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Thread: Zelda 3: The Return of Ganon Quest

  1. #11
    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    I'm considering it, it would be easy to do with item levels and such. Though the amount is not decided.

  2. #12
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Drat, I thought that you could set items to deplete counters in the item editor, but I just checked and you can only set them to increase counters on pickup.

    Bummer. Though that seems like a feature that would be worth introducing. I think I'll suggest it.

  3. #13
    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    No, but you can set item levels, and use both the "keep lower level items" and "get all lower level items" flags to do something very close to what you're proposing. The only problem is that you can't keep collecting level 1 items to get anything more than a level 2 item, can't keep collecting level 2 items to get more than a level 3 item, and so on.

    [b]BUT/b] you can use the above mentioned flags, and have shops selling level 4 items, level 16 items, or whatever.

    I can always just bring in the magic meter if this proves an unpopular usage.

  4. #14
    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    Okay, so I gave a general idea on what the gameplay will be like, but you may want more details. So here goes:

    -Arrows are more useful, and True Arrows are enabled. But enemies won't drop them, and you must purchase them from shops (this is a late development decision I made to differentiate them from late game swords which always have the beam enabled, otherwise, they'd just be Gohma killers and little else)
    --However, they aren't very expensive, but this still means you must replenish your stock outside of dungeons (with one very important, late game exception, see below)
    -Heart Pieces and Heart Containers have had their roles swapped. You find HC's by exploration, and get HP's by beating dungeon bosses. The benefit of this is that it makes exploration more rewarding, AND it makes playing the dungeons out of order less punishing. You need to beat them all anyway, so there's no point in using a whole HC as incentive.
    --Though Heart Pieces will be 2 per Container, so as not to prolong the payoff too much.
    -Dungeons are non-linear, though you still need to find the boss key. Though, this also means you can skip the special item/items if you're not careful.
    --On that note, yes, some will have more than one special item, some may even have more than 2. However, as early game dungeons are small, don't expect this to happen too soon in the game. This will make dungeon exploration more desirable, considering that not EVERY room is necessary to enter. It also makes the map more useful, so you can use them to be sure that you have left no stone unturned, instead of finding the boss key, item, and being certain that it is time to move on.
    --But none of them will be overworld only items, though this doesn't mean that they won't be MORE useful in the overworld. Overworld only items are exclusively found in the overworld.
    -Dungeons are separated into 2 areas, the main dungeon, and the boss area, so that you can continue on the boss if you die. This probably isn't anything special, but not every quest does this. Also, with some bosses, you will be VERY thankful for this feature.
    -Don't expect damage combos to be near as prominent as they were in The Link Paradox, I've gotten a bit more creative. There will be 3 dungeons that use them this way, but 2 of them are late game dungeons(and NONE of them are the final dungeon). For the most part, they're there, but not too difficult to avoid..........mostly.
    --But also don't think you're going to have an easy time just because of this, as I said, I've gotten more creative......
    -The Level 3 Candle can burn Manhandlas and Wizzrobes.
    -The Wand, on top of doing Double the level 4 sword's damage, will one-hit kill many enemy types.
    -It will be possible to stumble upon the Lens of Truth and Stone of Agony, but a bit difficult. If you do though, they help you find the game's other secrets.
    -Clocks are temporary, but will make Peahat type enemies vulnerable.
    -You can stumble upon Minus worlds, though they are little more than easter eggs and NEVER have any special items. These are areas where I mistakenly caused a room to be exitable from a point which it should not be, but decided to leave them in the game and put in a minus world.
    -The final dungeon will be another overworld type map. Fully explorable. The objective is to find where the final boss is hiding. It will have secrets, like the main overworld, although these will mostly be easter eggs and hints, but some may be items that are a little broken (it's the final level, so why not?). There will also be shops, with an in-universe, story driven explanation for why they exist. And you might just have to collect some keys around the map before you can access the final boss' chambers, even if you do locate him.
    --There WILL be tough enemies throughout though, including several unique to this "dungeon".
    --It will also be color themed, unlike a normal overworld. It's still a numbered level after all.
    --Finally, it disables the level 1 Amulet and Whistle, meaning you will NEED the Level 2 Amulet to see the enemies, and WANT the Level 2 Whistle for fast travel.
    -You can also find the cheats in the game, though it will be vague.
    Spoiler: show
    --There is an in-universe, story driven reason that will imply as to why this appears

    --Expect them to be harder to find than the Lens or Stone, however.
    Last edited by Anarchy_Balsac; 07-20-2015 at 08:49 PM. Reason: Forgot one thing

  5. #15
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    I like that you're giving half-hearts at the end of dungeons. That's a pretty sweet idea, actually.

    Will the final dungeon have mini dungeons, since it's an overworld map? You said there might be secrets, but it would also be neat if there were microcosms of the other dungeons that you have to raid for keys or something (or--for grind-driven players--a shop that sells keys to get around it).

    Great updates, by the way. Looking forward to playing this one.

  6. #16
    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJC View Post
    I like that you're giving half-hearts at the end of dungeons. That's a pretty sweet idea, actually.

    Will the final dungeon have mini dungeons, since it's an overworld map? You said there might be secrets, but it would also be neat if there were microcosms of the other dungeons that you have to raid for keys or something (or--for grind-driven players--a shop that sells keys to get around it).

    Great updates, by the way. Looking forward to playing this one.
    Full length dungeons? No, but mini-dungeons, you know, I wasn't going to, but why not? As long as they're all small and not particularly elaborate. It's not that I don't WANT to make more elaborate ones, just, you know, it'll suck the life out of me.

    Glad you like what you're seeing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    Full length dungeons? No, but mini-dungeons, you know, I wasn't going to, but why not? As long as they're all small and not particularly elaborate.
    Yeah, I was thinking maybe 6-8 screens each. Small enough that you'd be able to fit them all on a single map. Couple rooms with enemies and then a key as the reward, ya know?
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    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    That I can easily do, I appreciate the suggestion, because yeah, I think just a little extra touch like that can be a very good thing.

  9. #19
    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    Alright, it's getting there folks, only the final dungeon and secret dungeon to go. So, what about the tone and feel of the game? Well:

    -The "Guy" in secret rooms will react in deconstructive ways. For instance, someone in a Super Bombed secret might note that his/her door sealing skills failed.
    -There will be noticeable discord within Ganon's ranks. While you won't see rebels fighting your enemies, you WILL see some of his minions selling you stuff or even giving it away. All while noting how sick they are of his abuse.
    -There are indeed twists in the story, and hints to what is REALLY going on can be found in the dungeons. On that note, minor spoilers:
    Spoiler: show
    -Ganon is not the ultimate bad guy, someone else is.
    -The Triforce of Courage's disappearance is a clue to what is really happening.
    -Zelda plays on important role, so why then, did she flee?
    -The true plot is a no fourth wall plot where YOU, not Link, are the hero, but how?

    -Those who DID play the Link Paradox may notice some references here and there.
    --I even made a few jokes at @Gleeok 's expense
    -Enemy placement is not random or based solely on challenge. On the overworld map, they have designated areas, and dungeons use a small pool of enemies. This does not mean that they can only appear in one spot, but you'll feel like they at least somewhat belong.
    --Of course, this isn't absolute, the rule serves the game, not the other way around.
    --Tektites also usually appear near a Gohma....usually.
    -A few secrets will have hints, but when that happens, there's a reason for it. Mostly, you just search blindly for them as you did in the original Zelda.
    --But expect also to have to use many of the new items, and not just the Super Bombs.
    -Passageways and item cellars aren't used much, but where they are, they will fit with the theme of the dungeon that they are in. (instead of just being the same generic ones for each use)
    Spoiler: show
    -Due to the amount of dungeons in the game (15), I had to reuse some color themes, but I at least justified this by matching up their main themes.
    --But don't worry, they will still have VERY different feels.
    ---For instance, levels 5 and 11 are both water levels, but while level 5 uses the raft, level 11 uses the flippers, and makes you wander around the perimeter for level specific keys before accessing the central part.

    -Lava does appear in the Death Mountain area, so avoid touching it.

    Alright, that's it for this update, next and last one will reveal a few last features.

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    Alright, it's time for the FINAL pre-beta announcement, this project is nearing completion, though I'll want beta testers for feedback and just in case I missed any bugs. So here goes:

    -At @CJC 's suggestion, the final level WILL have minidungeons, they will share the color scheme of the overworld portion, but not its music. They will, however, share music with one another. For a close analog, think of the Triforce dungeons in Lost Isle, but with Harsh combat, instead of puzzles, and a shared color scheme.
    -After much deliberation, I decided that the overworld only items will also work in the overworld portion of the final level, however, they WON'T work in the minidungeons and final boss' lair.
    -The Secret Level has been beaten and the recording will be posted to youtube. I won't reveal how to find it, however.........
    --On that note, most of its rooms are references either to levels 1-14, or areas of the overworld map, albiet, much more brutal
    -There is ONE Easter Egg found via Din's Fire on the overworld map, should you make it through the Secret Level
    --Good luck with that though
    -Unused Midi's are marked and left in the game for the player's extraction. Mostly just an easter egg sort of thing for you to know what tracks were originally planned for some areas.
    -Like the regular overworld, the overworld portion of the final level will be fully explorable from the start, with no need to enter any minidungeons to get anywhere but the Final Boss room. However, you will have to solve puzzles or buy a thing or two in order to access a couple of areas. But you're fully equipped to do so the moment you enter.

    Alright, until Beta Testing folks..................

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