//Include these lines once at the top of your script file.
import "std.zh"
import "ffcscript.zh"

//Common Constants, only need to define once per quest.
const int DIAGONAL_MOVEMENT     = 1; //Change this to 0 for nes movement.
const int BIG_LINK              = 0; //Set this constant to 1 if using the Large Link Hit Box feature
//Constants used by Bottomless Pits & Lava.
const int CT_HOLELAVA           = 142; //Combo type to use for pit holes and lava. "Scripted Combo 1, you can use no ground enemies if you don't use ghost.zh"
const int CF_PIT                = 98;  //The combo flag to register combos as pits.
const int CF_LAVA				= 99;  //The combo flag to register combos as lava.
const int WPS_LINK_FALL			= 88;  //The weapon sprite to display when Link falls into a pit. "Sprite 88 by default"
const int WPS_LINK_LAVA			= 89;  //The weapon sprite to display when Link drowns in lava. "Sprite 89 by default"
const int SFX_LINK_FALL			= 38;  //The sound to play when Link falls into a pit. "SFX_FALL by default"
const int SFX_LINK_LAVA			= 55;  //The sound to play when Link drowns in Lava. "SFX_SPLASH by default.
const int CMB_AUTOWARP			= 0;   //The first of your four transparent autowarp combos.
const int HOLELAVA_DAMAGE		= 8;   //Damage in hit points to inflict on link. "One Heart Container is worth 16 hit points"

//Global variables used by Bottomless Pits & Lava.
int Falling;
bool Warping;
global script slot2_holelava
	void run()
		//Initialize variables used to store Link's strating position on Screen Init.
		int returndmap = Game->GetCurDMap();
		int returnscreen = Game->GetCurDMapScreen();
		int returnx = Link->X;
		int returny = Link->Y;
		int returndir = Link->Dir;
		//Clear global variables used by Bottomless pits.
		Falling = 0;
		Warping = false;
		//Main Loop
			if(Link->Action != LA_SCROLLING)
				if(Link->Z==0 && !Falling && (returnscreen != Game->GetCurDMapScreen() || returndmap != Game->GetCurDMap()))
					if(OnPitCombo()==0) //Not having this check was causing a terrible death trap.
						returndmap = Game->GetCurDMap();
						returnscreen = Game->GetCurDMapScreen();
						returnx = Link->X;
						returny = Link->Y;
						returndir = Link->Dir;
				Update_HoleLava(returnx, returny, returndmap, returnscreen, returndir);

//This function is shared by other scripts need only once per quest.
void NesMovementFix()
	if(DIAGONAL_MOVEMENT==0 && (Link->InputUp || Link->InputDown))
		Link->InputLeft = false;
		Link->InputRight = false;
//Handles Pit Combo Functionality.
void Update_HoleLava(int x, int y, int dmap, int scr, int dir)
	lweapon hookshot = LoadLWeaponOf(LW_HOOKSHOT);
	if(hookshot->isValid()) return;
		if(IsSideview()) Link->Jump=0;
		if(Falling == 1)
			int buffer[] = "Holelava";
				ffc f = Screen->LoadFFC(FindFFCRunning(Game->GetFFCScript(buffer)));
				Warping = true;
					f->InitD[6] = x;
					f->InitD[7] = y;
				if(Game->GetCurDMap()!=dmap || Game->GetCurDMapScreen()!=scr)
					Link->PitWarp(dmap, scr);
				Link->X = x;
				Link->Y = y;
				Link->Dir = dir;
				Link->DrawXOffset -= Cond(Link->DrawXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
				Link->HitXOffset -= Cond(Link->HitXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
				Link->Action = LA_GOTHURTLAND;
				Link->HitDir = -1;
			Link->Action = LA_NONE;
	else if(Link->Z==0 && OnPitCombo() && !Warping)
		Link->DrawXOffset += Cond(Link->DrawXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
		Link->HitXOffset += Cond(Link->HitXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
		int comboflag = OnPitCombo();
		Game->PlaySound(Cond(comboflag == CF_PIT, SFX_LINK_FALL, SFX_LINK_LAVA));
		lweapon dummy = CreateLWeaponAt(LW_SCRIPT10, Link->X, Link->Y);
		dummy->UseSprite(Cond(comboflag == CF_PIT, WPS_LINK_FALL, WPS_LINK_LAVA));
		dummy->DeadState = dummy->NumFrames*dummy->ASpeed;
		dummy->DrawXOffset = 0;
		dummy->DrawYOffset = 0;
		Falling = dummy->DeadState;
		Link->Action = LA_NONE;
ffc script Holelava
	void run(int warp, bool position, int damage)
			while(!Warping) Waitframe();
			if(warp > 0)
				this->Data = CMB_AUTOWARP+warp-1;
				this->Flags[FFCF_CARRYOVER] = true;
				this->Data = FFCS_INVISIBLE_COMBO;
				this->Flags[FFCF_CARRYOVER] = false;
				Link->Z = Link->Y;
				Warping = false;
				Link->DrawXOffset -= Cond(Link->DrawXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
				Link->HitXOffset -= Cond(Link->HitXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
				Link->X = this->X;
				Link->Y = this->Y;
				Link->X = this->InitD[6];
				Link->Y = this->InitD[7];
				Link->HP -= damage;
				Link->Action = LA_GOTHURTLAND;
				Link->HitDir = -1;
			Link->DrawXOffset -= Cond(Link->DrawXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
			Link->HitXOffset -= Cond(Link->HitXOffset < 0, -1000, 1000);
			Warping = false;
//Used to determine if Link is on a Pit or Lava combo.
int OnPitCombo()
	int comboLoc = ComboAt(Link->X+8, Link->Y + Cond(BIG_LINK==0, 12, 8));
	if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] != CT_HOLELAVA)
		return 0;
	else if(Screen->ComboI[comboLoc] == CF_PIT || Screen->ComboI[comboLoc] == CF_LAVA)
		return Screen->ComboI[comboLoc];
	else if(Screen->ComboF[comboLoc] == CF_PIT || Screen->ComboF[comboLoc] == CF_LAVA)
		return Screen->ComboF[comboLoc];
		return 0;
//Snaps Link to the combo so he appears completely over pit and lava combos.
void SnaptoGrid()
	int x = Link->X;
	int y = Link->Y + Cond(BIG_LINK==0, 8, 0);
	int comboLoc = ComboAt(x, y);
	//X Axis
	if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] == CT_HOLELAVA && Cond(x % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+1] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->X = ComboX(comboLoc);
	else if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+1] == CT_HOLELAVA && Cond(x % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->X = ComboX(comboLoc+1);
	if(Cond(y % 16 == 0, false, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+16] == CT_HOLELAVA) && Cond(x % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+17] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->X = ComboX(comboLoc+16);
	else if(Cond(y % 16 == 0, false, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+17] == CT_HOLELAVA) && Cond(x % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+16] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->X = ComboX(comboLoc+17);
	//Y Axis
	if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] == CT_HOLELAVA && Cond(y % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+16] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->Y = ComboY(comboLoc);
	else if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+16] == CT_HOLELAVA && Cond(y % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->Y = ComboY(comboLoc+16);
	if(Cond(x % 16 == 0, false, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+1] == CT_HOLELAVA) && Cond(y % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+17] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->Y = ComboY(comboLoc+1);
	else if(Cond(x % 16 == 0, false, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+17] == CT_HOLELAVA) && Cond(y % 16 == 0, true, Screen->ComboT[comboLoc+1] != CT_HOLELAVA))
		Link->Y = ComboY(comboLoc+17);

// Replace the __IsPit function in ghost.zh if you us 2.8 or above.
// Pit and Lava are currently treated the same. Sorry folks.
bool __IsPit(int comboLoc)
	if(Screen->ComboT[comboLoc] == CT_HOLELAVA)
			(Screen->ComboF[comboLoc] == CF_PIT || Screen->ComboF[comboLoc] == CF_LAVA || Screen->ComboI[comboLoc] == CF_PIT || Screen->ComboI[comboLoc] == CF_LAVA);
	else return false;
*Now teleports link to the last safe screen if he immediately falls into a pit.
*The position update happens before the pitlava code now.
*Ghost_ZH Function added (at bottom)