Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
I probably just forgot. >_> ...Which is why you're in charge of the enemies anyway. They're such a mess in general it's pretty easy to get confused, in my defense.

I mainly want to get a script processor in with some preprocessor support and allow ZC to compile scripts on the fly. The whole cycle of open zquest->compile scripts->save->load in zc->enter cheat->goto screen->test script->tweak script->repeat process is really annoying.

After that I don't know. Maybe replace ffcs with screen scripts or something.
I wouldn't replace ffcs, primarily because they could be very useful if implemented right. Really, they could be mini, self-contained global events that only run when referenced.

Compilation never bothered me though. I'd think that true JIT compiling would be (1) problematic to fairly implement, (2) a deviation that lends toward incompatibility, (3) slow, and (4) prone to user-error.

Frankly, ZQuest needs a proper IDE, built in to its interface. I sort of want to do that for ZScript, but it would be an insane amount of work, and I certainly wouldn't want to do it to a branch of code that is phasing out its scoped interface. :p

Also, I pretty much realised that both you, and Saffit are doing your own things, and that the end-result is sort of mashed together. This mates, is why keeping logs, at least, is important, with light docs as to what you do, have done, will do, want to do, have planned, found impossible, and so forth. This project is pretty much going to require that sort of logging.

That, or a never-ending Skype-group with all the coding participants in one place.