Hi Forum,

I'd like to announce my first quest submission entitled "8-Bit NES New 3rd Quest." It was a quest I had initially given to my brother as a birthday present, but it is now ready to be shared with the ZC faithful.

I grew up in the 80s, and like most people on this site, I thought The Legend of Zelda was the greatest game ever made. This submission is my paid homage to the game. I've kept the entire overworld unchanged, but all dungeons and secrets have been re-hidden throughout Hyrule. The submission is to be viewed as another alternate "or 3rd-style" quest.

The game is designed for the experienced Zelda player, and it is my hope that you find the game challenging and enjoyable. I stayed just about as true to the original game as possible. In the words of my brother, "Level 9 was incredible!"

If I've done my job, my hope is that you'll feel like you're back in 1987 all over again, enjoying the original NES all over again!!

Feel free to reach out with comments, feedback, or general questions as you play. For those of you who end up beating the game, please send me a message and share what you thought was good, bad, awful, or amazing! I'm already working on another quest, and I'd love to incorporate your feedback.

All the best, and remember, "It's Dangerous to Go Alone!" My sincere thanks to the mods for maintaining this site and facilitating the publishing of my quest!
