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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #341
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    The dragon chimera is torn apart in a burst of magical energy. Red fals on he hands and needs and i give her hug.

    Let head to the village. With the confusion of tonights events we should be able to sneak in.

    We come across two orges they roar a us and Red begins speaking a lnguage i dont know i assume its giant.

    Looks like thos wasnt an norma raid. it was a rescue mission for the chiefs son.

    She converses with them somemore.

    We have come to an arrangement. They lost comrads and expect an upcoming attack. They want us to go to the village and gather battle intel from the dwarves. In exchange they will help us take down Surge. Which is impossible without some help.

    Alright we will d it.

    She nods to the orges and they walk away.

    We make or way to the dwarven village and two dwarves approach.

    Qick focus on your eyes nd change thwm back to normal.

    I follow suit.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-23-2015 at 02:22 PM.

  2. #342
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    After hearing of Sancireph's concerns over the stone, I ponder for a moment and decide that it would be best to keep the stone to ourselves for the moment. I ask him to hold onto it (and the note) for the moment and keep it hidden as I believe he could do this better than I could. I now how concerns about the stone, but with it in my comrade's safe hands I follow my previous intentions (minus delivering the stone and avoiding mention of it) as previously stated otherwise.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  3. #343
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Name Granberia
    Alignment LN
    Race Dragonkin
    Class Magic Swordsman
    Weapon Mithril Greatsword
    Armor Mithril Breastplate
    Shield Nope

    I sit in the tavern playing drinking games with the dwarves so far i have managed to out drink some gnomes and a dwarf in the tavern.

    A second dwarf passes out. By the heavens above isnt there some dwarf in existance that can hold thier alcohol better then a dragonkin. All of sudden a flash feels the room and a regal dwarf appears.

    I guess its my turn then he says as he grabs to clean mugs ands fills them with a clear liquid and sits in front of me with his white beard and blue eyes.

    He downs his glass in three gulps and licks his lips. That is some good ale try it. He says.

    I take a sip and my head begins to spin and i fall out of my chair. Throw her in the brig, and ake sure you set up some magic wards. Place is empty now anyways.

    Summon me when she awakens. She is under arrest for suspician of being involved with the orges.

    I black out.

  4. #344
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I forgot to mention @CJC who that dwarf was. He is th prison warden an hates dragon of all shape and sizes. Im going to lock him and hand control over to you.

  5. #345
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Rule Clarification:

    General: Multi-Boxing
    This came up early in the game but it has only recently become a matter that needs clarification. Up until this point I have had a limitation of one character per user.

    That limitation is no longer valid. Users are allowed to create up to three characters to run in the game.
    I give you the following warning, though. You are only allowed three posts per update (Any further posts will not be considered when I am writing the update, I will simply ignore them). As such, running more than one character inhibits the available actions you will be able to make with each. Additionally, the plots involving a multi-boxing player will have less depth, as I will have more character details to track when writing updates and I will be easily muddled if things get to complex.
    Finally, any character you introduce beyond the first will be added to the game by your own effort; it is your job to work out the character's background and how they came to the situation they're in, just as it is your job (for all characters) to choose the character's motivations.

    If this three character limit is too constraining, you may RETIRE a character from the story to open up a slot. Retired characters cannot return to the game until an arc concludes, though, so take such action with caution.


    @mrz84 @TheDarkOne
    (Psst, Grant is Evaine's uncle. From his description in the note, it is far more likely that he is Gringham's father.)

    Zataka and Sancireph...

    Zataka, you see a dwarven woman walking the scene of the fight. She seems fixated on the great hole in the middle of the market. Since she looks official, you approach her and ask if there were any prisoners the ogres were trying to rescue, as the gnomish engineer who had been kidnapped had implied such when you were in the mountains.
    "That's funny, that elf over there was asking me the same thing earlier." She points to Sancireph. You invite him over.

    Zataka and Sancireph, the woman (whom Sancireph recognizes as Evaine) unfurls a scroll of parchment.
    "I was looking through my records and we did have an arrest about a month ago. There was a woman trying to lead an assault on the city with ogres. We captured her but were unable to dispatch with her forces. They must have been trying to retrieve her this whole time. It says her name is 'Cecette' "
    (Cecette is locked!)
    She looks at the fallen soldiers, forlorn.
    "If I had known she would have caused such damage, I would have had her executed. The Warden insisted that if we locked her up the rest would disband."
    She notices Gringham's body among the deceased.
    "Is that... no, it can't be."
    She runs over to him.
    "Gringham?! No... no, what was he even doing here?"
    She looks at the gaping hole in his chest, running her fingers along it.
    "The burn is so severe... if only there were a wizard nearby."
    You ask what she means.
    "I read a book once. 'The Thirteen Resurrections'. I'd gladly hire a wizard to bring him around. I can't... I just can't. How am I going to tell his father?"

    Sancireph, as she draws near to you an intense heat begins to emanate from your cloak. Specifically it is coming from the box you have hidden. You recoil and it begins to cool.
    You suggest that Evaine take you to see this prisoner.

    Zataka and Sancireph, you and Evaine (along with a half-dozen dwarven guards... two carrying Gringham's body) descend into the prisons. Zataka asks why Evaine is bringing the body with her.
    "Our traditional burial involves cremation. The ashes are then mixed with mortar for the construction of new buildings. I think my cousin can still be raised, so I don't want to let him out of my sight."
    She brings you to the cell where Cecette should be imprisoned, but it is empty.
    "I don't understand. Where is the prisoner?"
    She looks around, panicked. Turning to a guard, she demands that the warden be brought before her. A voice comes from around the corner.
    "No need for that. He's right here."
    An unfamiliar woman... full elven in appearance, rounds the corner [CECETTE]. The warden is crawling next to her, his forehead held back by one of her hands.
    "Tell me... what is that you have in your pocket?"
    What do you do?

    (I need to know what percentage of dragon Granberia represents. As a benchmark, BigJoe's character Jerias [The corrupted Dragoon] was 75% dragon and would be comparable to a D&D Lizardfolk)

    Granberia, the old dwarven warden TALRIK throws you in jail, attesting that you were involved in a recent ogre attack against the gates. You assert your innocence and explain how ridiculous his claim was.
    "What is it with dragons and mountains, anyway? You like to find a hot rock to sit on, lizard?"
    ...That... didn't have anything to do with what you were talking about.
    He slides a cold bowl of stew into your cell. Well, kicks it is more appropriate. Sneering at you, he scoffs and turns away, leaving you alone.
    You hear a voice from the next cell over.
    "He's a charmer isn't he? He reminds me of someone I met a long time ago."
    She reaches her arm out of her cell and waves to you.
    "Well then, is that the sweet warmth of dragon flame I sense emanating from you?"
    You ask how she could feel that.
    "It's a hard sensation to forget. Hello there. I go by CECETTE. What's your name?"
    What do you do?
    (Granberia is about a month BEHIND the other characters)

    Red begins her ancient Sylvan ritual to separate the HUNTER SPIRIT from the CHIMERA. It is old magic, learned long before she became a vampire... back when she lived alone in the woods with her family and frequently had to do combat with werebeasts. The technique is from the PHANTOM school of magic. She hasn't been able to cast it correctly since her induction to undeath, as vampirism is a consequence of extreme exposure to GOURMAND enchantment. Still... isn't it odd that a spell to treat lycanthropy would be a PHANTOM spell, rather than one of the LYCAON family? These thoughts perplex you as she casts.
    The dragon head of the beast watches the symbols form on the ground and studies them intently, all the while the wolf head screams in agony. Before the beast is ripped in half the dragon head begins to mimic the spell. Indeed you can see a similar set of runes--green--form beneath the chimera right before it is torn asunder. You are forced to avert your eyes from the flash of light that follows as you are freshly undead, but when you look again there is no sign of the chimera's corpse. ...And there's a blood trail leading off into the dead forest from whence you came.
    Which portion of the monster escaped?
    [Act Medias Res]
    Conversing with Red about Magic
    (Not Filled)
    [/Act Medias Res]
    You decide that in the panic of the dragon's attack you might be able to gain access to the city of Audamar proper. Red has expressed disdain at the prospect, though. Many times she tried to sneak into that fortress under the mountain and each time she was ejected. You ask why she wants to go there anyway.
    "There's a memento within. Something my father made a long time ago. The VERIDIAN STONE OF AUDAMAR. I want it."
    As you approach the city you encounter two ogres fleeing. Red approaches them and converses in a language which is unfamiliar to you. You assume it is giant, but could it be sylvan? Each word carries with it the weight of the forest, as if she is speaking the tongue of nature itself.
    "Your chief's... what? I don't understand, stop slurring!"
    One of the ogres shakes its head, sighs dramatically, and helps its friend limp away.
    "I think they're planning a counterattack. Such a thing might be the distraction we need to get my stone. Perhaps we could sneak it now... that we might take advantage of the chaos."
    She tells you to focus on your eyes, that you might pass for the living. As you approach the entrance to the mountain city you are stopped by two guards.
    "I'm sorry ladies, the city is closed for repairs. We've had quite the disturbance this night."
    What do you do?

  6. #346
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I quickly gauge the situation and determine that any hostile actions could cost the warden his life. I attempt to discern what her intentions are, as well as the purpose of the runes from her study. I watch for an opening and if I can, will rush forward with an wood enchantment on my armored gauntlets and attempt to detain her. If no such opportunity arises, I will make safety of the warden and Evaine my top priority above my own if need be.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  7. #347
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Granberia is a defect of the dragon race who is more humanoid then even halfdragons. She has human skin with scaly patches along her back an outer limbs an full on her and tail. She has finned liked projections from her face an gold almond shaped eyes an pointed teeth. Her hair is long and red an she keeps it tied up in a ponytail in the back. Abandoned as a child she was raised by a salamander who taught her cursed sword skills and elemental techniques.
    Google me for more info. She is from MGQ.

  8. #348
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I reach out and feel a warm sensation as I Shake her hand.

    "Nice to meet yeah CECETTE" I say with a wink. "I am Granberia also known as the swordswoman of fire."

    "Now there's an interesting handle. What is its' origin?" She askes me.

    I convey my background see above post. In Draconic

    "She smiles. That is unfortunate. Im sorry you had to go that."

    "Care to tell me about yourself CECETTE?"


    "Looks like we both live interesting lives CECETTE."

    I start whispering. "We need to bus out of here. That racist dwarf is gonna starve me to death. Whats the play?"


    "Very well. We wait till then and escape together."
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-29-2015 at 11:47 AM.

  9. #349
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    You feel a hand your shouder.

    There is no need for bloodshed. You will only get yourselves killed. I walk up to the dwarf and glare at him.

    You ask me what my deal was month ago remember.

    The answer is simple I live by my sword and my wits. Too hell with your hot rocks.

    Tell us Paladin would be interested in a sparring match. If you win we will leave this place. If you win you must choose.

    I draw my sword and fac you and wield it both hands.

    Hold nothing back fellow swordsman.


  10. #350
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I say nothing about the stone, stating that what I carry with me is no concern of hers. I am certain the stone does not belong to her and she has no right to it. Furthermore, I doubt her intentions are good. I caution Zataka that I suspect she will not fight fairly, and if he accept her challenge, he should be watchful for any treachery. I also keep an eye on here, ready to intervene if I see any subversion.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

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