Ah well, that's on your end.

Here's what I did, for other people:

/// Global Constants, Arrays, and Variables

float PitsLava[256]; //Array for Holelava. Set to an arbitrarily large size. Min [2]

//Common Constant, only need to define once per script file.
const int BIG_LINK                  = 0;   //Set this constant to 1 if using the Large Link Hit Box feature.
//Constants used by Bottomless Pits & Lava.
const int CT_HOLELAVA              = 128; //Combo type to use for pit holes and lava."No Ground Enemies by default"
const int CF_PIT                   = 101;  //The combo flag to register combos as pits.
const int CF_LAVA                  = 102;  //The combo flag to register combos as lava.
const int WPS_LINK_FALL            = 89;  //The weapon sprite to display when Link falls into a pit. "Sprite 88 by default"
const int WPS_LINK_LAVA            = 90;  //The weapon sprite to display when Link drowns in lava. "Sprite 89 by default"
const int SFX_LINK_FALL            = 38;  //The sound to play when Link falls into a pit. "SFX_FALL by default"
const int SFX_LINK_LAVA            = 55;  //The sound to play when Link drowns in Lava. "SFX_SPLASH by default.
const int CMB_AUTOWARP             = 48;  //The first of your four transparent autowarp combos.
const int HOLELAVA_DAMAGE          = 8;   //Damage in hit points to inflict on link. "One Heart Container is worth 16 hit points"

//Constants for Array Accessors

//Array Indices of PitsLava[]
const int HL_FALLING               = 0;
const int HL_WARPING               = 1;
const int HL_OLDDMAP               = 2;
const int HL_OLDSCREEN             = 3;
const int HL_STARTX                = 4;
const int HL_STARTY                = 5;
const int HL_STARTDIR              = 6;

/// Global Scripts ///

global script active{                           
	void run(){
		//StartGhostZH(); //! Enable if using ghost.zh
        InitHoleLava(); //Inits Tamamo's holes and lava.
			//UpdateGhostZH1();//! Enable if using ghost.zh
			//UpdateGhostZH2(); //! Enable if using ghost.zh
			if (Link->Action != LA_SCROLLING) RunHoleLava(); //Main Tamamo Holes and Lava function.
		}//end whileloop
	}//end run
}//end global active script (slot2)


//Used to determine if Link is on a Pit or Lava combo.
int OnPitCombo()
	int comboLoc = ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y + Cond(BIG_LINK==0, 12, 8));
	if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] != CT_HOLELAVA)
		return 0;
	else if(Screen->ComboI[comboLoc] == CF_PIT || Screen->ComboI[comboLoc] == CF_LAVA)
		return Screen->ComboI[comboLoc];
	else if(Screen->ComboF[comboLoc] == CF_PIT || Screen->ComboF[comboLoc] == CF_LAVA)
		return Screen->ComboF[comboLoc];
		return 0;
//Snaps Link to the combo so he appears completely over pit and lava combos.
void SnaptoGrid()
	int x = Link->X;
	int y = Link->Y + Cond(BIG_LINK==0, 8, 0);
	int comboLoc = ComboAt(x, y);
	//X Axis
	if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] == CT_HOLELAVA && Cond(x % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+1] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->X = ComboX(comboLoc);
	else if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+1] == CT_HOLELAVA && Cond(x % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->X = ComboX(comboLoc+1);
	if(Cond(y % 16 == 0, false, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+16] == CT_HOLELAVA) && Cond(x % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+17] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->X = ComboX(comboLoc+16);
	else if(Cond(y % 16 == 0, false, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+17] == CT_HOLELAVA) && Cond(x % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+16] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->X = ComboX(comboLoc+17);
	//Y Axis
	if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] == CT_HOLELAVA && Cond(y % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+16] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->Y = ComboY(comboLoc);
	else if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+16] == CT_HOLELAVA && Cond(y % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->Y = ComboY(comboLoc+16);
	if(Cond(x % 16 == 0, false, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+1] == CT_HOLELAVA) && Cond(y % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+17] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->Y = ComboY(comboLoc+1);
	else if(Cond(x % 16 == 0, false, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+17] == CT_HOLELAVA) && Cond(y % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+1] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->Y = ComboY(comboLoc+17);

//Hole_Lava Init. Call before Waitdraw().
void InitHoleLava(){
	//Initialize variables used to store Link's strating position on Screen Init.
			PitsLava[HL_OLDDMAP] = Game->GetCurDMap();
            PitsLava[HL_OLDSCREEN] = Game->GetCurDMapScreen();
            PitsLava[HL_STARTX] = Link->X;
            PitsLava[HL_STARTY] = Link->Y;
            PitsLava[HL_STARTDIR] = Link->Dir;
			//Clear global variables used by Bottomless pits.
			PitsLava[HL_FALLING] = 0;
			PitsLava[HL_WARPING] = 0;

//Main Hole_Lava Rountine. Call after Waitdraw().
void RunHoleLava(){
    Update_HoleLava(PitsLava[HL_STARTX], PitsLava[HL_STARTY], PitsLava[HL_OLDDMAP], PitsLava[HL_OLDSCREEN], PitsLava[HL_STARTDIR]);
    if(Link->Z==0 && !PitsLava[HL_FALLING] && ( PitsLava[HL_OLDSCREEN] != Game->GetCurDMapScreen() || PitsLava[HL_OLDDMAP] != Game->GetCurDMap() ) && !OnPitCombo() )
        PitsLava[HL_OLDDMAP] = Game->GetCurDMap();
        PitsLava[HL_OLDSCREEN] = Game->GetCurDMapScreen();
        PitsLava[HL_STARTX] = Link->X;
        PitsLava[HL_STARTY] = Link->Y;
        PitsLava[HL_STARTDIR] = Link->Dir;

//Handles Pit Combo Functionality.
void Update_HoleLava(int x, int y, int dmap, int scr, int dir)
	lweapon hookshot = LoadLWeaponOf(LW_HOOKSHOT);
	if(hookshot->isValid()) return;
		if(IsSideview()) Link->Jump=0;
		if(PitsLava[HL_FALLING] == 1)
			int buffer[] = "Holelava";
				ffc f = Screen->LoadFFC(FindFFCRunning(Game->GetFFCScript(buffer)));
				PitsLava[HL_WARPING] = 1;
					f->InitD[6] = x;
					f->InitD[7] = y;
				Link->X = x;
				Link->Y = y;
				Link->Dir = dir;
				Link->DrawXOffset -= Cond(Link->DrawXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
				Link->HitXOffset -= Cond(Link->HitXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
				Link->Action = LA_GOTHURTLAND;
				Link->HitDir = -1;
				if(Game->GetCurDMap()!=dmap || Game->GetCurDMapScreen()!=scr)
				Link->PitWarp(dmap, scr);
			Link->Action = LA_NONE;
	else if(Link->Z==0 && OnPitCombo() && !PitsLava[HL_WARPING])
		Link->DrawXOffset += Cond(Link->DrawXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
		Link->HitXOffset += Cond(Link->HitXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
		int comboflag = OnPitCombo();
		Game->PlaySound(Cond(comboflag == CF_PIT, SFX_LINK_FALL, SFX_LINK_LAVA));
		lweapon dummy = CreateLWeaponAt(LW_SCRIPT10, Link->X, Link->Y);
		dummy->UseSprite(Cond(comboflag == CF_PIT, WPS_LINK_FALL, WPS_LINK_LAVA));
		dummy->DeadState = dummy->NumFrames*dummy->ASpeed;
		dummy->DrawXOffset = 0;
		dummy->DrawYOffset = 0;
		PitsLava[HL_FALLING] = dummy->DeadState;
		Link->Action = LA_NONE;

/// FFC Scripts ///

//Holes and Lava Main ffc
ffc script Holelava
	void run(int warp, bool position, int damage)
			while(!PitsLava[HL_WARPING]) Waitframe();
			if(warp > 0)
				this->Data = CMB_AUTOWARP+warp-1;
				this->Flags[FFCF_CARRYOVER] = true;
				this->Data = FFCS_INVISIBLE_COMBO;
				this->Flags[FFCF_CARRYOVER] = false;
				Link->Z = Link->Y;
				PitsLava[HL_WARPING] = 0;
				Link->DrawXOffset -= Cond(Link->DrawXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
				Link->HitXOffset -= Cond(Link->HitXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
				Link->X = this->X;
				Link->Y = this->Y;
				Link->X = this->InitD[6];
				Link->Y = this->InitD[7];
				Link->HP -= damage;
				Link->Action = LA_GOTHURTLAND;
				Link->HitDir = -1;
			Link->DrawXOffset -= Cond(Link->DrawXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
			Link->HitXOffset -= Cond(Link->HitXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
			PitsLava[HL_WARPING] = 0;
I think I got your updates in this, but I'm not sure if I incidentally missed any. I can also post accessors for the array that function like the normal variables, if you want; but you could just as well make those yourself. My goal of course, is to reduce the number of used registers, so it saves five regs to do it this way. I usually make accessors for people, so that it's easier to modify scripts, but they do waste a reg (push and pop) when calling them, so it's not as efficient as directly setting an array index.

The encapsulation likewise, makes it easy for user-Joe to integrate with other things. I also know that it does work, which is good.

I'm not sure if you approve of this at all, but I have refrained from posting it in the script DB (as a reply to your entry there) without your consent. I was going to ask if you'd mind, about six months back, but I entirely forgot until it came up again today.

So...if it's up to the present spec--I added in the extra check, but I didn't notice any other overt changes--and you don't mind that I post it to that DB entry to help out some generic users, let me know.

Otherwise, I'll just facilitate it when someone puts up another request to combine it. If you want to patch the entry in the database with exactly what you have here instead, let me know, and I'll pester someone to go in and edit it. The one on PZC is out of sync, after all.