Well, I think I've seen about what the game can do, time to review Q*Bert Rebooted:

Graphics: 8/10. It's about what you'd expect. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sound: 6/10. The same tune seems to repeat itself. They could've done better here.

Play Control: 8/10. This version of Q*Bert suffers from what every other home console version of Q*Bert has: It was custom made for the arcade stick that was in it, it is not made for the control sticks on the PS3/Vita or for NES-style control pads. It does well for what it's given, but it still leaves you #@%##%#@%@#@ at times. They did their best. If you want perfect controls, use your fighting game stick.

Challenge: 9/10. It's tough. Really tough. The classic game is of course hard being an arcade game, and the new version throws everything in the book at you starting in Stage 36. Stage 37-2, ouch. Probably gets worse from there.

Overall: 7/5/10. It's great if you are a Q*Bert fan. If you're not, you will probably pass anyway. It does fan service, doesn't really attract new players.