Sorry for the massive wait! We finally have the screenshots, so let's commence with the voting!


Note to self: Purchase life insurance.


"Surely my world isn't so predictable that there would be a secret cave behind this waterfall," Link pondered. "If a secret is expected, is it really a secret to begin with? Am I unoriginal too? Am I meant to exist?" Then Link died from sudden existential trauma and was reborn in the game's sequel.


do you ever wonder what its like to be a peahat? trolling people, being so hip flying high up in the sky just chillin as a kid waves his sword from down below. "sup" says the peahat "wofkofkwjogj f" the player responds by slamming his keyboard in a fit of rage. the peahat lands and dies in hyper realistic blood the end... for the peahat


Where am I...