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Thread: Villainous 2.0 (Play-By-Post)

  1. #1
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Villainous 2.0 (Play-By-Post)

    The Sorceress QUINNTESSA has summoned you to her castle in the woodland region of EGRESS. It is a warm summer night and the moon is crescent matching the banner over the castle gate. Something is wrong however. She said someone would be waiting for you at the gate where is this person? This is unusual. You notice that the draw bridge chains seem to of been broken and the gate is smashed. You hear the sound of horses approaching it's the guard. Better think fast you cannot be caught.

    Who are you and most important of all what will you do?


    In an effort to keep my creative writing skills sharp, scratch my itch to run a role-playing game, and generate activity for AGN, I am continuing my own RPG in a play-by-post free-form format with weekly updates.
    As the thread title suggests this particular RPG will be a evil PC fantasy rpg. Antiheroes, non-heroes, or villains. Be sure to note which is your preference in your first post.

    In short, this game will function similar to Sword & Sorcery except setting elaboration magic and dragons for example. The goal of the game is to tell a collective story and have fun. Every weekend, I'll post a scenario for you to react to and you'll post a response--in first person--explaining how your character reacts and what actions and reactions he or she takes and makes. As the week goes on I will provide Action-Tennis.

    Each update will be segmented into sections, with each section pertaining to one or more players. The player(s) in question will be tagged by the forum, and the first paragraph of such a section will start with the name of that player's character. You will not be required to read the paragraphs of other players (Or even their replies to the thread). I will distill any important cross-character interaction into your next scenario. If you are joining late, links to each update can be found in the second post of this thread so that you can easily jump past the responses to the new scenario. They'll be listed in reverse chronological order and they will be numbered, dated, and collected by setting.

    Rule Clarifications:

    General: Improvisation is a Staple
    You are free and ENCOURAGED to ad-lib. If a fact hasn't been established, it's fair game. If you make too wild an assumption, I will gently reel you back into the narrative. Also, if there is a non-player character and I have not stated they are LOCKED, then they are fair game; you may make them do and say what you please. Other player characters are always LOCKED, you cannot control another player's character.

    General: Summarized Conversations
    When conducting conversation with an NPC or another player, do not feel that you have to write out the literal dialogue. Posting the gist of your conversational goals is sufficient.

    General: The means through which new rules are dispensed
    I'll introduce more rules as they become necessary. When rules are introduced, they'll appear at the top of the update. The game is free-form, though, so just have fun with it. For the most part, if you want to do something your character can do it. One warning, though; if you go Marty Stu expect consequences. Also, try not to get too vulgar, there are kids on the forum (This is not the Veldt). Also, if there's a lot of interest I may split the game (and thread) into two (or more) instances.

    General: RPG Communication Mediums
    This is strictly a forum game. There will be no IRC or Skype component to this endeavor. However, you may PM me anytime if you have concerns or questions. I tend to be quite talkative and am willing to compromise.

    General: Creating Characters, Rebuilding, Retiring, Limits
    When you create a character it is good to know your name, race, gender, class, equipment etc. Give as much or little information as you which (the information I listed is NOT required, but I will keep track of everything.)
    Note that you can rebuild each character of yours Twice. (they will retain all memories).
    You can also retire them and bring in a new character. Retired character can be brought back into the game at the beginning of a story arc which I will denote.
    You can have only ONE active character for now, this is for my own sanity. Once I get a system going this will change.


    Setting Elaboration: Races
    Elves / Dark Elves
    Dwarves / Dark Dwarves
    Assimar (Fallen Angel Lineage Only)

    Settiing Elaboration: Magic
    Magic manifests why a magician utilizes the manasphere with their aspect and a implement if they choose to use one. Ritual Magic works the same way. This might seem strange, but this makes magic so flexible and ridiculous and wwe're going to have a lot of fun this way. Also you can change your aspect at anytime. Implement's must be purchased. (Hell just steal them.)

    These are how you manifest your magic. I am so damn flexible here, it's ridiculous. This can be as simple as using as staff to manifest Destruction Magic to the exotic use of voodoo dolls to entrall your enemies. In other words go wild with your Aspects. Where your magic comes from is up to you, it can be arcane knowledge or something out of Lovecraft (I've done this with Quintessa).

    These add additional effects to spells. For example a Wand of Accuracy would increase the accuracy of disguising yourself to look like someone you've seen only once. Which is Illusion Magic. The most common implements are Staffs, Wands, Orbs, Tombs, Totems, Crystals, and Rods.

    NOTE: Staffs can be both an aspect and a implement mind you.

    Setting Elaboration: Seven Schools of Magic
    Spells that transform the recipient physically or change its properties in a more subtle way. A beast magic specialist is called a shifter.
    Subschools: Transmutation (objects)

    Spells that bring creatures or materials to the caster. A conjuration specialist is called a summoner.
    Subschools: Healing, Creation

    Spells that manipulate energy and life force. A destruction specialist is called an evoker.
    Subschools: Necromancy (these are called Necromancers)

    Spells that imbue the recipient with some property or grant the caster power over another being. An enchantment specialist is called an enchanter.
    Subschools: Charm, Compulsion

    Spells that evade, protect, block, or banish. A evasion magic specialist is called an evadist.
    Subschools: Teleportation

    Spells that alter perception or create false images. in Illusion specialist is called a Illusionist.
    Subschools: Shadow (partially real illusions) these are called Nethermancers

    Spells that transfer and receive information. A scrying specialist is called a oracle.


    Locked characters
    Here is a list of the currently locked characters and the players who have access to them:

    Quinntessa = Tamamo [Pronouns: Beast Mage Call Girl of Nyarlathotep "Beast"]
    Eidos Kentarra = TheDarkOne [Pronouns: Blackguard "Unknown"]
    Gai Nohn = King Aquamentus [Pronouns: Arcane Trickster "Creation and Illusion"]

    Taras =Eidos & Game Master [Pronouns: Shadow Druid "Beast"]
    Alnur = Game Master [Pronouns: Dark Priest, "Ermac"]
    Last edited by Tamamo; 11-06-2015 at 12:45 PM. Reason: Updated Magic

  2. #2
    The Timelord
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    Character creation rules, guidelines, and limitations, please?

    Prayer == channelling, and makes sense. Good.

    Too bad you don't have a madness discipline. Nothing better than working with horrors of the old times, or from the outside.

  3. #3
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    1. You cannot be good but you can be non-evil if that's your choice.
    2. In short, there are really no limitations here. I'm about to update Quintessa's information to give you an idea of how liberal I am with the rules. (I bend them so that we all have fun, and those abusing the game are punished)
    3. Actually the mdness discipline would fall under channeling too and would lead to quite interesting character since they don't choose most of the time. They are chosen.
    4. When you create a character it is good to know your name, race, gender, class, equipment etc. Give as much or little information as you wish. (the information I listed is NOT required, I also keep track of everything so don't worry.)

    Also I lost the stuff you sent me for ZoriaRPG could you perhaps resend it. My kindle broke, need to get a new one come Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

    Added Quintessa too first post btw
    Last edited by Tamamo; 11-01-2015 at 10:33 AM.

  4. #4
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    A bolt of black lightning strikes the ground and a figure appears. He looks mostly human, but he is unusually tall and thin and his body casts no shadow. He has ice-blue eyes which almost glow. He wears dark red half-plate armor and a black cloak. He carries a platinum-hilted greatsword with a black blade, which he is currently holding skyward, with diminishing circles of black lightning swirling around it. He sheathes this sword and turns to regard the destroyed castle gate.

    ((My character's name in this is Eidos Kentarra, and he is a Blackguard, also known as an anti-paladin. His race is tiefling, look that up if you need more info))

    (Read 11-2-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 11-02-2015 at 01:35 PM.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  5. #5
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Rule Clarifications
    I feel like I'm gonna choose something and then wish I'd gone with something else
    Today we are going to fix this today.
    This is how, you can rebuild each character of yours Twice. (they will retain all memories)
    You can also retire them and bring in a new character. Retired character can be brought back into the game at the beginning of a story arc which I will denote.
    You can have only ONE active character for now, this is for my own sanity. Once I get a system going this will change.

    Setting Elaboration: Magic
    Magic manifests why a magician utilizes the manasphere with their aspect and a implement if they choose to use one. Ritual Magic works the same way. This might seem strange, but this makes magic so flexible and ridiculous and wwe're going to have a lot of fun this way. Also you can change your aspect at anytime. Implement's must be purchased. (Hell just steal them.)

    These are how you manifest your magic. I am so damn flexible here, it's ridiculous. This can be as simple as using as staff to manifest Destruction Magic to the exotic use of voodoo dolls to entrall your enemies. In other words go wild with your Aspects.

    These add additional effects to spells. For example a Wand of Accuracy would increase the accuracy of disguising yourself to look like someone you've seen only once. Which is Illusion Magic. The most common implements are Staffs, Wands, Orbs, Tombs, Totems, Crystals, and Rods.

    NOTE: Staffs can be both an aspect and a implement mind you.

    Example: Quinntessa use's her eyes as an aspect rolling them into the back of her head and speaks an ancient language that is in turn her communing with Nyarlathotep who turns her arms into tentacles.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 11-02-2015 at 10:19 AM.

  6. #6
    The Artist Once Known As Old-Skool QDB Manager
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    The Oni, Gai Nohn, had been approaching the castle with a caravan of marching fruit-pies, but snaps her fingers when she sees the damage, and the pies all flatten with a fart noise. Hiding in the woods, she decides to wait and see what happens when the guards discover the damage. Gai snickers to herself, a grin seems to be perpetually glued to her face. "Looks like someone's tried to set me up. Funny, I didn't think anyone was still alive stupid enough to do it."

    Gai Nohn - Oni
    Magic - Illusionist and Conjurer
    Sex - ...y? >v> (unknown, in truth, but appears to be a shapely female. whether this reflects any kind of truth or is just done out of perversion is not clear. Needless to say, "her" rack is ridiculous.)
    Class - sub-deity (stripped of all the invincible perks, presumably as some past punishment)
    allegiance - Chaotic

    Gai Nohn just sees the world as her own toy. It is a toy she takes good care of, but rest assured she *will* play with it. As for being any kind of use, she may help you if it amuses or entertains her. Much of what she does only really works if it is funny, ironic, etc. She won't outright heal the sick, but may distract them from their trouble with a kitten or something. She has no known aspects, though is seen twirling a plain, wooden stick through the air sometimes. the stick has no power though, so one can reasonably presume she just uses her hands.

    (Read 11-2-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 11-02-2015 at 01:34 PM.

  7. #7
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Action Tennis
    Eidos, @TheDarkOne
    As you examine the area around the castle gate you see fresh foot prints in the mud. On closer inspection something is odd about them, they appear to be pointing away from the castle in the direction of the village and they're space far a part and bare footed. This brings you to the conclusion that someone forced themselves out of the castle, rather then in. You'll need to find a way into the castle somehow, and this is the only entrance you know of. Perhaps if you get a running start you should be able to jump the moat as it's only a couple meters. (hint... hint...)

    What do you do?

    Gai, @King Aquamentus
    In the distance you see your destination, the castle. The six guards heading towards it through the woods riding horses gallop pass you. Hmm, perhaps you should toy with them a bit the woods are easy to get lost in after all.

    What do you do?

    I merged some of the schools of magic and included descriptions. There are now 7, making it even more flexible. Also added subschools.
    Channeling is now a form of manifesting magic which means you get your powers from someone or something else. This was done to fit Quinntessa's character design. Psionic Magic falls under this as well.
    Necromancy is now part of Destruction (since life force is a form of energy)
    Nethermancy is now part of Illusion, (since they are partially real, this was a mistake on my part)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 11-02-2015 at 03:08 PM.

  8. #8
    The Artist Once Known As Old-Skool QDB Manager
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    Gai frowns disappointedly. If those guards see the smashed drawbridge, all hell will break loose. With a snap of her fingers, she takes the form of a nude, greased-up Justin Beiber and rushes out in front of them. "Hahaha!!!! Catch me if you can!!!" she says in a high-pitched voice.
    Gai disguising yourself as a naked greased up 18 year old boy you manage to ruffle the horses feathers causing them to freak out. Two of the guards are bucked off and land on there heads, they appear to be unconscious now. The others managed to hold on to their reins. The two horses seemed to of escaped. The leader addresses two of the men and has them send their horses with the injured back to the village. This should slow them down. One of them begins chasing you on horseback. You've managed to slow down the other three though.

    (Read: 11-3-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 11-03-2015 at 11:03 AM.

  9. #9
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Action Tennis
    Eidos, @TheDarkOne
    You step back away from the gay and begin charging straight towards it and leap across the moat but you miss the landing and fall but someone grabs your arm. You upwards to find the Shadow Druid known as TARAS holding it with both hands and pulling it up with all her strength. With some work she pulls you up and begins explaining the situation.
    TARAS: "I arrived about two hours ago. We've been betrayed it seems, and no sign of QUINN they most likely already captured her which makes no sense since this meeting was suppose to be a well kept secret of the BLACK LODGE. Still though I don't see any sign of a struggle so it seems odd. Have you found anything on your end that may be useful?"

    How do you respond?

    Gai, @King Aquamentus
    You've managed to get the attention of one of the guards who is hot your trail. You seemingly attracted their attention and slowed them down.
    You jump behind a tree and the horse stops and the guard starts looking around.
    GUARD: "Come on out freak boy! I'm taking you in, you injured one of my friends with that stunt you pulled."
    The horse is facing away from you, so you could possibly get the drop on him and the horse.

    What do you do?

  10. #10
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I think to myself why wouldn't Quinn be here? and it occurs to me that this might not be who she seems. While she turns to look towards the gate I take a look at her ear to see if the scar behind it is present. Only one who knew Taras well would know about the scar, If this woman is an impostor, as I suspect, the scar would not be there.

    (EDIT: I want to clarify that Eidos is only looking at her ear, he does not actually touch it. With her head turned he can easily see behind her ear as most female druids keep the hair cut very short.

    "Yup, sure enough it's the real Taras, you then realize that Quinn is her nickname for Quinntessa who happens to be the owner of the castle."

    (read 11-5-15)
    Last edited by TheDarkOne; 12-26-2015 at 04:22 PM.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.