In my honest opinion, I don't think it's wise to go forth with switching to AngelScript in the near future. It's been 4 years since the last big ZC release, not counting bugfixes, and I think time should be devoted into getting an update with a good amount of new features within this year, instead of spending the next couple months (at least) trying to implement a new scripting language with... not all that much to gain in the short term? Longterm, sure, it'd be easier to develop for, but if we take too long to release a new update, people will start getting bored of what they have now and eventually just start moving off to other languages. ZScript might be bad for development, yes, but the last thing we need is another 8 year gap between major releases to add in a replacement coding language people have to learn all over again. Right now, I think the highest priority should be providing a decent sized update to renew interest, or at least keep it sparked. Keeping interest in the program trumps all other concerns, to me, and improving ZScript isn't impossible (Hell, look at what Zoria has been doing the past 2.5 months. Seriously, the guy is insane, props to him).

If we were to add AngelScript in the future, or at any point in time, we need at least one team working on faster 2.50 updates in the meantime, so if it takes 2 or so years to add AngelScript, people have updates to keep them interested long enough to see the big 3.0 or whichever update. We'd also need heavy communication between the two teams to add what the "filler" 2.50 updates add, so that when AngelScript is implemented, it doesn't just feel like a downgrade compared to the current version. If anything, it should be the superior version, so to get the early adopters on to start making content (and it should be superior in a way that's not significant. I highly doubt Angelscript by itself is a "significant" sign of superiority). Actually, the dev team should make quests just to go with the update, so that when people start playing it, they have content they can play immediately, that is exclusive.

Of course, that's just my opinion. I've never been involved with marketing... anything, really, so my opinion might not be worth much.

EDIT: Also, perhaps we should poll PureZC and see what they think?