Quote Originally Posted by Nightmare View Post
OK, I'm done.

Check your statue flags all over. A lot of rooms, were they there just for decoration?

Didn't find the Red Ring or 1 Heart, but I didn't need it. This is not good.

Basically, I have no official say of what gets accepted or rejected, but quite frankly, this quest is easier than the 2nd Quest, and I whole-heartedly believe it should be rejected on those grounds. You really need to tone up this quest to make it more challenging before the deadline. And to be fair, most people hare have beaten New Quest, James Quest, the 3rd, or the 4th, some 0-gaming them. This won't impress them. Your only chance of winning with the current build honestly if people can't finish the more difficult ones.

But until Gleeok or SUCCESSOR gives the final word, here's the score I'd give you and I'll put you in on the ratings:

Difficulty: 0/100
Easier than the 2nd Quest.

NES authenticity: 99/100
VERY accurate, better than Miller's

Fun Factor: 50/100
Boring, no new secret finding techniques, easy.

Overall score: 49.67/100
Needs work.

Good luck, and maybe you can improve it with the time remaining.
Thanks for the feedback. I went ahead and made a few tweaks to the difficulty and made a little tweak to level 5.