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Thread: Da Mega Mans!

  1. #11
    Sir Anthony Brasel's Avatar
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    I don't know why some of you have said that Mega Man & Bass was a good game. It's not. The level design and enemy placement are terrible, and it's hard for all the wrong reasons. Maybe I need to play it on SNES rather than GBA. That one and Mega Man 8 just don't feel like real Mega Man games to me. It's not that the gameplay made any changes, they just feel kind of lazy, like the developers were working on other things and just released these two as an afterthought. Keiji Inafune put Mega Man and Bass (Rockman and Forte) on the SNES because he wanted players who didn't have a Playstation to be able to play a new Mega Man game. Enough ripping on that game. Opinions are like buttholes, right?

    My favorite game on the NES is Mega Man 2. I'm pretty sure my first Mega Man game was the original Mega Man, but Mega Man 2 blew me away. I played that game a ton as a kid and I'll always have fond memories of sharing strategies with neighbor kids. We all kind of raced to finish the game. I don't remember who won, but it probably wasn't me. Mega Man 3 is freaking awesome as well. The introduction of the sliding mechanic was genius. I think I remember being just as excited for Mega Man 3 as I was for Super Mario Bros 3.

    I didn't even know that Mega Man 4 had been released when I saw it at the rental store. I beat this as a kind when renting it. I didn't own it until I was a teenager. I'm pretty sure I ended up selling it pre-army days. It's a good game, but I can't stand the charging noise in this game. It seems to loud, and it drowns out some fantastic music. The game design really relied on the charge shot as well, so you pretty much always had to have a blast ready to go.

    Mega Man 5 didn't really add anything new to the series, but it's still a solid game. I had the fact that you lose your charge shot when you get hit. I guess it was an attempt at balancing the difficulty out. I owned this one when it came out, but again, I sold it during my pre-army days. That sucks too, because this game is the most expensive Mega Man game on the NES right now. I have fond memories of this game, but it definitely wasn't my favorite. It just didn't add anything new.

    I owned Mega Man 6 as well, but I no longer have it. I never liked this one nearly as much as the rest of the games in the series. I still don't. It's not a bad game, it's just not Mega Man 2 or 3. The Rush adapters were pretty cool, though. I think my indifference toward this was was because I already had Mega Man X when I got 6, and Mega Man X kicks a lot ass.

    Mega Man 7 was a game that I was always trying to buy, but it was expensive even back when it came out. It's over $120 right now, and when it came out, I'm pretty sure it was $70. I never had the cash to buy it. It's a good game, but definitely not my favorite. The original Mega Man games just didn't feel the same after the NES days. Fun fact: Mega Man's charge shot always did an equivalent to 3 normal shots of damage up until Mega Man 7. In Mega Man 7, it only does 2 normal shots of damage. During the levels, it's just easier and faster to use normal shots.

    I owned Mega Man X and X2, but never X3. Mega Man X is a freaking amazing game. I still love the armor mechanic and the dash jump. The charge shot sound in this game isn't nearly as intrusive as it was in the NES Mega Man games. Mega Man X2 was really cool. At times, I kind of like it more than Mega Man X. It seems a bit more polished, I think, and it's just a bit more challenging. Mega Man X3 came out and I had the same problem with it that I did with 7. It was just too expensive for me to buy at the time. I really liked the mega armor suit things in this game, but the rest of it just isn't as good as Mega Man X or Mega Man X2.

    Mega Man X4 was one of the first games I owned on the Playstation along with Mega Man 8 and Final Fantasy VII. X4 was cool at the time, but I went back and played it again recently, and it just doesn't feel the same. It's not a bad game, I just don't have the same memories of this one as I do for other games in the series.

    I have the Mega Man X collection for my PS2, but surprisingly, I had never played X5 or X6 until a few days ago. I decided to finally give them a shot...and I wasn't impressed. I'll go back and finish them someday, but not today.

    I really want to try out Mega Man X7 and X8. I head X7 isn't great, but X8 is a lot better. I think I rented Command Mission once, but it wasn't great.

    I liked the first Mega Man Zero game, and I think I still own it. I beat it, but I never really had any interest in playing any of the others in the series.

    Mega Man 9 was awesome. I play through it every once in awhile. Mega Man 10 was good, but not as good as 9.

    Oh wow. Sorry guys, I really like Mega Man games. Has anyone played Street Fighter X Mega Man? It was okay. I haven't beaten it yet.
    Talga Vassternich -- Deserve Victory


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  2. #12
    Wizrobe erm2003's Avatar
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    @Anthony I agree with you on your take regarding Mega Man and Bass and Mega Man 8. I thought it felt cheap in various areas, especially the stages that auto-scrolled and you just had to memorize the timing or you would die instantly. I hated those. I also disliked the fact that the first 8 stages weren't all accessible from the beginning. I know the same thing was done in Mega Man 7, but that just felt like more of a complete game when compared to the other two. Maybe it was just because I spent more time playing it and never really connected to the other two. Sometimes though I think MM and B and MM 8 were hard just for the sake of being hard and that took some of the fun out of it for me.

  3. #13
    Murana Wolford DarkFlameWolf's Avatar
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    Mega Man Unlimited and Mega Man Rock Force are some good fan games made last year that are worth a shot. Especially to any avid Mega Man fan!
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  4. #14
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by rock_nog View Post
    Oh wow, this statement for some reason just sent me on a massive flashback to the days of renting NES games. Two things that immediately came to mind were (a) renting a game multiple times and hoping against hope that your save game from the last time you rented it was still on there, and (b) renting a game where someone else had already made it super far, and so you got to play their saved game as sort of a cheat ("Oh sweet, this dude got the magic sword AND the blue ring for me!")
    Actually, now that I think more about it... I remember I had a school notebook with diagrams of Mega Man pass-codes (and codes from other games for that matter) scattered around in it. LOL, I just remembered that.

    Yep. Those were the good old days of NES carts, video stores that rented out VHS tapes, and a time when people would think a blue-ray is a type of aquatic fish. A time where if you wanted to play a game you had to get off your lazy ass, head down to the recycling center and turn in some cans for CRV so you could afford to rent it for the weekend. Imagine that, children forced to go outside every now and again.
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    Username Kaiser SUCCESSOR's Avatar
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    With a little help from Save States I beat Mega Man *wipes forehead*. I really liked that game. It was definitely very unforgiving. Without save states it may have taken me twice as long. From this point on I am playing on Mega Man Anniversary Collection and Mega Man X Collection so no more save states! It also means no more emulation woes. Though, I think they are still emulated but they are done very well from what I can see playing X2. X2 and 3 I have played before(X3 only on emulators) but it has been a while. Wire Sponge took me a good amount of tries to beat but I was also getting used to the GC controls. Starting up Mega Man 2 now.

    I can't remember which mega man games I played as a kid. This was my first time ever playing Mega Man 1. I think I have played MM2 before but I am not sure.

    @Anthony , Wasn't Rockman and Forte made by different people? I played some of that on emulators back in the day. I heard about StreetFighter X Mega Man. I haven't tried that

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkFlameWolf View Post
    As far as my love for MM goes, I am almost done with a Megaman fan game called: Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen. JMan2050 is working with me on this since 2009. We are almost done and we should be expecting a release July or at latest August.
    This is some news! I can't wait to play it. How are you guys developing it?

    AS far as other Mega Man games I don't think I have played any. I messed with the Battle Network games awhile back (I think it was a semi translated Jap Rom because it was titled Mega Man EXE). I never played much of it.
    @Gleeok , They used to say kids would never get out of the house in the 90s because of Video Games, before the internet took over! I remember writing down codes in school notebooks, graphs of the match game in Mario 3, and other stuff like that. Good times. Codes were nice because you could take them to your friends house and start playing there without bringing your game.

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    Username Kaiser SUCCESSOR's Avatar
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    Argh, the Mega Man Anniversary Collection's button configuration is weird. But I did get MM9 and 10 on my Wii so I can play through the whole series. I may Play Rockman 7 Famicom instead of Mega Man 7 since I already beat that one. I can only play up to MMX6 though unless I can emulate MMX7. Wish I could play X8 though since I hear it was actually pretty damn good.

    Anyway I am going in pairs. Mega Man and Mega Man X are done. On Mega Man 2 and Mega Man X2. Actually beat Quick Man's Stage without using Flash Man's Weapon.

  7. #17
    Wizrobe erm2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUCCESSOR View Post
    Argh, the Mega Man Anniversary Collection's button configuration is weird.
    This. I couldn't believe they didn't have the thought to either keep the buttons in the same order or at least give players an option to change the button configuration. It is the single most disappointing thing in the Anniversary Collection, though truthfully you will get used to it after a while. I was able to finish all but 8 on that disc. At least the X collection didn't make that mistake.

  8. #18
    Sir Anthony Brasel's Avatar
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    @SUCCESSOR I could probably look it up if another team handled Rockman and Forte, but I'm too lazy. I know that Keiji Inafune was involved though. Street Fighter X Mega Man is worth checking out, but if you can't find the download, I'd just watch a couple minutes of a longplay instead. It isn't mind blowing or anything, just kind of neat.

    There is a game store near me that still has Mega Man X8 sealed, brand new copies. They're only about $30, so I've thought about picking one up. They have a bunch of cool stuff that people just never bought, like Final Fantasy Anthology, Chrono Cross, and Final Fantasy IX.
    Talga Vassternich -- Deserve Victory


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    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    I played and beat almost every Megaman game I have heard of, with exceptions of Battle Networks and Command Mission.
    Got so good at the X series that I could beat the whole game without even using any of the sequencing battles to always have the weaknesses utilized to win, could do it almost just as easily with just the X buster.

    I am only replying to this thread to point out that I agree completely with the analysis of Megaman and Bass.. Something about that game was very different than the rest of the series. As soon as I picked it up, and I don't know if this is true or not because I never did a direct comparison, so my brain might have just been on hyperdrive that day, but Forte was moving slow. So slow, in fact, that the first time I picked up the game to play it to put another title under my belt of winning another Megaman game that I immediately quit before I even got past the first level because the guy was moving so slow.

  10. #20
    Keese The Satellite's Avatar
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    I adore me some classic Megaman, I've played the entire classic series and X and X2. The X games are alright, but they don't hold the same charm for me as the classic series, but someday I'll get around to finishing the X series. But the classic series, that's some good stuff. Well the 8-bit ones. 7 and 8 are... alright. I actually kind of enjoyed Megaman & Bass but I do remember it being quite difficult and I only played it once. But the 8-bit stuff is usually gold. 3 and 4 are easily my favorites, while I find 2 and 5 to be the worst. 2 just has too many cheap segments and questionable design choices, as well as like... no weapon balancing whatsoever. Its only redeeming factor is its pretty glorious soundtrack, though I find the Wily Stage theme to be a bit overrated. As for 5... I just remember pure hatred. I'm going to play it again to see if my feelings still apply, but I didn't like it. It felt bland and the music was mostly not very good and I hated Wave Man's stage. Admittedly it kind of had my favorite moment in the series, the confrontation between the real and fake Protomen.

    But yeah, the rest are solid. I feel like 4 is maybe the best designed of the NES games, but I love 3 a little more. 4's soundtrack is also somewhat lackluster though it has its good tunes, while 3's soundtrack is absolutely godly. 4 did have a good plot twist though. ... that was subsequently recycled in the next two games and by 6 the double-fortress gimmick just got stale, even if 6 was a good game as well. Ah well. Still a fun series.
    Last edited by The Satellite; 12-01-2014 at 04:19 AM.

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