
Thus far, I have implemented the basic form of the weapon editor. I added a set of variables to the itemdata struct, and to the weapon struct, and I set weapon::weapon to pair values to weapon class objects from the itemclass struct variables for the parentitem that generated the weapon. This means that it is now possible to forward item editor properties to weapons (whew).

It also incidentally makes CreateLWeaponDx() even more potent, or the scripters.

In the item editor, you can now set the default weapon defence, and the weapon type. These are evaluaed by guys.cpp, and both (partially) work. The present issues to resolve are as follows:

Default defence overrides enemy editor. Although I designed this to use the enemy editor defence when it is not set to 'none', over the default imposed by the weapon, the evaluation is still giving the item editor default deence priority.

Double evaluations: Items set to another type, may be evaluating as both types. As an example, an arrow with a fire type, seems to evaluate as both arrow, and fire. While this may be interesting, and even useful, it can also be confusing to the user.

Link class weapons may not be evaluating with the set types and defences. I know that swords are not doing this, and I need to determine why.

There seems to be an offset issue with defences, as script 2 in the enemy editor is matching up to script 1 in the item editor.

Movement patters do nothing at present. I did prepare a way to forward a weapon script from itemdata to a weapon, but until we have running weapon scripts, this is unimportant. I also started working on a way to set item and weapon sizes in the editors; and enemy sizes in the enemy editor.