Oh cool, thank you! I didn't even notice that link went to Zeldaclassic.com instead of dropbox now, but I appreciate it; I'd previously thought about trying to mirror it somewhere but hadn't thought of a good way on my own. It's nice to know it'll be preserved (and publically available) somewhere else too now.

(By the way, is there a filesize limit on the database? That was the main reason I kept it separate, instead of combining them when I first uploaded).

I don't know if I'll find anything else broken enough that I decide to update it again (it's gone through two patches since I released it in December, but I'm hoping I covered basically everything, since I had a lot of beta testing help before release); there's like, 6 text files (most of them slightly-modified scripts) in the second zip file I linked above, and that's it for new stuff. If you'd like me to make an updated all-in-one-zip I could, though?

Either way, thanks : )