
I just wanted to say that, and say how much fun I'm currently experiencing with the ZC editor. I'm knee deep in a project right now, and still very much a newbie with the program, but I'm learning. While my first official project is probably not going to be anything to overtly special, I hope it will be decently received when it is finished.

A little about me? Hmm... without revealing too much I'm a fan of Anime, Zelda, and other entertainment containing epic story lines and fantastic adventures. The original Legend of Zelda was the first game I ever beat, and one of the first games I played when the 8 bit era hit. That probably dates me a bit, but meh. I grew up on NES, Sega Master System, and later the SNES. ALTTP is my all time favorite Zelda game. I like most of the 3D Zelda games but as I'm a child that grew with the 2D adventure titles ALTTP will always hold a special place in my heart. As a result, I was overjoyed to see some of the items from that game ended up in ZC.

I'm very open to new ideas and am looking forward to learning a lot from the experts here.