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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #431
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    We commune with Lilith as planned and she thanks me for accepting her proposal.
    I go over her WITCHCRAFT book and explain some of the spells to her for about 15 minutes.
    The door opens and THE CAPTAIN dashes in the room in a change of clothes. But has forgotten to wrapped her chest to hide breast.
    "Which one of you tramps stripped me. I'm throwing that person overboard." She yells in a voice way to feminine then normal.
    "It was your new stowaway, she a vampire too. Saved you from sleeping with the fishes."
    "I shall thank her later. I owe her my life for saving me from the sharks. Never wanted this life anyways. Stupid father"
    "We need to return to the fray and care for the wounded anyways, come Navine."
    "Yes Mistress."
    "I'm coming too, that dragon is getting a beating for almost killing me."

    @CJC Remember how I said I would explain granberia being humanoid but 100% dragon it's time I do that. So hopefully you like my post tomorrow.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-03-2015 at 11:58 PM.

  2. #432
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I leap forward and grasp the stone just as I land on one of the dragon's outstretched wings. With split-second timing, due to both my aasimar heritage and my natural elven dexterity, I use the wing as a springboard to propel me back to the ship, taking the stone with me. "NOW!" I call out to Granberia as the stone is pulled from the dragon's chest.

    I raise my staff. The faceted crystal at the end, which originally appeared to be merely decorative, now begins to glow. A white light streaks out from it, striking D'Arsonius square in the chest. The light begins to envelop him but he pulls away and the light fades. I drop to my knees, drained from invoking the power from the staff. I haven't the strength to cast another spell. I can only hope the others succeed in their plan.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  3. #433
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I urge the remaining crew to withdraw to a safer distance and retain my defensive stance until after they have done so. I make sure Goldleaf is behind me as well.
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    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  4. #434
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    The dragons scream in pain as the stone is removed and both breathe one last attack in different directions one to the gun powder room and one towards Granberia. "Note that I know which is which."

    preventing either the flames or lightning from reaching their destination.

    As the body crumbles you see the familiar face of CECETTE in her elf form appear badly wounded from the battle which falls to the ground. Dragons are known to corrupt everything they touch. So it may be best to destroy her body. But still wonder if this near brush with death has changed her out look on life.

    What do you do?

    Expending you magical power at a time like this. You see the mysterious two girls that hitched a ride with your companions approach you with some medicine. It could be poisoned, but the other crew mates they treated seemed to have recovered.

    What do you do?

    @CJC You can take over now. All done. :)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-04-2015 at 01:39 PM. Reason: Spelling & Grammar

  5. #435
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    As Sancireph pulls his arm out of the sucking chest wound in the dragon's red half, he reveals the darkened CRIMSON PEARL. A dervish of scales follows, coating the deck in veridian and crimson as they fall like leaves from autumn trees. When the air clears, the unconscious human body of Cecette is visible on the deck, and the head of the red dragon--decapitated--writhes in a veil of white magic. It laughs as the energy slowly eats away at its skin.

    The decapitated head speaks, only to you.
    "So wrapped up in your rage. You can't even feel the turn of the sun. You can't imagine the possibilities."
    You shout at him, enraged.
    "Hmmm... so eager to accept what is right in front of you. Never willing to have faith in the improbable. Did it ever occur to you that the woman who died in your arms might have been someone else? How foggy memory becomes."
    You can sense a dark energy emanating from the head.
    "PROBABILITY is such a funny thing. Like the fact that you PROBABLY dropped the other two stones in the scuffle."
    You check your bag. Both of D'Arsonius' remaining pearls are gone.
    "See, a lot can happen when you look away."
    You demand to know what he's talking about.
    "Oh, the princess of course. You can't remember, can you? Cold sleep will do that to you."
    He's nearly disintegrated, leaving little more than a skull.
    "Haha, well, I suppose we'll have to continue this conversation later. But remember... this was only a third of my power, and you had Cecette fighting on your behalf. We'll see how you fare next time."
    Your hands take hold of the great stake, moving without your control. Wielding it overhead you slam it down on the remaining crimson pearl and it shatters into dust.

    Navine asks the captain why she would conceal her gender.
    "I'm not. The bandages just keep everything in place so that I can move about unimpeded."
    You stare her down.
    "Okay, and it reduces distractions with the men. We don't have any other female crew and they, well... you know how it goes. It just helps to have a curveless profile while we're afield."
    KATRIEN goes back out onto the deck with her sword drawn, expecting a fight. Instead, she finds a few fires and a huge pile of dragon scales.
    "Hey, does anybody know if these things are actually valuable?"
    She sees the unconscious elf Cecette on the deck.
    "Is that the vampire?"
    You don't recognize the woman either, but you tell her it's not Rose.
    "Ugh, so many stowaways on this ship. I'm going to send you all bills with postage due!"

    You watch as the red head of D'Arsonius slowly disintegrates from the touch of the light. The expression on its face is almost... jovial? You've never seen such a thing before.
    As the last of the head turns to dust, the white light enveloping it begins to compress. Much to your surprise, it flies into Milani's pendant, filling it with a gentle warmth. You note that the amulet is no longer frozen to your chest.
    This seems familiar. You recall purifying demonic ichor in the past, but the process never directly involved your own body (or the pendant) and it has never occurred automatically. You wonder if this was part of Goldleaf's spell or if it is another peculiarity of this dimension.
    Cecette has reverted to her humanoid state, as she appeared when you were in the dwarven city of Audamar. She's unconscious at the moment.
    While someone like Cecette could be useful (she DID seem to have a talent for leading monsters) you wonder how dangerous her continued presence will be. No doubt when you finally find the Veridian Stone she'll try to take it.
    Her life is in your hands.

    As you rip the stone from the dragon's chest you are assaulted by a blinding vision. You are standing atop a spire with a great city beneath you, wreathed in flames. The dragon you were just facing coils around the tower beneath you. He's enormous, much larger than the entity you just faced. As he locks eyes with you, cloying black smoke envelops the tower and you drop the pearl, returning to the deck of KATRIEN'S GLORY.
    You swear that the head of the red dragon nods at you as it disintegrates. You look for the pearl, only to see it impaled by GRANBERIA in a fit of rage. It, too, disintegrates to dust.

    Fatigued as you are at the invocation of your staff, you are pleased at its results. The purifying light enshrouds the vampire dragon's remains as Sancireph rips the stone from its chest, and as the veil closes around it the undead monstrosity is reduced to dust.
    You expect the light to dissipate after this, but instead it streamlines to the PALADIN and is absorbed by his medallion.
    Fatigued, you make your way to the kitchen below deck to get something to eat.

    Several minutes pass as the crew of the ship attempt to assess their losses.
    Someone notices that the helmsman is missing. Suddenly, a crewmember charges up onto the deck.
    "We're taking in seawater. Something's ruptured the hull!"
    The ship shakes violently to port, then begins to tilt slightly aft.
    The captain demands that the hole be repaired immediately.
    Another violent quake, this time towards starboard. The deck boards are popping up like seesaws and you can hear the hull shearing from the pressure.
    The captain orders the crew to abandon ship. But before they can lower the boats, an explosion from below deck rips the ship to pieces.
    Regardless of where you were on the ship, you awaken in the Captain's quarters. It's warm... unseasonably warm for mid-winter. KATRIEN, the ship's captain (Now locked) is tending to your minor wounds.
    Someone asks where you are. She says she doesn't know.
    Opening the door, you see most of the ship has been destroyed. Only the captain's cabin remains intact. It sits atop the wreckage of another ship, and more can be seen in the distance. It looks like you're on an island comprised of destroyed vessels.
    A ship graveyard.
    Supplies are banging against a shore at the base of the Katrien's Glory wreck. Most of the ships you can see are in terrible condition, you could be here for some time. It would be best to devise a strategy to gather supplies, patrol the wrecks for salvage, and engineer some means of escape.

    (Since Rose can only act at night, I'm splitting the party into two groups: day and night. Both groups will act simultaneously and independently of the other group [you will be forced to explore different parts of the ship graveyard to avoid temporal anomalies... unless extraordinary circumstances like Math Magic come into play] and will reconvene at dawn of each day. Also, Cecette may or may not be present based on what you as a party decide to do with her.)
    What will you all do?

  6. #436
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Granberia emotionally wounded orders everyone out of the cabin which results in her being attacked by KATRIEN, but she is no fool thanks to her SERENE MIND she easily over took him. The first mate puts her hand on KATRIEN'S shoulder explains that she is emotionally wounded and it would be best to give her space. KATRIEN holding a grudge calls Granberia wyrmbreath as ALISIA makes an annoucement that she and NAVINE were the ones who destroyed the ship. After they chase after them, I eventually break down into tears in CECETTE's arms explaining that I thought I would loose her; again, after just seeing her again after so long. this seems to have ignited a spark between us.

    Rose is surprised that the pirates run so fast and begins talking to the ships cook telling her story so far and learning about the pirates and the Rakshasa Abudl and how to defeat them using a hypothesis of his called DarkSpace Imprisonment (this changes the deployment and destination point to a place that never existed trapping the subject). unfortunately he is not a DarkSpace Mage and cannot test his Hypothesis. The pirate seems severely wounded about the crew's fall into piracy from simple shipping merchants.

    You're right, let's retire ally, she's problematic and a pain in my ass. I would rather just have Rose and Granberia.
    If you okay with it, let's ignore any PC interaction this round and just reconvene at the ship during nightfall perhaps?
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-09-2015 at 02:48 PM.

  7. #437
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    For the time being I will allow Cecette to accompany the group. However our priority at this point should be securing the area and salvaging what we can until a plan of escape is made. While my pendant absorbing the dust of D'Arsonius' remains and the betrayal of Alisia have my mind reeling, we must remain steadfast if we are to survive.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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  8. #438
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Granberia's Response
    With Zataka's confirmation to allow CECETTE to accompany us, I take the Diplomacy skills I gained as a soldier advising we stick together (safety in numbers on a deserted island) and invite Zataka.
    I already have in mind what I want us to fine btw, it's the boat Rose came to you guys on. Since CJC killed all my hobs, but one of them will survive though he is a minor npc trying to get back home. Still trying to figure him out and open to suggestions.
    @mrz84 @TheDarkOne
    Action Tennis
    Do you choose to come along with me and CECETTE?

    I have to admit, it was pretty funny that Sancireph was forced to explore on his own after making the assumption I invited him too. That being said Zataka has joined our entourage for now. But I've decided that if you want to come you can but you just do so quietly and let the Gamemaster handle everything so I don't have to edit all of these only once.

    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-09-2015 at 03:06 PM.

  9. #439
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I head out with the others to find supplies, trusting in Sancireph and Goldleaf to look after the remaining survivors.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  10. #440
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Granberia Response
    Sancireph raises an eyebrow as if to say. "I'm pretty sure she invited all of my friend." Granberia, CECETTE, and Zataka, go exploring find a ruined crab fishing boat with corpses of two hobgoblins and one survivor who mutters something about a sea monster and passes away. I take a blood sample so the vampire can come back and feed. @CJC this has a separate purpose eventually).
    Action Tennis -FILLED-
    Thoughts and opinions on the damage of the ship and dead passengers?

    Whatever did such horrible damage to the ship is not something we wish to trifle with, let alone encounter. Whatever did this will however pose the biggest threat to our survival from leaving this place.
    I suggest we'd best try to avoid this beast for now.


    CECETTE calls us over, telling us she's found something quite alarming while looting about for gear. Me and Zataka look at each other as if to say "She's a dragon and she's scared?"
    We go over and look over the side of the hull.

    GM Text Here, what did she find that would alarm even a dragon like herself." -FILLED-

    Three giant teeth, shattered, sticking out of the side of the boat. Each is easily as large as a cannon. The boat itself is torn to shreds, just like all of the others. Claw marks adorn the sides of the ship, big enough to imply the hand that made them is as large as a ship itself. A single silver scale, roughly as tall as Cecette, sits in the sand like a flag.
    There are also footprints in the sand. They appear amphibian in nature, as large as a man's, and there are literally hundreds of them.

    CECETTE explains she is going to go down and expect the scale and fangs, and try to identify it. I politely ask Zataka to gather another blood sample while I salvage for any non-perishables and useful gear until it's time to head back to he Captain's Cabin and explain I would like to be back before nightfall, annotating at who knows what horrors lurk after dark. I also mention that I would like to talk her outside away from the cabin alone when we return.

    GM Text Here," What do I manage to salvage, I can carry quite a bit being a tall and muscular mind you. Also I have decided to not Hi-Jack whatever that scale belongs to and let you decide feel free to include that too. "
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-09-2015 at 03:07 PM.

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