I've been working on the merger of 2.50.x and master, and I have a major problem:

I added DrawBitmapEX to the system, and I know that my function works--it's an overly simplified placeholder--, and I'm relatively certain that I implemented it properly.


When I try to call DrawBitmapEx() in ZC, I receive this error:

Invalid ZASM Command 233 reached.

@Gleeok : Does this mean that I've hit some artificial cap in how many ZASM instructions are available in the bytecode (ASM_DEFINE)?

Here is a ZIP with all the code, and the binaries...


... and here is a quest file to demonstrate this...


Did I do anything wrongly, or is this a more complicated fix? If the bytecode table is capped out, we absolutely need to fix that so that I can reimplement all the new drawing functions. I thought that the size of the table scaled with NUMCOMMANDS...?

P.S. I erased the .sav file, and made a new one before testing this, so it's not a problem with an older save format; unless I need to adjust something in the save file definitions???