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    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Summary (since last update):

    Erasmut wanted to play hide and seek. Granberia fuses with the fire pinnacle Salamander and tries to drive Erasmut away, but ends up on the moon.

    Goldleaf attacks the serpent out of rage at a similar beast and is swatted away into a desert. Dragon corruption plants a scale in his hand, but he painfully removes it.

    Zataka is nearly blasted by the Granberia-Salamander fusion meteorite. Upon seeing Goldleaf swatted away, he tries to attack Erasmut but is placed in the toybox, where he follows a hall towards the source of the weeds.

    Sancireph climbs the rickety ruins and wins the game of hide and seek, driving Erasmut to fly away and cry.

    Rose collects Wallace the chef and takes him to the warship, where the former frogmen are conducting repairs to escape the grotto. She also comes across a book inhabited by the spirit of a psion, Yuri.

    Finally, Granberia recovers WYRMKILLER on the moon and tries to attack Erasmut again, but Salamander deflects the attack into the water (not wishing to obey the sword). Undine attacks, but Salamander whisks Granberia to safety.


    You check the other rooms, but is seems they’ve been emptied suddenly. You get the feeling they were inhabited just a moment ago, but you shrug and move on. Descending the stairs, you come to an altar with a statue of a woman atop it.
    Nearly every inch of the room is covered in the weeds, which sway toxically back and forth--almost breathing. Even more bizarre, though, is what’s behind the statue. There’s a, well… it’s hard to describe. It’s like the air is made of fabric and one of the seams has torn. Water is pouring out of the bottom of this rip into the room. You walk around this ‘tear’ and see that it’s just hanging in the air mysteriously. Milani’s pendant is practically hopping as you lean in.
    What do you do?

    Katrien looks around, noting that most of her crew has spontaneously appeared in the center of the grotto. She also notices that Zataka is not among them, and neither is Wallace. There’s a ship sitting tantalizingly in the center of the grotto, only partially damaged and heavy with treasure. Hmm…
    What does she do?


    You wait for Salamander to leave, and then you sigh, pulling out the sharp shard of ice that is sticking out of your gut. You moan quietly; it’s ruptured your spleen and you’re bleeding slowly. You need to cauterize the wound, but you can’t have Salamander coming back; you’re going to need Rivan for more thorough medical attention. What to do, what to do?
    …What is that.
    Is it…
    Yes. It’s one of D’Arsonius’s pearl fragments. It rolls across the floor of the temple, gently tapping your leg before stopping. It’s almost taunting you.
    “Go ahead. Use it.”
    What do you do?

    There’s really not much more to do before nightfall. You decide to put your feet up and get some rest while the former frogmen repair their ship.
    Still… you might be able to come up with something


    Victory, victory, victory! You won the contest.
    …Man, Erasmut’s pretty upset over there. Oh well, you’ve got the ship now.
    You descend the piled ruins and look for some crew to help you repair your reward.
    Katrien’s wandering around, though, and she’s smiling at your prize.
    What do you do?

    You shrug off the raven as a nuisance and continue to walk. Eventually you come across a caravan heading into the desert. A man looks at you perplexed and asks what you’re doing out here without any supplies. He offers you some water to drink, and you accept. You are slightly refreshed; you could probably cast something now.
    What do you do?

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    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Granberia: I plunge the pearl into my chest!
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-23-2015 at 07:44 PM.

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    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    (Action Tennis--this is pressing business)
    As you insert the pearl into your chest you feel an encroaching darkness wrap around you.
    It's cold and unsettling, the void energies of D'Arsonius trying to enter your body. Suddenly, you feel a flash of brilliant light swell up from within you, closing your wounds and soothing your pain. It drives the darkness away.
    The temple around you seems to be getting smaller. It's halved in size, or rather you've doubled in size. You feel a comforting wave of heat envelop you, but it is not spirit magic that is forming this shroud. No... it's something more primal.
    You launch these flames at the obsidian until it begins to reflect light like clear glass. Looking into the reflection you see not the dragonkin with which you are familiar but a brilliant golden bird, wrapped in white flames.
    You're not entirely sure what's happening, but you feel... right. Better than you've ever felt before.
    Wyrmkiller writhes on the ground, twitching. It looks like it's trying to crawl away from you.

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    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    @CJC I have a lot of questions, before continuing
    1. Am I a pheonixi now because I did something that shocked you and she; Spire Princess's pheonix, saved me?
    2. I take it the pearl inside me is gone now? What about Darcy's.
    3. Did this restore my true memories?
    4. Do dragons have blood? Darsonius sort of needs that to live off other dragons right or is he different?
    5. I'm still mortal right? That wouldn't be fair to the others.
    6. Red or Blue?

    1. You're a phoenixi now because the light of the spire princess filled you and overwhelmed the darkness of the vampiric crimson dragon. The pearl made you a dragon, but the Princess's light made you a phoenix. As for my motivations for making this happen, well... that's my business. : )

    2. Yes and no. Technically phoenixi don't have pearls, but they're born what they are. You have become a phoenix, so you possess a pearl. It is yours now, though... the piece of D'Arsonius within it has been eradicated
    (It needed to remain so you could remove it and walk around with other humans, if such ever becomes necessary)

    3. That's up to you.

    4. Yes, dragons have blood. D'Arsonius can use ANYBODY'S blood to sustain him, though, not just dragon blood.

    5. Yes, you are still mortal. Phoenixi in this setting don't rise from the ashes, their light is redirected into a new child when they die.

    6. Red.

    (Read 10-23-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-24-2015 at 03:56 PM.

  5. #5
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I ask Katrien if this vessel I have won will do to replace her ship. We will likely have to abandon the old cabin, but it's likely this merchant ship has one that is bigger. A quick look around confirms this--not only larger, but more opulent. The artifacts and money aboard the vessel are of little interest to me--if Katrien wants to claim them for herself, I have no objections. I ask the crew members that have reappeared to assist in repairing the vessel to make it seaworthy. Looking at the crew, I notice that Goldleaf and Zataka are nowhere to be seen. Where could they have gone?
    While Katrien is saddened that her old ship cannot be salvaged, the promise of the treasure within this new vessel catches her eye. She goes back into the cabin to fetch some keepsakes, but when she returns she is distraught.
    Katrien: "Has anyone seen Wallace? I thought he was in the cabin, but there's no trace of him. His copper fry-pan is still here, he'd never go anywhere without it."
    You mention you haven't seen Zataka or Goldleaf either.
    A crewman pipes up.
    Crewman: "Yeah, KLARK is missing too. We could hear him when he was in the temple, but he didn't pop back out with us."
    Katrien orders her crew to begin immediate repairs on the vessel. She looks distressed, though.
    Katrien: "We cannot leave until we find our allies. And even so, I'm not sure we can get this boat into the water without that wizard friend of yours."
    You suggest they might be able to dig a channel to the shore, it's only about twenty feet away.
    Katrien: "Well, it's a start. Let's fix the ship first."
    If anybody knows where your friends are, it'd be that dragon. He's still sobbing on the far side of the island.

    I explain to the caravan leader that I was forced through a portal to this place--but I do not mention the serpent or from where I came. I ask where they are headed.
    "We've just restocked supplies and are heading for town. You're welcome to ride with us--beats walking in this desert."
    I graciously accept his offer and climb up inside the wagon.
    "You're a wizard, aren't you? Don't look so surprised; we deal with wizards, even occasionally sell some items that they might find useful. I have a few such items now, if you want to take a look. I'll warn you, though, they don't come cheap."
    What does he have to sell?
    Most of the wares are utterly ridiculous. Snake oil promising to turn the imbiber purple and cure their scurvy, various gaudy patterns of woven cloth 'for robes', and a few enchanted objects of marginal utility.
    You see a sword similar to the one you gave to that captain for passage: it has an enchantment that illuminates the blade under certain circumstances.
    You also see a mace purported to be able to 'split the earth itself'. Reading the runes you notice that there's not an actual enchantment on the weapon; the word is literally "gibberish" and so the weapon likely flings wild magic unpredictably. The paper mage who enchanted it looks to have duped this merchant.
    One item DOES catch your attention. It's a carpet with runes embroidered in spiraling patterns. It is the same word over and over again: fly.
    "Ah, something's caught your eye I see. A fine piece of merchandise that; it's a steal at 600 platinum."
    Is this guy nuts?

    (Read 10-24-15)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  6. #6
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I grasp the pearl in my chest and close my eyes.
    Granberia: "I see, things have become very complicated."

    Memory Restoration
    1. Darsonius manipulated my memories.
    2. I am a being with multiple souls intertwined.
    A: The Spire Princess
    B: D'Arsonius "Now Eradicated"
    C: Granberia
    3. I was frozen in time for several hundred years by Salamander.
    4. One Pearl Fragment remains, and this fragment has become my own pearl and if I remove it I can revert to my other form.
    5. I have the largest meta-physical volume.

    I decide to wait for Salamander to return so she can explain what has happened.

    I go and ask the captain if there is anything I can do to help.

    Did becoming a Phoenix foil Cecette's plan?
    Of course it did!
    (Read 10-24-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-24-2015 at 07:44 PM.

  7. #7
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I examine the room a bit more, and decide to remove the weeds from the statue as best I can. I warn the crewman to stay away from the tear before I can investigate it. Once the statue is free of weeds. I turn my attention to the tear, and more importantly, Milani's Pendant. The surge in activity from it lately increasingly worries me. I hold the pendant towards the statue for a few minutes (conventratin as I do so) and then towards the tear (again concentrating).
    The amulet dances wildly as you concentrate on the tear. Suddenly you feel a great vortex pulling you in; you fall THROUGH the tear.
    You find yourself in a claw-foot tub, drenched in rainwater, in a ruined castle. There's a hole in the roof above you and it's raining on your head.
    Around the room you see white roses, placed lovingly in pots around this tub. Their thorny roots have overgrown the entire room and are even curling into the tub. This place has been abandoned for quite some time.
    Climbing out of the tub you knock some of the water off your armor and look about. Milani's pendant has gone quiet.

    Gathering her crew, she has them start to load the few belongings from her old ship into the new one and to see to any repairs that need to be made. She looks through the treasures and and artifacts while waiting for news of Zataka and Wallace. She refuses to leave without Wallace at the very least and since Zataka saved her life (despite her protests she could handle herself), she feels an obligation to wait for him as well to repay him for it.

    Katrien goes into the cabin to collect a few keepsakes but finds that Wallace has left... without his own treasured object (a copper fry-pan). When she talks to Sancireph, she learns Zataka is also missing. Out of a sense of obligation to the latter she arranges for a search party, though there are few crewmen to spare with the repairs needed for Sancireph's merchant boat. Katrien decides that she's not needed for this work, though, and leads a party of four to the warship at the other end of the island.
    Much to her surprise, she discovers an entire new crew of men walking about, conducting repairs on this second vessel.
    Does she press on, or go back and share her discovery?

    (Read 10-25-15)
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  8. #8
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I decide to walk through the kitchen and find that Wally is packing his thing.
    R: "Going somewhere."
    W: "Need to let Katrien know we found a ship."
    This angers me greatly as I feel I can replace Katrien in his life so I use my Dominate Power on him.
    R: "Whose Katrien? I don't know a Katrien. Perhaps you should stay her and take care of your daughter Rose."

    Let me explain this action a bit. There are two reasons I brought him with me: He's a cook "these men need food, and he brought some with him" and rose likes having him around.
    Wallace shakes his head. He then pinches his brow.
    Wallace: "No, no, no, this isn't right."
    He grabs you by the throat.
    Wallace: "My mind is not your plaything, girl!"
    Shoving you away, he flees.

    You tried to erase a relationship with a loved one. Since you're not a psionic mage, your domination was overcome by the cook's force of will as a result of this. He was unwilling to part with his attachment.

    Salamander appears before me, alone sensing the change in my body and opens her mouth in awe.
    S: "Darsonius presence it's gone and your a Phoenix with a Pearl!"
    G: "I'm as surprised as you are. I plunged one of his pearls into my chest on instinct and this is the result."
    GM Text: Salamanders Response
    Salamander stares at you, dumbfounded.
    Salamander: "I had always hoped this light within you would surface. I had worried that he snuffed it out."
    Granberia: "D'Arsonius?"
    Salamander: "No, the Wyrmkiller."
    At this moment, you notice that the blade has gone.

    G: "Silence, we must head back to Undine, I think I know a way to stop Erasmute from using her temple as a toy box."
    I remove the pearl and slash open a temporary tear and return to UNDINES ISLAND and call out to Undine and Erasmute.

    As you remove the pearl, you shrink back to what you would presume is your normal size. However, you note that you are no longer a dragonkin. Rather, you are purely elven (Selected based on player preferences and actions, change as necessary). You wonder if anyone will recognize you.
    Your tear--ripped open with white flames sent down the blade of the white stone knife--sends you through a storm of primordial chaos before depositing you inside the cabin of the Katrien's Glory. But the cabin is empty; there's no crew around.

    (Read 10-25-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-25-2015 at 02:56 PM.

  9. #9
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkOne View Post
    Where could they have gone?
    While Katrien is saddened that her old ship cannot be salvaged, the promise of the treasure within this new vessel catches her eye. She goes back into the cabin to fetch some keepsakes, but when she returns she is distraught.
    Katrien: "Has anyone seen Wallace? I thought he was in the cabin, but there's no trace of him. His copper fry-pan is still here, he'd never go anywhere without it."
    You mention you haven't seen Zataka or Goldleaf either.
    A crewman pipes up.
    Crewman: "Yeah, KLARK is missing too. We could hear him when he was in the temple, but he didn't pop back out with us."
    Katrien orders her crew to begin immediate repairs on the vessel. She looks distressed, though.
    Katrien: "We cannot leave until we find our allies. And even so, I'm not sure we can get this boat into the water without that wizard friend of yours."
    You suggest they might be able to dig a channel to the shore, it's only about twenty feet away.
    Katrien: "Well, it's a start. Let's fix the ship first."
    If anybody knows where your friends are, it'd be that dragon. He's still sobbing on the far side of the island.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkOne View Post
    What does he have to sell?
    Most of the wares are utterly ridiculous. Snake oil promising to turn the imbiber purple and cure their scurvy, various gaudy patterns of woven cloth 'for robes', and a few enchanted objects of marginal utility.
    You see a sword similar to the one you gave to that captain for passage: it has an enchantment that illuminates the blade under certain circumstances.
    You also see a mace purported to be able to 'split the earth itself'. Reading the runes you notice that there's not an actual enchantment on the weapon; the word is literally "gibberish" and so the weapon likely flings wild magic unpredictably. The paper mage who enchanted it looks to have duped this merchant.
    One item DOES catch your attention. It's a carpet with runes embroidered in spiraling patterns. It is the same word over and over again: fly.
    "Ah, something's caught your eye I see. A fine piece of merchandise that; it's a steal at 600 platinum."
    Is this guy nuts?


    Quote Originally Posted by mrz84 View Post
    I hold the pendant towards the statue for a few minutes (concentrating as I do so) and then towards the tear (again concentrating).
    The amulet dances wildly as you concentrate on the tear. Suddenly you feel a great vortex pulling you in; you fall THROUGH the tear.
    You find yourself in a claw-foot tub, drenched in rainwater, in a ruined castle. There's a hole in the roof above you and it's raining on your head.
    Around the room you see white roses, placed lovingly in pots around this tub. Their thorny roots have overgrown the entire room and are even curling into the tub. This place has been abandoned for quite some time.
    Climbing out of the tub you knock some of the water off your armor and look about. Milani's pendant has gone quiet.

    Quote Originally Posted by mrz84 View Post
    She refuses to leave without Wallace at the very least and since Zataka saved her life (despite her protests she could handle herself), she feels an obligation to wait for him as well to repay him for it.
    Katrien goes into the cabin to collect a few keepsakes but finds that Wallace has left... without his own treasured object (a copper fry-pan). When she talks to Sancireph, she learns Zataka is also missing. Out of a sense of obligation to the latter she arranges for a search party, though there are few crewmen to spare with the repairs needed for Sancireph's merchant boat. Katrien decides that she's not needed for this work, though, and leads a party of four to the warship at the other end of the island.
    Much to her surprise, she discovers an entire new crew of men walking about, conducting repairs on this second vessel.
    Does she press on, or go back and share her discovery?


    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    This angers me greatly as I feel I can replace Katrien in his life so I use my Dominate Power on him.
    Wallace shakes his head. He then pinches his brow.
    Wallace: "No, no, no, this isn't right."
    He grabs you by the throat.
    Wallace: "My mind is not your plaything, girl!"
    Shoving you away, he flees.
    You tried to erase a relationship with a loved one. Since you're not a psionic mage, your domination was overcome by the cook's force of will as a result of this. He was unwilling to part with his attachment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    G: "I'm as surprised as you are. I plunged one of his pearls into my chest on instinct and this is the result."
    GM Text: Salamanders Response
    Salamander stares at you, dumbfounded.
    Salamander: "I had always hoped this light within you would surface. I had worried that he snuffed it out."
    Granberia: "D'Arsonius?"
    Salamander: "No, the Wyrmkiller."
    At this moment, you notice that the blade has gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    I remove the pearl and slash open a temporary tear and return to UNDINE'S ISLAND and call out to Undine and Erasmut.
    As you remove the pearl, you shrink back to what you would presume is your normal size. However, you note that you are no longer a dragonkin. Rather, you are purely elven (Selected based on player preferences and actions, change as necessary). You wonder if anyone will recognize you.
    Your tear--ripped open with white flames sent down the blade of the white stone knife--sends you through a storm of primordial chaos before depositing you inside the cabin of the Katrien's Glory. But the cabin is empty; there's no crew around.

  10. #10
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Wallace tries to grab my throat, but my vampirism increase my alertness, agility, and strength (and the cloak sustains this even in the day light) so I grab his arm and flip him over my head and pin him down to the ground with my body holding him still.
    R "Hmm? What was that, I didn't catch it. Feel free to repeat it."
    "Bad move, I guess this is the end for you."
    R Wallace screams for help as I plunge my fangs into his neck and drain him to a husk and then rip out his entrails and eat those too. (She's basically a cross between my two favorite mortal combat characters)

    You feel remorse at killing Wallace; you've let your emotions get the best of you and in your rage you executed an innocent man (who wasn't even a vampire) and desecrated his body.
    Concerned your actions will be found, you locate an empty barrel, stuff his body inside, and launch it out the window into the low tide surf. You then wipe your hands and face with a washcloth and toss it as well.
    It'd take some doing to link you to the murder.
    Hmm... where'd the possessed diary go? You set it down to talk to Wallace, and now you can't remember where you put it.
    ...Can't remember...
    Oh shit.

    (Read 10-26-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-26-2015 at 02:19 PM.

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