I'm gonna throw in my hat (after some much though on what sorta character to play as)

Name: Mangetsu Zataka
Class: Paladin
Weapon: Great Sword
Armor: Heavy Plate Armor
Misc Gear: Milani's Pendant (given to him by his wife; offers protection from water/ice based attacks, weapons and spells. Can also only be manipulated by the original owner)
Magic: Healing and Buff spells (Holy Type) with a few attack spells (again, Holy Type)
Appearance: http://authornumber2.deviantart.com/...ance-322771085

I'll await confirmation before posting further. Otherwise, I'm sitting near the end of the bar listening in on any information of a certain person's whereabouts. Though the conversation the bartender is having has some interest on the man on the hill as well as anyone with dangerous magical talent.