@ZoriaRPG Errors in the documentation should be corrected. If you have fixed versions of the .txts, you should submit a pull request.

As for writing to Action specifically, exposing this as a raw variable was a huge mistake, and as a writable variable, even more so. Many of Link's actions simply cannot ever be made safe to set or cancel at arbitrary times, without rewriting the Link code completely (at which point, the existing Actions may be obsolete anyway).

What will actually happen is that future code will detect when a script tries to read or write to Action, and use an emulation layer to preserve existing behavior. This is a heap of work and an instant migraine even under the best of circumstances, which is why it is critical that the current version is extremely specific about what behavior is supported, and prevents quest authors from accidentally (or intentionally) using features that could be removed or changed at any time, due to being unsupported but "just happening to work" in the current version.

This DROWNING issue perfect illustrates the problem.

If quest authors have been ignoring the documentation and using unsupported features, with a great big sigh, I will have to somehow ensure that the current (undocumented) behavior is preserved. But I'm extremely keen to firewall the damage, as thoroughly and as quickly as possible. If you have a list of Actions that people are currently trying to write to, that will help a lot.