to run through macros.