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Thread: Visitation

  1. #11
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    This thread reminds me of "TIME CUBE".

    Only Cubic Harmonics can save humanity.
    This post contains the official Gleeok seal of approval. Look for these and other posts in an area near you.

  2. #12
    A is A Mercy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    This thread reminds me of "TIME CUBE".

    Only Cubic Harmonics can save humanity.
    I think you may be correct; same crappy grammar.

    I'll be in a corner, weeping for Strunk and White.
    "The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius."

    Glenn the Great: I just think I'd be happier as a pretty lesbian girl.

    "Live and Let Live" is an excellent, tree-hugging philosophy, but it doesn't do much when the ones you refuse to kill are dragging you down with them.

  3. #13
    MasterSwordUltima's Avatar
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    TIME CUBE intimidated me with it's ever growing font size. And adults eating teenagers, and belly-buttons...what?

  4. #14
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    Yeah, and I've never heard of this 'Time Cube.'. Was it made of sugar and LSD by chance? People off in the distance making productions like that would also be a valid reason not to butt in on conversations that I don't have to be in. Time Cube is awesome! Four days at once!

    Bet he played a bunch of FF.

    8 Points in a cube. Sounds squary rather. Time Square is maybe what he meant.

  5. #15
    The Artist Once Known As Old-Skool QDB Manager
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zim View Post
    Yeah, and I've never heard of this 'Time Cube.'. Was it made of sugar and LSD by chance? People off in the distance making productions like that would also be a valid reason not to butt in on conversations that I don't have to be in. Time Cube is awesome! Four days at once!

    Bet he played a bunch of FF.

    8 Points in a cube. Sounds squary rather. Time Square is maybe what he meant.
    Reminds me of the "Galactic Standard Week" from Men In Black (except that only lasted one hour)

  6. #16
    MasterSwordUltima's Avatar
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    I feel like I might be the butt of a galactic joke, which was initiated by me replying to this thread and not knowing what the fuck is going on.

  7. #17
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    It's not a joke though.

    Cybernetic digital media correspondence doesn't imply real colloquialistic proximity and/or unto itself doesn't imply or infer any type of real life permission to proximity, interaction, conversation, or authorization to attain such.
    Those are two completely different things and also have completely different guidelines as to what is acceptable or not that being the case.

    In no way, shape, or form, is it legal for someone to give permission to someone else in real life to actually physically assault them, for example, and even if they do, the assaulter would still be held liable by the state or person they assault if the person or state presses charges, because there's no excuse for it, it's a free country. This is only not true in the case of duress or mental illness, in which case the burden of prevention and/or responsibility is then on the custodian of the person or the person who was threatening and/or causing the stress on the individual in the first place.

    Forums like this are viewed and participated in via digital media correspondence, not in any way directly reliant on one singular specific location, device, or otherwise particular method of actually getting the words on the site pages or otherwise retrieving them, as long as those means are not malicious in nature, and do no damages to the site.

    Real life physical reality situations aren't looked at the same way by the Law, because location, intention, and other things are automatically things to consider when the person(s) is/are acting.
    For example:
    If a person has attained proximity intentionally to a person who doesn't desire for them to do so for the purpose (or even if they're multitasking and take advantage of the convenience of being close enough to do so) of doing things to or saying things to a person with no invitation, especially in the case that the person informed the other party that they actually desire for them to not have communication or interaction, that person may be presumed to be a burglar, and inference of violent intent is also implied by Statute in the State that I live in, and constitutes Stalking charges, a Class C felony.

    Obviously, then, since no indication of permission or consent to close proximity physical interactions and conversations by proximity is inferred due to the conversations being held on a digital media device by default or automatically, posting on the forums or reading the forums are clearly not the same thing as being anonymously viewed or spoken to in real life.
    Last edited by Zim; 01-18-2014 at 06:45 PM.

  8. #18
    Floormaster Imzogelmo's Avatar
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    By multitasking, one takes down the otherwise normal degree of alertness and spatial awareness that comes about from being focused on the singular task at hand. One does not need to then strike out against the presumed stalker. The question is one of intention. If one is not alert and is caught by a person sneaking, it is the lack of alertness that is to blame, as the onus of external stimulus is not on the person who is minding their own business, but rather on the person receiving the auditory and visual feedback.

    As has been pointed out, in a real life, physical situation, intention is crucial in assigning a would-be assailant's motives. So long as a person is not in a location that he is legally forbidden to enter (i.e. trespassing), then he is free to go and come as he pleases. There is no legally recognized 3-foot-personal space, it is merely a social convention which may be compromised without recourse.

    Oh but if there were! I would totally press charges on the person whose field of vision I incidentally passed through. The right to be free from glances is paramount!

    But seriously, on a forum, you can post, or not post; visit, or not visit; abide by the dictates of the site or risk banishment. It's really as simple as that. If you feel violated by it, then clearly it is not something to continue to pursue.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imzogelmo View Post
    By multitasking, one takes down the otherwise normal degree of alertness and spatial awareness that comes about from being focused on the singular task at hand. One does not need to then strike out against the presumed stalker. The question is one of intention. If one is not alert and is caught by a person sneaking, it is the lack of alertness that is to blame, as the onus of external stimulus is not on the person who is minding their own business, but rather on the person receiving the auditory and visual feedback.

    As has been pointed out, in a real life, physical situation, intention is crucial in assigning a would-be assailant's motives. So long as a person is not in a location that he is legally forbidden to enter (i.e. trespassing), then he is free to go and come as he pleases. There is no legally recognized 3-foot-personal space, it is merely a social convention which may be compromised without recourse.

    Oh but if there were! I would totally press charges on the person whose field of vision I incidentally passed through. The right to be free from glances is paramount!

    But seriously, on a forum, you can post, or not post; visit, or not visit; abide by the dictates of the site or risk banishment. It's really as simple as that. If you feel violated by it, then clearly it is not something to continue to pursue.
    I concur that subsequential lack of focus is a byproduct of spreading one's attention too thin over too many causes, and also it is evident that the forums here are a completely alternate topic as to legality and intent. It is obvious anyone participating with the forum directly is doing so knowing full well what doing so entails, and every person, with regards to the US, has the right to do so if they please, unless someone else is doing something innapropriate that causes them to do so against their own free will.

    To further elaborate, the topic was originally about people whoms intent was to directly and without invitation and in fact priorly informed of a no communication policy still continuing to do so at inappropriate times and saying inappropriate things, specifically, such as addressing me by name and defaming my character, telling other people things that aren't true about me within my earshot on purpose, making sudden claims of partnership when I'm doing well at playing music by myself at home and they just happened to hear it, which is also slander and malignering.

    I had previously informed everyone around me that when they cannot dial a phone number to call me, or actually knock on my door and then be permitted to enter and interact, that I do not desire any interaction with them at all because this is a private place that they are not welcome to trespass on.

    So it's nothing to do with a lack of alertness in this case, it was a lack of other people's abidance of the law. It was people that were acting as if for some reason that they had a free lifetime VIP pass to my home life, but really my privacy is very important to me because peace and quiet is good sometimes, and also they don't have any right to force other people into participating, and pretending or attempting to establish that other parties in the world are obligated to be addressing someone else 'round the clock is approximately 10-20 felonies wrapped into one. Just because they could hear me doesn't mean they are invited.
    Just because these people can receive data like my new password doesn't give them the right to share it or blurt it out, for another example, that is easily construed as Cyber Stalking and Stalking both at the same time.
    Last edited by Zim; 01-19-2014 at 12:29 PM.

  10. #20
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    In other words the law is stated in broad-form terminology that applies to everyone's benefit, even those with less perceptual modes of operation, I.g. extroverted as opposed to introverted and/or inductive.

    Edit: In other words, for another example, there is a no contact order from the court preventing contact or communication with me IRL for my brother because of multiple counts of DV and malicious mischief:
    He has violated that order hundreds, if not thousands of times since the issuance of the order, which recently led to another malicious mischief charge, and my blood being splattered all over the place and a surprise broken nose, allegedly because his kid is more important than my right to live, even though they could've went elsewhere.
    (He hit me in the face with my own blender after I was going to offer him a drink of fresh real O.J. I thought that's what he was doing and so I didn't stress it, then WHAM, right in the face. Blood and pulp everywhere.)
    Last edited by Zim; 01-19-2014 at 07:49 PM.

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