Rule Clarification:

General: Leaving and Rejoining the Game
If you wish to leave the game, you needn't fret. You do not even need to announce your departure. Every time you miss an update, I will reduce the length of your next prompt (Prompt lengths are usually proportionate to the amount of text you supply). After a few missed updates, I'll assume you want out and I will stop supplying prompts for your character(s).

Rejoining the game is a little more complicated, though. When you first create a character I make an effort to insert that character into the universe, but when your character leaves it becomes your responsibility to explain why they came back. This can be as simple as reading the last few posts and saying that you passed out and woke up in the new setting, or as complex as a short story arc about time travel and magic McGuffins taking your character to Mars, whereupon he/she saved the world before popping back into the middle of a pirate ship during an epic sea battle.
Again, the size of the prompt I will supply is roughly proportionate to the amount of material you give me.

In other words, if I stop supplying prompts for your character I have assumed you no longer hold any interest in the game. If you do wish to resume play that is fine, but you will need to figure out how to bring your character back into the story.
@SUCCESSOR @bigjoe @Xyvol


Your past and present swirl in a murky vortex as you try to make sense of what is happening. The werewolf that chased away the vampire... the spirits you saw as you fled.
Were they multiple spirits? They seemed to be everywhere you looked, but they were all identical in appearance. As you focus on this matter you discern that it was indeed a single entity: a spirit of the wolf that was chasing you and clinging to the corners of your perception.
Your head hurts. What had the dwarf said to you when he pulled you away. He saw you sprinting blindly through the dark, then grabbed you and brought you to this... hovel.
He said he was under attack. No, that the village was under attack. From what? You feel a flash of a memory. You were glancing up at the sky and you saw the silhouette of something big against the moon. REALLY big. You think it might have been a dragon.
Going back to the thoughts about the wolf spirit, you note that each time it spoke it was trying to climb into one of the trees in the dead forest. It was looking for life to give it form. That must be it! The thing couldn't touch you. ...Why couldn't it touch you?
You have a flash of insight... a memory of yourself, but not one that is familiar. It is a Rossaria bound with the beast, drinking some concoction from a clay mug. A potion. Someone brewed a potion to pull the beast away. It must be warding against the spirit's return to your body.
But when were you such a beast? How did you even get here? The memories continue to spin and perplex you.
Suddenly you are acutely aware of a sharp pain in your neck. You recall that a woman--another elf--introduced herself and sank her teeth into you. Is this confusion her doing? She seems familiar but she is also a stranger.
Your left eye fills with red, as if there is blood dripping down your brow. You are in the dwarven hovel... it is a run-down place. You have faint recollections of Audamar. If this dwarf is living outside of the mountain he can't be in good standing with the town. Is he some manner of hermit?
The elf woman--CAMILLA--is shouting at the dwarf.
"No, NO! What have you done?! You have interrupted the process. She will become DHAMPIR, trapped between life and death!"
The dwarf's voice echoes, as if in the distance.
"Be silent, monster! You will not survive the night!"
You hear the sound of trees snapping. No, not trees. Camilla has broken the dwarf's neck.
"ROSSARIA, we are not finished. Focus on me. Come to me."
You push her away and sprint out of the hovel. Exhilaration fills your lungs as you breath in the night air. It is as if you are feeling the world for the first time. You look into a puddle and see that your LEFT EYE has turned RED, while the right remains as it has always been--BROWN.
The wolf spirit stands before you, body poised to strike. It looks at your eye with grief, then turns its attention to the moon above. The silhouette of the dragon lingers in the sky. With a powerful leap the spirit joins with the dragon, which begins to descend upon you.
What do you do?


Sancireph, the guard agrees to take you to someone in charge, but does so by leading you at the tip of his sword. You've never had to work so hard to help someone before. Don't these people care that they're about to be invaded?
You are eventually brought to a dwarf woman behind a stack of papers. She does not take the time to look at you; she takes a page from one stack, signs it, moves it to the other stack, and then repeats.
"Ma'am, this elf claims that some band of ogres is trying to drill their way into the city. Ridiculous, right? Should I throw him in the drunk tank?"
She glances slightly upward, adjusting her glasses in the process.
"Ogres? Didn't we have a problem with ogres a few weeks back?"
She rifles through some papers.
"Yeah, here, I have an arrest record that has ogres in the report. Some woman was leading a charge at the front gates with an army of ogres."
She stands, and holds out her right hand to shake yours.
"I'm EVAINE, prime minister of Audamar. I apologize for my underlings, there are always people coming and going for trade agreements and we can never be too careful."
You explain that the ogres have been kidnapping gnomes and that they have constructed a drill to burrow into the city.
"The ogres are still acting in an organized fashion? But we've arrested their leader? How are they still taking orders?"
She invites you to accompany her to the city's prison, with the intention of interrogating the captured prisoner.
You feel a faint rumble in the distance. It sounds like it came from the market.
What will you do?

Zataka, the guards are about to apprehend you and take you to jail for trespassing when the ceiling of the market begins to shake. You see the stone at the top of the cavern begin to give way and you are able to tackle GRINGHAM out of the way before the drill comes crashing down, shaking the ground violently as it lands. Its tip lands in the ground and continues to drill, spewing sand in all directions as it spins. Following the plummet of this machine you see ogres dropping down from the ceiling one by one. About three reach the ground before you can draw your sword, but you can see more in the opening above.
This will be a hard fight, but there are many allies you can employ: the gnomes in their mechs, the dwarven guards, and even the greenhorn knight.
A green ogre raises its big axe into the air. It looks like he's preparing to electrify the ground, much like before.
How will you do battle? What commands will you give your militia?